Training Key

Started by apocalypse, July 01, 2015, 03:23:26 AM

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Bought a training key and Megamud decided to crash, its never done this before. Come back into mud and theres no key and I subsequently can't train.
Has this happened to anyone else?

Crash happened as soon as key was bought

Mechanically:  You bought the key -> the roomspell that checks if you have the key fires -> You have the key and are teleported -> You hung up an trigger the exit room -> You enter the realm in the Grand Chamber((trainiing room key).

Insert somewhere in there the crash and subsequent disconnect from the server.

If the question is related to the crash, then no this isn't normal.  Its never happened to me nor has it been reported to my knowledge.

Bought the key -> Crash.
It actually crashed megamud which I guess is probably a problem of software on my side.
It's just strange that it happened in that instance as it's never happened before and the mechanics of buying a key and being teleported
is unique in its own right so I thought it could be correlated in some way.
Will try again tomorrow and hope it was just bad luck

You're just not good enough to train... the trainer doesn't want you there...  :P

You could always try buying it while using a different telnet client. ParaMUD Reference and Downloads