working post ignore

Started by Stalkerr, August 15, 2012, 11:31:33 AM

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August 15, 2012, 11:31:33 AM Last Edit: August 15, 2012, 11:50:13 AM by Stalkerr
This is just a working thread for me to get all this organized in


Race Stat revert argument

Mystic scaling rework
Martial Arts DMG multiplier
  Kick, 1+((LVL/2)/100)
  Jump, 1+((LvL/1)/100)
LvL Max, 66.

Critcap adjustment

Remove QnD.
6 swing max
+1 crits for each 50 eu remaining after 6 swings with no regard to enc.

NRG accumulation formulas

Initiative Rework

turn into bbcode chart
adjust to ranges, add full formula
15 Backstabs, Stealth Spells
40 Ambush
70 Attacks, Monsters
71 Spells
80 Bash
90 Smash, CombatCasting

attack command reworks
-Agility Based

Public Function CalcAccuracy(ByVal Encumberance As Integer, _
                                 ByVal Combat As Integer, _
                                 ByVal Level As Integer, _
                                 ByVal Agility As Integer, _
                                 ByVal Intellect As Integer, _
                                 ByVal Charm As Integer, _
                                 Optional ByVal ItemAccuracy As Integer = 0) As Integer
        Dim Result As Integer = 0
        Result = ItemAccuracy
        Combat = Combat + 2
        If Result = 0 Then Result = 1
        If Encumberance < 33 Then
            Result = Result + (15 - (Encumberance / 10))
        End If
        Result = (((_FindLevelValue(Level) * (Combat - 1)) + _
                 (((Combat * 2) + (Level / 2) + (Result / 2)) - 2)) * 2) + _
                 ((Agility - 50) / 3) + ((Intellect - 50) / 6)  + ((Charm - 50) / 10)
        Return Result
    End Function
Bash and Smash keep current formula
-Str Based
Public Function CalcAccuracy(ByVal Encumberance As Integer, _
                                 ByVal Combat As Integer, _
                                 ByVal Level As Integer, _
                                 ByVal Agility As Integer, _
                                 ByVal Strength As Integer, _
                                 Optional ByVal ItemAccuracy As Integer = 0) As Integer
        Dim Result As Integer = 0
        Result = ItemAccuracy
        Combat = Combat + 2
        If Result = 0 Then Result = 1
        If Encumberance < 33 Then
            Result = Result + (15 - (Encumberance / 10))
        End If
        Result = (((_FindLevelValue(Level) * (Combat - 1)) + _
                 (((Combat * 2) + (Level / 2) + (Result / 2)) - 2)) * 2) + _
                 ((Strength - 50) / 3) + ((Agility - 50) / 6)
        Return Result
    End Function

When Calculating Max Damage for crits include

X and Y always at least 0

Add (X+Y)-6 to max damage (before multiplier)

Spell Damage Retardation
MR formula change
SC over 100% coverted to negative MR at 4:1 ratio. Negative MR may only reduce MR to 50. Monsters will covert Spell% for use.
writen as formula
DR bug adjustments
Ability Damage
Ability Damage-Mr
Ability Drain

Database changes-spells