Flex takes the Cat 5 storm by surprise!

Started by Vizzion, January 05, 2015, 05:49:54 AM

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You feel strange for a moment.
You feel tough!
Misty Bog
You notice 1 gold crown, 8 silver nobles here.
Obvious exits: south, up
Attempting to sneak...
[HP=602/MA=87]:l s
Misty Bog
    This haunting, claustrophobic marsh is filled a clinging mist which leaves
the skin feeling cold and clammy. Strange cries echo, muffled, in the heavy
air, and shadows move just beyond the vision. The ground here degenerates into
a murky marsh, filled with spiky roots and floating clumps of moss. The water
reeks foully with an choking, acrid odour, but fortunately it is only
knee-deep. The occasional feeling of something brushing against you leaves you
feeling uneasy.
Obvious exits: north, south
Misty Bog
Obvious exits: north, south
Broadcast from Flex "grin"
Tiny gossips: ill make a theif for our gang ok watts
Misty Bog
Obvious exits: north, south
Lucifer just entered the Realm.
Lucifer walks into the room from nowhere.
Lucifer gossips: cobro enter just lets get this shit over with
Lucifer is searching the area.
Lucifer casts wrathful curse upon you!
You feel unlucky!
Lucifer moves to cast divine fury upon you.
You cast freedom on Flex!
The effects of curse wear off!
[HP=600/MA=77]:enta luci
You have already cast a spell this round!
Attempting to sneak...You don't think you're sneaking.
Attempting to hide... You don't think you are hidden.
[HP=600/MA=77]:a luci
*Combat Engaged*
[HP=600/MA=77]:track lucifer
Lucifer went north from here.
Lucifer went south from here.
You cut Lucifer for 66 damage!
You cut Lucifer for 71 damage!
You critically chop Lucifer for 218 damage!
You cleave Lucifer for 60 damage!
You cut Lucifer for 48 damage!
Lucifer summons divine fury upon you for 174 damage!
The effects of resist lightning wear off!
Lucifer casts greater healing on Lucifer!
Lucifer moves to cast divine fury upon you.
[HP=439/MA=86]:enta luci
*Combat Off*
You cast entangle, ensnaring Lucifer with powerful vines!
Attempting to sneak...You don't think you're sneaking.
Attempting to hide... You don't think you are hidden.
[HP=439/MA=74]:a luci
*Combat Engaged*
[HP=439/MA=74]:track lucifer
Lucifer went north from here.
Lucifer went south from here.
You cut Lucifer for 69 damage!
You chop Lucifer for 61 damage!
You cut Lucifer for 35 damage!
Lucifer drops to the ground!
You chop Lucifer for 50 damage!
Lucifer is dead.
Flex just pummelled Lucifer!
[HP=439/MA=74]:(Dmg:215 Tot:784)
*Combat Off*
Lucifer is dead.
Lucifer is dead.
Lucifer is dead.
Knowone gossips: Flex ,KILLED Lucifer...pummelled!!!
Blood 2 Html Version
Character Hit% Crit% Hit Ave Crit Ave Spell Ave AC% Dodge% Damage Taken Total Damage
You 89 11 58 218 174
[shadow=#808080,right,250] Grand Total =  852 [/shadow]

well now,  that's embarrassing.
Rescue the mistreated, save the injured, love the abandoned.