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GreaterMUD / Re: 2023 Reset Dates/Times and...
Last post by Winterhawk - August 30, 2023, 09:50:35 AM
Corpses are an engine mechanic and are governed by a setting of time to decay...pvp is set to 0 or instant.
Balance Analysis / Re: AC(BLUR) (10)
Last post by Achilles - August 30, 2023, 03:39:17 AM
Yessir.... perfect!  ty!
GreaterMUD / Re: 2023 Reset Dates/Times and...
Last post by Excarkun - August 29, 2023, 08:24:49 PM
so the pvp and pve are the same basically but one has Corpses' and other doesn't  in the data..

I was asking if we can tweak the drops.. but if you do it for pvp  then you got to do it for pve? 

ok ..
Balance Analysis / Re: AC(BLUR) (10)
Last post by Guntz - August 29, 2023, 03:44:55 PM
Actually I lied.  It does have a tenths place when it's calculated.  For example if  you're running at 27% encumbered and had a blur AC of 5. You would get +3.6 AC. 
Balance Analysis / Re: AC(BLUR) (10)
Last post by Guntz - August 29, 2023, 03:40:38 PM
the .08 does not carry over as Blur is done in integers. Unlike AC that has a tenths place.
GreaterMUD / Re: 2023 Reset Dates/Times and...
Last post by Winterhawk - August 29, 2023, 09:51:15 AM
Quote from: Excarkun on August 26, 2023, 02:48:00 PMWhy is there no voting on Limited's being unlimited?
is there other options?
like lowering the % per limited drop or upping the % drops?
this is PVP long run limited items will play out and pvp players will use other items if a unlimited didn't drop ....or

you kill a player that has one you want... if that other player has the unlimited... part of the game..

so can we get a VOTE on this. at least on the % of Unlimited drops ??

This decision was made 7 years ago when we began the project to extend the game past the original data. Rare is every bit as valuable as limited and yet someone starting later to a game can still manage to get a decent set of gear.

1) To do lims on one and no lims on the other would mean keeping 2 distinct data sets up to date with every single change or update and that is too much work to do for a very small group doing this a hobby for free.

2) There are currently 3 games running including a stock data realm with limiteds in place at the original drop rates. If none of those games satisfy you then my advice is to look elsewhere.

GreaterMUD / Re: 2023 Reset Dates/Times and...
Last post by MudHunter - August 28, 2023, 05:49:30 AM
Can always quit, I guess.  We've done just fine without ya.

Basically you wanna try and be a dick and kill people to take gear.  Thats fine. But that cuts both ways. If you do play, I hope you can hide, cuz I'll make it my personal mission to keep you naked.
GreaterMUD / Re: 2023 Reset Dates/Times and...
Last post by Excarkun - August 28, 2023, 12:40:11 AM
that the Problem NO limiteds PERIOD.. unless your a carebear player which maybe you are I can see why you don't understand ..
this is Dumb having

NO limiteds.. I hate it .. really if it not changing... why bother playing .pvp... 
GreaterMUD / Re: 2023 Reset Dates/Times and...
Last post by MudHunter - August 26, 2023, 09:20:03 PM
Im not even sure what that was saying. There's like no lims anymore. Everything has a drop rate.  What exactly would we be voting on?

GreaterMUD / Re: 2023 Reset Dates/Times and...
Last post by Excarkun - August 26, 2023, 02:48:00 PM
Why is there no voting on Limited's being unlimited?
is there other options?
like lowering the % per limited drop or upping the % drops?
this is PVP long run limited items will play out and pvp players will use other items if a unlimited didn't drop ....or

you kill a player that has one you want... if that other player has the unlimited... part of the game..

so can we get a VOTE on this. at least on the % of Unlimited drops ??