Sodium - Borked in the orcs

Started by Cecil, September 30, 2010, 12:16:54 PM

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You cast hold person on Sodium!
Your command had no effect.
Attempting to hide... You don't think you are hidden.
*Combat Engaged*
You critically slash Sodium for 35 damage!
You critically hack Sodium for 39 damage!
You critically slash Sodium for 34 damage!
Sodium drops to the ground!
You critically hack Sodium for 44 damage!
Sodium is dead.
*Combat Off*
Sodium just disconnected!!!

Rubbish Disposal Chamber
You notice 35 orc-heads, golden battleaxe here.
Obvious exits: north
The room is dimly lit
[HP=208/MA=149]:pull lever
You pull the large iron lever.
A hatch in the floor opens, dropping rubbish down into flames!
Rubbish Disposal Chamber
Obvious exits: north
Blood 2 Html Version
Character Hit% Crit% Hit Ave Crit Ave Spell Ave AC% Dodge% Damage Taken Total Damage
You 0 100 0 38 0
[shadow=#808080,right,250] Grand Total =  152 [/shadow]

Harsh man.  Now what are we supposed to do for salt???