Content Update

Started by DeathCow, May 10, 2007, 04:37:47 AM

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Last nights update included a large number of fixes as well as new content in various locations.  It should be noted that Mysterious Village's Griffon transport now functions although many of the 'flavor' details do not function at all.  There is no way to teleport back to the mysterious village other than the obvious teleportation by death.  Most monster should now have their messages fixed, so if you notice any that have fallen through the cracks please re-report the bug.

The city of Duran had quite a bit of development added although, I admit not as much as I would have liked to have finished.  Unfortunately its hideously boring writing and distirbuting room descriptions, as well as populating shops and translating NPC scripts from Textfile to Textblock, so towns tend to take me a long time.  But as new functionality becomes avalible there is at least something interesting to work on within the towns.