Where did GreaterMUD go?

Started by Vitoc, December 08, 2006, 12:37:29 PM

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We're in the process of converting GMUD from one style of telnet server to another.? The telnet server is up and running, but at the moment, the GreaterMUD realm is not accessible.? I'm going to work on it feverishly for the next couple weeks, and I'm fairly confident I can get most of it up and running in that amount of time.? The character creation / stat distribution screen will probably be the most difficult item, but I think I learned from the mistakes I made in the last one (flashing screen FTL).

TGS v1.0 (coming soon)

FYI - You know we missed the hair lenght, hair color and eye color in the last character creation screen....

Quote from: The Crazy Animal on December 08, 2006, 06:25:06 PM
FYI - You know we missed the hair lenght, hair color and eye color in the last character creation screen....
Duly noted, will have to add that in.

TGS v1.0 (coming soon)

So, is it up and running yet? The server that is, when I try to log in, I get unable to connect via TCP/IP.....
Mistic ToeThumper
Colt ToeThumper

well since no one else seems to have given an update here's what happened:

The router that vitoc was using went south so he replaced it with a new one that uses some difficult to figure out opensource software. To say the least it too a while to figure it out so the code swap got put off for that. After that the server was up running with a teleconfrence module to test the connection handling. Right now the server is down it was either a router problem or server crash don't know yet. Unfortunately I think that vitoc went on vacation since I haven't been able to get a hold of him so he can fix what ever the problem is.

At any rate the code swap over to the new server still has to happen before greatermud will be full up and running again.

Quote from: The Crazy Animal on December 31, 2006, 02:54:35 PM
well since no one else seems to have given an update here's what happened:

The router that vitoc was using went south so he replaced it with a new one that uses some difficult to figure out opensource software. To say the least it too a while to figure it out so the code swap got put off for that. After that the server was up running with a teleconfrence module to test the connection handling. Right now the server is down it was either a router problem or server crash don't know yet. Unfortunately I think that vitoc went on vacation since I haven't been able to get a hold of him so he can fix what ever the problem is.

At any rate the code swap over to the new server still has to happen before greatermud will be full up and running again.
Yeah, sorry guys, I was on vacation.

The router woes continue.  We're having all kinds of connectivity and DNS issues on the LAN.  My laptop and my gf's comp are using wireless and both our connections had been going in and out ever since the router swap.  To make a long story short we now have 2 wireless routers stacked on top of one another, one of them with it's wireless interface disabled completely (we're just using it to login via PPPOE and grab our static IP block).  This seems to have solved our wireless issues, but I don't have much faith in this router with this open source firmware at this point.  If the problems persist I'll be buying a couple NICs and just using our FreeBSD box as a router/gateway.

Tonight I'll get the old GMUD engine running on a separate port (maybe 2323 or something, any suggestions?) and the work in progress on the standard telnet port 23.  I just want something to show for all the work that's been put in thus far.  I know DC has been making some progress lately, so when he has something to throw on the server we can use his content with the old engine temporarily until the new one reaches completion.

TGS v1.0 (coming soon)

I would swap it put the old server on 23 and the new one that still needs work on 2323 for the time being.

Quote from: The Crazy Animal on January 02, 2007, 04:26:07 PM
I would swap it put the old server on 23 and the new one that still needs work on 2323 for the time being.

TGS v1.0 (coming soon)

January 02, 2007, 11:34:53 PM #8 Last Edit: January 23, 2007, 06:06:03 PM by Vitoc
Quote from: The Crazy Animal on January 02, 2007, 04:26:07 PM
I would swap it put the old server on 23 and the new one that still needs work on 2323 for the time being.
Ok, router allowing, both should be up and running.

Just to clarify, that means the old gmud realm is running on port 23 and ONLY the new telnet server (with teleconference, wee!!!) is running on 2323.  If you telnet to port 2323 you will be bored.

TGS v1.0 (coming soon)

This topic has been unstickied since GreaterMUD is back.

TGS v1.0 (coming soon)

I know it has been a while, but when I tried to log on today, I couldn't.
did you all change the IP or dom... I would like to check it out and see
where you have gotten. PLZ ::)
Mistic ToeThumper
Colt ToeThumper

Quote from: Colt on November 12, 2007, 10:12:00 AM
I know it has been a while, but when I tried to log on today, I couldn't.
did you all change the IP or dom... I would like to check it out and see
where you have gotten. PLZ ::)
http://greatermud.com/forums/index.php?topic=460.0  ;)

If I could make that stickied thread title any more prominent I would.  Any ideas?

TGS v1.0 (coming soon)