Found a wild bug

Started by Tank, July 21, 2011, 12:30:28 PM

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I have no idea how this happened or what, but this character can move across silvermere in a fraction of a second, here's his stats:

You are carrying Nothing!                                   
You have no keys.                                           
Wealth: 0 copper farthings                                 
Encumbrance: 0/0 - None [0%]                               
Name: Ninja Warrior                    Lives/CP:    5/100   
Race: Human       Exp: 14              Perception:      0   
Class: Warrior    Level: 1             Stealth:         0   
Hits:     3/3     Armour Class:   0/0  Thievery:        0   
                                       Traps:           0   
                                       Picklocks:       0   
Strength:  0      Agility: 0           Tracking:        0   
Intellect: 0      Health:  0           Martial Arts:    1   
Willpower: 0      Charm:   0           MagicRes:        0   

You rerolled him and then the board was restarted before you entered the realm again.

No he was in silvermere when I came in.

At some point he was rolled and the board restarted.  That is the only way for that particular bug to happen.

I trained him without leveling and earned 400 cps when I raised my stats from 0 to 40, he still sucks ass though. 

Yes that is part of the bug. 

I'm just wonderin, you let me keep a hacked character but I couldn't hold onto 3 limited items while I tried to sell them.  Why?

Even though the character is hacked, how effective is a human warrior on a pvp realm?

Quote from: Gardner Denver on July 24, 2011, 05:57:44 PM
Even though the character is hacked, how effective is a human warrior on a pvp realm?

Ever try seeing what happens when a character with 0 str gets song of weakness cast on him?  I remember back when module 1 came out, backstabbing for 360 damage with a lvl 10 character with negative str.

Dont forget bashing the gate in the crypt to get access to all the cool items noone was supose to have.

Quote from: pentagruel on July 24, 2011, 10:33:41 PM
Ever try seeing what happens when a character with 0 str gets song of weakness cast on him?  I remember back when module 1 came out, backstabbing for 360 damage with a lvl 10 character with negative str.

I don't believe a human warrior will be doing much backstabbing