Lucifer 1

Started by Nysander, September 19, 2010, 08:03:56 PM

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September 19, 2010, 08:03:56 PM Last Edit: September 19, 2010, 08:07:20 PM by nysander
Crumbling City Street
Also here: Lucifer.
Obvious exits: north, south, west
Grohm walks into the room from the west.
A short quaggoth thonot walks in from west.
[HP=449/MA=240]:wcur luc
A dark cloud passes over you
You cast wrathful curse on Lucifer!
[HP=449/MA=215]:soul luc
*Combat Engaged*
Crumbling City Street
Also here: Lucifer*, Grohm*, short quaggoth thonot.
Obvious exits: north, south, west
The following people are in your travel party:
Nysander StuffMe               (Priest)     [M: 79%] [H:100%]     - Frontrank
Grohm NomNomNom               (Warrior)             [H:100%]     - Backrank
[HP=449/MA=215]:wcur luc
You have already cast a spell this round!
[HP=449/MA=215]:soul luc
*Combat Off*
*Combat Engaged*
The short quaggoth thonot glares at you!
You are picked up by a mysterious force and slammed down for 21 damage!
You make a powerful incantation!
Spiritual power strikes Lucifer for 273 damage!
Grohm slashes short quaggoth thonot for 434 damage!
The quaggoth shudders and roars, then falls dead!
Grohm is searching the area.
Crumbling City Street
Also here: Lucifer*, Grohm*.
Obvious exits: north, south, west
Grohm is searching the area.
Grohm is searching the area.
You make a powerful incantation!
Spiritual power strikes Lucifer for 150 damage!
Lucifer drops to the ground!
Lucifer is dead.
*Combat Off*
Lucifer is dead.
Lucifer is dead.
Lucifer is dead

Blood 2 Html Version
Character Hit% Crit% Hit Ave Crit Ave Spell Ave AC% Dodge% Damage Taken Total Damage
You 0 0 0 0 0
[shadow=#808080,right,250] Grand Total =  0 [/shadow]