Hermafro beat 100% Rape

Started by TheDude, November 06, 2014, 01:12:05 PM

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You cast wrathful curse on Hermafro!
[HP=xxx/MA=399]:word Hermaf
*Combat Engaged*
The angry young white dragon swipes at you with its talons!
Hermafro slams angry young white dragon for 58 damage!
angry young white dragon takes 3 damage from the cold!
Hermafro swings at at angry young white dragon!
Hermafro smashes angry young white dragon for 60 damage!
angry young white dragon takes 4 damage from the cold!
You raise your palm towards Hermafro!
A holy symbol springs from your fingers and burns Hermafro for 125 damage!
A holy symbol springs from your fingers and burns Hermafro for 103 damage!
A holy symbol springs from your fingers and burns Hermafro for 112 damage!
A holy symbol springs from your fingers and burns Hermafro for 115 damage!
A holy symbol springs from your fingers and burns Hermafro for 90 damage!
*Combat Off*
Hermafro drops to the ground!
Hermafro is dead.
Hermafro is dead.
Hermafro is dead.
Hermafro just disconnected!!!
Blood 2 Html Version
Character Hit% Crit% Hit Ave Crit Ave Spell Ave AC% Dodge% Damage Taken Total Damage
You 0 0 0 0 0
[shadow=#808080,right,250] Grand Total =  0 [/shadow]

Of course, he will claim that he was engaged on a monster, which means this was 100% unfair pvp.  That is, if he can muster up the courage to return to the realm after this ass-whooping!