A brave endeavor!

Started by Fitz, February 22, 2015, 07:27:33 PM

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Nasty casts sleep on you!
You are lulled into a magical slumber!
Nasty moves to cast barbed tentacles upon you.
Temple St.
You notice 1 copper farthing here.
Also here: Nasty, happy guardsman.
Obvious exits: north, south, east, west
[HP=843]:bash Nasty
You are fast asleep.
Nasty makes a sweeping gesture!
A mass of barbed tentacles erupt, smashing you for 77 damage!
You are fast asleep.
You are fast asleep.
You are fast asleep.
[HP=766]: use net nasty
You are fast asleep.
[HP=766]:bash nasty
You are fast asleep.
Nasty just left to the east.
You are fast asleep.
Nasty walks into the room from the east.
Nasty attempts to cast sleep on you, but you resist!
Temple St.
You notice 1 copper farthing here.
Also here: Nasty, happy guardsman.
Obvious exits: north, south, east, west
Nasty moves to cast barbed tentacles upon you.
Temple St.
You notice 1 copper farthing here.
Also here: Nasty, happy guardsman.
Obvious exits: north, south, east, west
You awaken from the unnatural slumber.
You notice 10 gold crowns, 5 copper farthings here.
You notice 10 gold crowns, 5 copper farthings here.
You notice 10 gold crowns, 5 copper farthings here.
[HP=766]: use net nasty
You throw a net at Nasty and entangle them!
[HP=766]:bash nasty
*Combat Engaged*
Nasty moves to cast forked lightning upon you.
You cut Nasty for 42 damage!
You cut Nasty for 58 damage!
Your sharp blade gives Nasty a jagged wound!
You cut Nasty for 38 damage!
Your sharp blade gives Nasty a jagged wound!
You slash Nasty for 88 damage!
Nasty raises a hand and utters a word of power!
Forked lightning streaks out and fries you for 44 damage!
Forked lightning streaks out and fries you for 37 damage!
[HP=685]:(Dmg:226 Tot:226)
Nasty casts sleep on you!
[PVP detected! (05:53 pm)]
You are lulled into a magical slumber!
Nasty moves to cast barbed tentacles upon you.
You are fast asleep.
You are fast asleep.
You are fast asleep.
You are fast asleep.
You are fast asleep.
Nasty attempts to cast barbed tentacles, but fails.
[HP=701]:gb {Being attacked by Nasty}
You are fast asleep.
[HP=701]:bash Nasty
You are fast asleep.
You are fast asleep.
You are fast asleep.
You are fast asleep.
[HP=701]: use net nasty
You are fast asleep.
[HP=701]:bash nasty
You are fast asleep.
Nasty attempts to cast sleep on you, but you resist!
Nasty moves to cast barbed tentacles upon you.
You awaken from the unnatural slumber.
You slash Nasty for 88 damage!
You slash Nasty for 45 damage!
You cut Nasty for 46 damage!
You swings at at Nasty, but he dodges out of the way!
You cut Nasty for 99 damage!
Nasty drops to the ground!
The angelic sound of a choir floats down through the air.
Temple St.
You notice 1 copper farthing here.
Also here: Nasty, happy guardsman.
Obvious exits: north, south, east, west
Woland gangpaths:
he was at kind of a southern eastern one
Temple St.
You notice 1 copper farthing here.
Also here: Nasty, happy guardsman.
Obvious exits: north, south, east, west
[HP=701]:bash Nasty
*Combat Off*
*Combat Engaged*
You slash Nasty for 51 damage!
Nasty is dead.
Fitz just educated Nasty!
*Combat Off*
Nasty is dead.
Nasty is dead.
Knowone gossips: Fitz ,KILLED Nasty...educated!!!
Temple st.
You notice 44 gold crowns, 1 copper farthing here.
Also here: happy guardsman.
Obvious exits: north, south, east, west
Tiny gossips: let the boddies hit the floor
Nasty attempts to cast sleep on you, but you resist!
Nasty moves to cast barbed tentacles upon you.
[HP=701 (Resting) ]:
Temple St.
You notice 44 gold crowns, 1 copper farthing here.
Also here: Nasty, happy guardsman.
Obvious exits: north, south, east, west
[HP=701 (Resting) ]:bash Nasty
*Combat Engaged*
Nasty moves to cast forked lightning upon you.
You slice Nasty for 100 damage!
You slice Nasty for 40 damage!
You slice Nasty for 84 damage!
You slash Nasty for 89 damage!
Nasty raises a hand and utters a word of power!
Forked lightning streaks out and fries you for 60 damage!
Forked lightning streaks out and fries you for 60 damage!
[HP=581]:(Dmg:313 Tot:313)
You may not search while attacking!
You may not search while attacking!
You may not search while attacking!
[HP=581]: use net nasty
*Combat Off*
You throw a net at Nasty and entangle them!
[HP=581]:bash nasty
*Combat Engaged*
Nasty attempts to cast sleep on you, but you resist!
Nasty moves to cast forked lightning upon you.
[HP=581]:use turq
You quaff a turquoise potion, and feel MUCH better!
[HP=594]:use turq
You quaff a turquoise potion, and feel MUCH better!
[HP=604]:use turq
You quaff a turquoise potion, and feel MUCH better!
[HP=612]:use turq
You quaff a turquoise potion, and feel MUCH better!
Nasty moves to cast barbed tentacles upon you.
[HP=630]:use turq
You quaff a turquoise potion, and feel MUCH better!
[HP=644]:use turq
You quaff a turquoise potion, and feel MUCH better!
[HP=659]:use turq
You quaff a turquoise potion, and feel MUCH better!
Trojan gangpaths: where at fitz
Nasty moves to cast barbed tentacles upon you.
You may not search while attacking!
You may not search while attacking!
You may not search while attacking!
[HP=669]: use net nasty
You have already cast a spell this round!
[HP=669]:bash nasty
*Combat Off*
*Combat Engaged*
Nasty moves to cast barbed tentacles upon you.
You cut Nasty for 103 damage!
You cut Nasty for 60 damage!
Nasty drops to the ground!
Nasty is dead.
Fitz just *CENSORED* Nasty!
*Combat Off*
Temple St.
You notice 44 gold crowns, 1 copper farthing here.
Also here:
Obvious exits: north, south, east, west
Knowone gossips: Fitz ,KILLED Nasty...*CENSORED*!!!

Blood 2 Html Version
Character Hit% Crit% Hit Ave Crit Ave Spell Ave AC% Dodge% Damage Taken Total Damage
You 94 0 69 0 50
[shadow=#808080,right,250] Grand Total =  1232 [/shadow]