
Started by tinyman, December 18, 2011, 11:27:52 PM

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ok gard teh crowing thing need to stop or only do it for like 2 hr.  its fukcing other poeple shit up and fuking the palyers.  yes it funny for a few but come the fuk on already.. i dont care that its luci.. but wtf.. it benn like 3 day.. get over it.. it stupid.  now he will be fuked casue u cant @where or other shit to people.  its just childish to do.. if he pissing u off cause some stupid shit supend his ass the fa king crow is just stuipd for ops to do on people. u cant realy have ur fealing hurt cause one it pvp and everyone bitches about evry thing and say he offending me.. tell them to grow the fuk up cause it pvp they can play on teh fa king carbear realm if they get butt hurt.. not that shit off.

love jew still tiny

Is there a website where you can convert normal english into this? Please provide the link, google translate does not work:(


Dear Gardner,
Please uncrow Lucifer.

Your Pal

good tran gard.. right on the spot