GMUD Marathon coding session

Started by Vitoc, February 09, 2007, 10:48:03 PM

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I finished the Telnet server and I'm in the process of porting over GMUD right now.

Only 1864 errors to go.

TGS v1.0 (coming soon)

0! omg.

So it doesn't work (at all, hehe), but it doesn't crash either.  :D

TGS v1.0 (coming soon)

Welcome to the official Greater MUD server!
Please enter your username or "new": vitoc
Please enter your password: *********
Welcome back, Vitoc!
Main Menu
T : Teleconference
G : Greater MUD

X : Exit

Please enter your selection: g
Boring Shop
Obvious exits: closed gate south
You laugh!
[HP=27/MA=8]:l s
Northern Path
? ? This is the northern path.? The path continues to the north, or back to the
Obvious exits: closed gate north, south
Boring Shop
Obvious exits: closed gate south
[HP=27/MA=8]:bash south
Your attempts to bash through fail!
[HP=27/MA=8]:bash south
You bashed the gate open.
You take 2 damage for bashing the gate!
Thank you for playing! Goodbye!

Boring Shop
Obvious exits: open gate south
Thank you for playing! Goodbye!

Boring Shop
Obvious exits: open gate south

Connection to host lost.
(stopped the server there since I couldn't exit)

We're in business boys!? Going to put in a few hours tomorrow morning and fix the things I disabled temporarily.? The good news is the large majority of the existing GMUD code plugs in to the new FSM without a hitch so it doesn't need a rewrite.?

TGS v1.0 (coming soon)


I'd send you a case of Guinness or something but I don't know where to mail it. *fingersnap*
Quote from: DeathCow
Yes clearly I'm making a text porn.  Lesuire Suit Mud.

Good work, I'll actually work on finishing up a small area to import. (by small i mean like 4000 rooms)

I hope I never have to work on another ansi menu as long as I live.  Several hours of work for a damn stat creation screen.  On the bright side, at least this one doesn't flicker like the last one.  Almost there...

TGS v1.0 (coming soon)