Lucifer Vs. Valiant 3 - Silenced In Silvermere

Started by Lucifer, June 10, 2018, 11:49:33 PM

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Also here: Valiant*.
Obvious exits: north, south, east, west
You surprise slice Valiant for 226 damage!
Lightning strikes Valiant for 19 damage!
*Combat Off*
Your command had no effect.
Attempting to hide...
*Combat Engaged*
Also here: Valiant*.
Obvious exits: north, south, east, west
You surprise slash Valiant for 238 damage!
Lightning strikes Valiant for 6 damage!
You may not search while attacking!
[HP=586/MA=180]:wcur val
*Combat Off*
You attempt to cast wrathful curse on Valiant, but the spell is resisted!
Attempting to sneak...
Attempting to hide... You don't think you are hidden.
[HP=586/MA=155]:/laz @do bs val
--- Telepath Sent to Lazarus ---
[HP=586/MA=155]:/naru @do bs val
--- Telepath Sent to Naruto ---
[HP=586/MA=155]:bs val
*Combat Engaged*
[HP=586/MA=155]:track valiant
Valiant went north from here.
Lazarus telepaths: {ok}
Naruto telepaths: {ok}
Spike walks into the room from the north.
Spike is searching the area.
Spike casts hold person on you!
Your legs are paralyzed!
Spike moves to attack you!
Also here: Valiant*, Spike*.
Obvious exits: north, south, east, west
You surprise slash Valiant for 230 damage!
Valiant drops to the ground!
Valiant is dead.
Lucifer just destroyed Valiant!
*Combat Off*
Spike summons divine fury upon you for 256 damage!
Tiny gossips: Let the boddies hit the floor
Tiny gossips: Lucifer made Valiant poop!
Blood 2 Html Version
Character Hit% Crit% Hit Ave Crit Ave Spell Ave AC% Dodge% Damage Taken Total Damage
You 0 0 0 0 256
[shadow=#808080,right,250] Grand Total =  975 [/shadow]
The Luci