grohm catches lucifer camping dakkon in black fort

Started by fergman, September 19, 2010, 08:10:48 PM

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Small Passageway
You notice 13 gold crowns, 35 silver nobles, 5 copper farthings here.
Also here: Silmaril, Nysander.
Obvious exits: open door northwest, southwest
You are following Silmaril.
The following people are in your travel party:
  Silmaril FuckurMouf            (Gypsy)       [M:100%] [H:100%]     - Frontrank
  Grohm NomNomNom                (Warrior)              [H:100%]     - Backrank
  Nysander StuffMe              (Priest)      [M: 97%] [H:100%]     - Backrank
Silmaril is searching the area.
Nysander is looking to the southwest.
Silmaril picks up some platinum pieces
Silmaril is searching the area.
Nysander spits.
Silmaril is searching the area.
Nysander is searching the area.
Nysander just disconnected!!!
You notice 192 gold crowns, 1275 silver nobles, 923 copper farthings, rope and g
rapple, lantern, mine pass here.
[HP=565]:smash luci
A dark cloud passes over you
*Combat Engaged*
You slice Lucifer for 243 damage!
[HP=565]:(Dmg:243 Tot:421)
Silmaril just left to the southwest.
You hear movement to the southwest.
You hear movement to the southwest.
-- Following your Party leader southwest --
Elaborate Chamber
You notice 14 gold crowns, 67 silver nobles, holy writ here.
Also here: Silmaril, dark cleric, tall dark cleric.
Obvious exits: northeast
dark cleric casts agony on Silmaril for 18 damage!
The tall dark cleric bludgeons Silmaril for 2 damage!
The tall dark cleric bludgeons Silmaril for 15 damage!
*Combat Off*
Silmaril attempts to cast speed, but fails.
[HP=565]:smash luci
Your command had no effect.
Silmaril just left to the northeast.
-- Following your Party leader northeast --
Small Passageway
You notice 13 gold crowns, 35 silver nobles, 5 copper farthings here.
Also here: Lucifer*, Silmaril.
Obvious exits: open door northwest, southwest
A dark cleric strides in from southwest.
Small Passageway
You notice 13 gold crowns, 35 silver nobles, 5 copper farthings here.
Also here: Lucifer*, Silmaril, dark cleric.
Obvious exits: open door northwest, southwest
[HP=565]:smash luci
*Combat Engaged*
You slash Lucifer for 279 damage!
Lucifer drops to the ground!
Lucifer is dead.
*Combat Off*
The dark cleric flails at you with their morning-star!
The dark cleric flails at you with their morning-star!
Lucifer is dead.
Lucifer is dead.
Lucifer is dead.

Blood 2 Html Version
Character Hit% Crit% Hit Ave Crit Ave Spell Ave AC% Dodge% Damage Taken Total Damage
You 100 0 261 0 0
[shadow=#808080,right,250] Grand Total =  522 [/shadow]