we vote for every thing......gjr

Started by tinyman, October 20, 2010, 12:53:58 PM

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hey i think we should vote on gjr cause we vote on everything else so why dont we vte on the gjr issue...

loves u

so wheres the voting buttons

but i vote NO GJR

they aren't meant to be in the game, it makes the +illu races and items less powerful

As much as I am addicted to gold jeweled ring, it is like crack, its best for us all if we dont have them. The fact is that the races get massivle balanced without it. Half Ogre, Kang, Half Orc all become much less powerfull. Other races pay a lot for night vision in exp.

on this note maybe adjust race XP and give all races nightvision,

or give hogs, etc a accuracy debuff if they are in low light to encourage them to use cim/sunsword/torch etc.

being in dark rooms is an annoying and unneccesary part of the game, i can understand in some places but its retarded you cant see at all...

hey tiny it doesnt matter because im sure you will be banned... for being small.. and mad will be banned eventually for being angry :/