No lock command

Started by DeathCow, September 16, 2006, 09:54:00 PM

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September 16, 2006, 09:54:00 PM Last Edit: March 21, 2007, 06:33:37 AM by The Crazy Animal
[HP=5191/MA=2000]: aa s
You bashed the gate open.
You take 2 damage for bashing the gate!
Boring Trainer
Obvious exits: open gate north
Your search revealed nothing.
Your search revealed nothing.
[HP=5189/MA=2000]:aa n
The gate is already open.
[HP=5189/MA=2000]:open n
The gate was already open.
[HP=5189/MA=2000]:close n
The gate is now closed.
[HP=5191/MA=2000]:open n
The gate is now open.
[HP=5191/MA=2000]:close n
The gate is now closed.
Boring Trainer
Obvious exits: closed gate north
[HP=5191/MA=2000]:lock n
Your command had no effect.


TGS v1.0 (coming soon)

by lock i mean look...[/drunk] in i'm wasted

the short command for lock isn't in still: lo <direction>

Quote from: The Crazy Animal on September 18, 2006, 05:29:25 PM
the short command for lock isn't in still: lo <direction>
That doesn't invoke the "look" command in major mud?  (honestly not sure, just asking)

TGS v1.0 (coming soon)

L is the short for look
LO is the short for lock

Sorry TCA, but you're spouting shit this time :P

Guarded Hut
Obvious exits: north, open door south
[HP=313/781 - MA=247/292]:l s
Forest Street, Guarded Hut
    A group of large amazon warriors stand here guarding a hut. Strange noises
come from within. You will have to convince them to let you through to see
what is inside. A large sign on the door reads simply "Beware!" You think you
hear screams coming from inside.
Also here: amazon guard, amazon guard, amazon guard.
Obvious exits: open door north, south, east, west, southeast,
[HP=307/781 - MA=247/292]:lo s
Forest Street, Guarded Hut
    A group of large amazon warriors stand here guarding a hut. Strange noises
come from within. You will have to convince them to let you through to see
what is inside. A large sign on the door reads simply "Beware!" You think you
hear screams coming from inside.
Also here: amazon guard, amazon guard, amazon guard.
Obvious exits: open door north, south, east, west, southeast,
[HP=301/781 - MA=247/292]:close s
The door is now closed.
[HP=301/781 - MA=247/292]:lo s
The door is closed in that direction!
If we can hit that bulls-eye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards.? Check-mate!

hmm I could have sworn that lo worked for lock.
loc it is then I just double checked.

I guess look just has two shorts for the command.