Learn me - solo ninja

Started by Torque, December 30, 2011, 04:37:55 PM

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condensed transcript

03:14pm Groktar gossips: 850 is great solo
03:14pm Groktar gossips: as a ninja
03:14pm Czaklo gossips: not really

03:15pm Groktar gossips: all you gotta do is give me ONE area a solo ninja at 47 will pull more than 850

Czaklo outright refused, Myrdd said Duergs.  I think Duergars is possible... but at 47 as a solo ninja? You had better have some lims, and a good hangup plan for goodies
Any other ideas?

doubt you can get more than 850.

No race and eq, it was a general question. If you had... 100% of everything you ever wanted as a ninja, its still pretty difficult to imagine. Golden pike and demon carved halberd come to mind, but little in the way of items.

Quote from: Torque on January 01, 2012, 09:07:12 PM
No race and eq, it was a general question. If you had... 100% of everything you ever wanted as a ninja, its still pretty difficult to imagine. Golden pike and demon carved halberd come to mind, but little in the way of items.

I dont see what the problem is?

Name: Mersinary                        Lives/CP:      9/0
Race: Nekojin     Exp: 452619805       Perception:     87
Class: Ninja      Level: 46            Stealth:       160
Hits:   389/427   Armour Class:  34/0  Thievery:        0
                                       Traps:         155
                                       Picklocks:     185
Strength:  100    Agility: 120         Tracking:      193
Intellect: 90     Health:  80          Martial Arts:  150
Willpower: 80     Charm:   90          MagicRes:       87
You are carrying 1 runic coin, 9 platinum pieces, 81 gold crowns, nexus chakram (Weapon Hand), black dragon hood (Head), black velve
t gloves (Hands), platinum
ring (Finger), adamantite ring (Finger), black dragon tabi (Feet), kote (Arms), death's shadow (Back), tiger-claw necklace (Neck), s
kirts of flame (Legs),
midnight sash (Waist), silversilk tunic (Torso), gunsen (Off-Hand),
emerald-studded bracelet (Wrist), ogre bone bracelet (Wrist), cobra earrings
(Ears), silver emblem (Worn), silver keyring, white gold ring, phoenix feather, pine wand, 2 blue potion, 3 net, bane dart, salca da
rt, smoke bomb, red dragon
tail, red iron hammer
You have the following keys: silver key.
Wealth: 1098100 copper farthings
Encumbrance: 1431/5040 - Light [28%]