Ideas Resurrected

Started by DeathCow, December 30, 2005, 09:33:09 PM

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There are dozens of good race/class ideas posted around the web that could be included in Greatermud.  Anything major come to anyones mind? Pirates? Wardancers?  Summoners?

Well i was thinking maybe you should implement an item upgrade method. It doesnt need to be overly complicated just have a shop with upgrade items. Give eveyr item a level (+1, +2, +3 ect..), and everytime you upgrade you chances will become less the tiem will survive the next upgrade. You could either A destroy the item upon failure or B reset it to level one. Bosses could have a chance to drop better updrage items. ones that have a betetr chance of success. When you upgrade every attibute could be improved or maybe just one, such as damage, speed, required level. Possiblaly have items that add attributes such as mana regen, hp regen, dodge ect.. this will give the game an economy and  reduce the amount of stagnant money collected in the realm. Also maybe usable items such as potions and  scrolls ect.. that dont weigh too much would keep people spending money. The item upgrade system would apeal to those who are not always there so they can take a lesser item and make it better verus only people able to kill bosses having good gear. Not only will it reduce the amount of money in the world but it will also provide more to do with your character. Just a thought if you like i could make a working model of a system that would work easily in a text based game.

Momma always said there were gonna be days like this.... she just never said there would be so many in a row.

Quote from: Reece on December 30, 2005, 10:13:13 PM
Well i was thinking maybe you should implement an item upgrade method. It doesnt need to be overly complicated just have a shop with upgrade items. Give eveyr item a level (+1, +2, +3 ect..), and everytime you upgrade you chances will become less the tiem will survive the next upgrade. You could either A destroy the item upon failure or B reset it to level one. Bosses could have a chance to drop better updrage items. ones that have a betetr chance of success. When you upgrade every attibute could be improved or maybe just one, such as damage, speed, required level. Possiblaly have items that add attributes such as mana regen, hp regen, dodge ect.. this will give the game an economy and? reduce the amount of stagnant money collected in the realm. Also maybe usable items such as potions and? scrolls ect.. that dont weigh too much would keep people spending money. The item upgrade system would apeal to those who are not always there so they can take a lesser item and make it better verus only people able to kill bosses having good gear. Not only will it reduce the amount of money in the world but it will also provide more to do with your character. Just a thought if you like i could make a working model of a system that would work easily in a text based game.
This idea I've thought about alot.  Its complicated.  I'm thinking that this will be something that comes later.  Basically what I've thought about is making this a PC to PC interaction.  As in making classes or abilities to upgrade items.  Its one of those things that needs alot of attention, because it 'should' make for some unique items and players in the realm.  The top level skill will of course be creating custom messages and names for items...but you'll need to be a true legend in arms making to do so.

December 31, 2005, 10:28:29 AM #3 Last Edit: December 31, 2005, 10:41:37 AM by Reece
Pc to Pc would definately make it more complicated. My idea with a Npc is intended to keep the floor clean. Anyone who has played on an old realm knows what I'm talking about. The buying of actual scrolls Will keep players from leaving money and items on the ground. Since, you can always use the money to upgrade your items. You also have to think of the sense of accomplishment. People will have a greater since of doing something if it is done on thier own (WOOT GOT MY DAGGER TO +6) versus i have to pay someone for a better dagger. As far as making the item unique you can make a variety of scrolls to whatever you like. Want to change your weapons hit message? Fine, go kill the the ancient sand dragon and hope you get the 3% drop and noone else grabs it before you. A class dedicated to upgrading items would also be very boring to play.? Oh, and as far as classes go i had a small idea (you will find I'm full of them and more than willing to share even if you don't want to know? ;D). Possibly a point based sysstem on skills versus static classes. This would allow more customization on your character, and allow people to be more happy with there base skill set. Also, you could customize your class name. This would play hell in pvp (Ok.. he's an Elven Manchicken. So what does he do?). You wouldn't know what your opponent was capable of until you had actually seen him/her in combat.

Momma always said there were gonna be days like this.... she just never said there would be so many in a row.

Here are some races I made, I bet you had all the same ideas, but here they are if you want. I was still testing the stats.

EXP %60
STR 45-100
AGI 40-90
INT 55-120
HEA 35-80
WIL 45-120
CHA 40-100

36 M.R. -25
116 BsACCU +5
102 RaceStealth
10 AC(blur) 3
9 Shadow (maybe after doing a quest)
76 Mute
This is the only race in the game that has low agility and also comes with race stealth. And they cannot talk in rooms, doesn't really mess then up in the game because telepath and gossip still work, but just adds a little flavor.

EXP %10
STR 40-105
AGI 40-110
INT 50-110
HEA 40-95
WIL 35-90
CHA 30-80

27 Stealth 15
39 Thievery 5
This race gives the ability to steal, and 15 extra stealth if you are a class with stealth. Unlike race stealth you don't gain the ability to sneak, by being this race.

EXP 40%
STR 10-45
AGI 50-130
INT 45-110
HEA 20-60
WIL 40-95
CHA 70-150

14 RoomIllu 50
24 ProtEvil 10
70 S.C. 15
34 Dodge 3
7 DR -5

Fairys have a glow that allows them to be a walking torch. I was making special light weight armour for fairys. I wasn't sure if they should have race stealth or not, in the end I voted for not.
Because of their extra spellcasting they are great for spell casting classes.

EXP 70%
STR 40-110
AGI 50-125
INT 35-80
HEA 40-100
WIL 25-70
CHA 50-110

67 Quickness
96 Encum -10%
27 Stealth -10
70 S.C. -5
30 kick
Centaurs have a lot of bad abilities to make up for them being the only class to have both good str and good agl. Also I was making it so they couldn't wear pants, buy maybe 2 sets of boots.  If you wanted to get really crazy you could have a saddle at some point.

EXP 60%
STR 75-160
AGI 30-70
INT 35-80
HEA 35-95
WIL 30-80
CHA 10-40

36 M.R. -10
4 Max Damage +2
68 Slowness
123 HPRegen 10
145 ManaRgn -10
Trolls have more str then half-ogres but don't make tanks because of their low health.

EXP 40%
STR 40-100
AGI 35-80
INT 50-110
HEA 30-90
WIL 60-140
CHA 30-80

3 Rcol -50
71 Confusion 1
36 M.R. 30
145 ManaRgn 20
This is a race made for spell casters, in testing most users seemed to get a kick out of fumbling more then I thought. I have a whole story line for demons and shadows about how they are from another dimension. Being from another dimension is part of the reason for their confusion.

EXP 70%
first of all I was thinking that you could have a quest at level 30 where someone could start over as a vampire with 0 exp. They wouldn't be one the normal race list.

36 M.R. -5
13 Illu 150
5 Rfir -50
88 Alter hp 10
14 RoomIllu -100
109 Non Living
The best part about vampires is that when they walk in a room they make it dark. Hard to party with if you are not also a vampire.  Even if you don't like the idea you should test out the abilities quite fun.