Lucifer 3

Started by Nysander, September 19, 2010, 08:12:57 PM

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Sovereign Street, Northern End
You notice 59 gold crowns, 5 silver nobles here.
Obvious exits: north, south, east, west
You see Lucifer hiding in the shadows.
A dog barks off in the distance.
[HP=335/MA=196]:hold luci
You cast hold person on Lucifer!
Dakkon gangpaths: where you guys at
Sovereign Street, Northern End
You notice 59 gold crowns, 5 silver nobles here.
Also here: Lucifer.
Obvious exits: north, south, east, west
[HP=335/MA=184]:fury luc
*Combat Engaged*
Lucifer moves to attack you!
Lucifer lunges at at you!
Lucifer critically skewers you for 21 damage!
Lucifer lunges at at you!
Lucifer skewers you for 3 damage!
Lucifer skewers you for 4 damage!
You summon divine fury upon Lucifer for 157 damage!
[HP=307/MA=168]:blin luc
*Combat Off*
You cast blind on Lucifer!
[HP=307/MA=156]:hold luci
You have already cast a spell this round!
[HP=307/MA=156]:fury luc
*Combat Engaged*
Lucifer says "no mana"
Lucifer lunges at at you!
Lucifer lunges at at you!
Lucifer slashes you for 10 damage!
Lucifer skewers you for 1 damage!
Lucifer critically impales you for 40 damage!
You summon divine fury upon Lucifer for 103 damage!
Lucifer drops to the ground!
Lucifer is dead.
*Combat Off*
Lucifer is dead.
Lucifer is dead.
Lucifer is dead.
Blood 2 Html Version
Character Hit% Crit% Hit Ave Crit Ave Spell Ave AC% Dodge% Damage Taken Total Damage
You 0 0 0 0 130
[shadow=#808080,right,250] Grand Total =  260 [/shadow]