Non-PVP Dupe Clarification

Started by Demonic, January 21, 2007, 01:22:48 PM

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January 21, 2007, 01:22:48 PM Last Edit: January 21, 2007, 02:39:45 PM by Demonic
Gardner, could you please confirm or explain for reference. I have heard this mentioned in BG a few times and would like you to clarify...

Issue You start a warrior, or any character, race to required level (this time 35) start a dupe, then roll the primary that allowed the dupe.

I was suspended for this some time ago because my IP showed 2 characters, neither of which were at the required level.

If this is truly the case can you adjust the rules to read maintain a level 35 in order to run a dupe? I know we had a few people mention using the warrior tactic to get the dupe then role the warrior before the dupe was 35 to allow a 2nd active.

As always thanks!

Awesome, that will help clear the air.