Queer 3 - its beginning to look like a bad week

Started by TheDude, January 24, 2015, 06:13:07 PM

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You notice 62 copper farthings, 2 titanium forks, magical quartz rod, silver holy amulet, round shield here.
[HP=709/MA=437]:wcur queer
You don't see queer here!
[HP=709/MA=437]:word queer
You don't see queer here!
Queer walks into the room from the south.
Dose walks into the room from the south.
Town Square
You notice large sign, small sign here.
Also here: Queer*, Dose, tall Templar, large elite guardsman.
Obvious exits: north, south, east, west
Dose just disconnected!!!
You notice 62 copper farthings, titanium fork, magical quartz rod, 2 silver holy amulets here.
[HP=709/MA=437]:wcur queer
You cast wrathful curse on Queer!
[HP=709/MA=412]:word queer
*Combat Engaged*
The tall Templar swings at Queer with their greatsword!
The tall Templar swings at Queer with their greatsword!
The large elite guardsman cleaves Queer for 23 damage
The large elite guardsman cleaves Queer for 29 damage
The large elite guardsman cleaves Queer for 16 damage
The large elite guardsman cleaves Queer for 20 damage
The large elite guardsman cleaves Queer for 22 damage
You raise your palm towards Queer!
A holy symbol springs from your fingers and burns Queer for 97 damage!
A holy symbol springs from your fingers and burns Queer for 85 damage!
A holy symbol springs from your fingers and burns Queer for 73 damage!
A holy symbol springs from your fingers and burns Queer for 118 damage!
Queer drops to the ground!
A holy symbol springs from your fingers and burns Queer for 79 damage!
Queer is dead.
Silmaril just smurfed up Queer!
*Combat Off*
Queer is dead.
Queer is dead.
Knowone gossips: Silmaril ,KILLED up Queer...smurfed!!!
Tiny gossips: let the boddies hit the floor
Blood 2 Html Version
Character Hit% Crit% Hit Ave Crit Ave Spell Ave AC% Dodge% Damage Taken Total Damage
You 0 0 0 0 0
[shadow=#808080,right,250] Grand Total =  0 [/shadow]