I got bored

Started by Mersinary, August 07, 2011, 07:16:20 PM

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06:57pm Angruin gossips: Duhh, Hulk, Danger, Mersinary, Catface hanging out at ninja shop
06:57pm Angruin gossips: in silvermere
06:57pm Lucifer gossips: thx brt
06:57pm Kenneth gossips: it's a race
06:57pm Angruin gossips: they look to be af
06:57pm Angruin gossips: k
06:57pm Lucifer gossips: a race u will lose
06:57pm Lucifer gossips: cuz the luci has the biggest grudge
06:58pm Kenneth gossips: gotta take into account the fact i was just sitting in bank
06:58pm Lucifer gossips: if they dont hos u
06:58pm Kenneth gossips: they won't
06:58pm Lucifer gossips: if theyre not in ur range
06:58pm Lucifer gossips: lemme know
06:58pm Angruin gossips: hurry
06:58pm Kenneth gossips: yah, range might be a prob
06:58pm Angruin gossips: whack these fucks
06:58pm Angruin gossips: loaded
06:58pm Angruin gossips: to the hilt
06:58pm Lucifer gossips: i hate them more than anyone
06:58pm Kenneth gossips: com'on down luci - gonna need ya.
06:58pm Lucifer gossips: u can count on good ol luci
06:59pm Angruin says "KILL!"
06:59pm Angruin says "tf are you doing"
06:59pm Angruin gossips: lucifer
06:59pm Angruin gossips: this clown is like level 10
06:59pm Angruin gossips: come kill these bitches
06:59pm Lucifer gossips: yes coming right now damnit
07:00pm Zero says "buying eq"
07:00pm Glyyph gossips: me three
07:01pm Bill just disconnected!!!
07:02pm Mersinary gossips: hahaha
07:02pm Mersinary gossips: is ninja shop not safe room anymore?
07:02pm Angruin gossips: fucking balls
07:02pm Angruin gossips: it is
07:02pm Angruin gossips: whoda thunkit
07:02pm Mersinary gossips: ok then shut up