Magical VS Physical Combat

Started by The Crazy Animal, July 02, 2006, 03:07:23 PM

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In MMUD there was no interplay between the two modes of combat Magical and Physical. Spells simply hit or missed their targets and a physical combatant just stood there taking it. I think this was kind of short sighted and would really like to see some spells get tagged with a ability that I'll call physical.

A physical spell to name a few would be spells like:
Vine Strike
Frozen Spike
Meteor Swarm
Glacial Blades
Barbed Tentacles

These spells represent objects that are magicly conjured and directed at a target to cause striking damage. Any spell like this should be considered a physical spell. Any Physical should be able to be dodged or otherwise blocked with some combative effort. A physical spell should also do damage(-DR) rather then damage(-MR).

Anyone have any thoughts on this?

Definitely sounds plausible, and not taking reality too far.  I like it.  Dodging would be roughly the equivalent of resisting a spell anyway.
If we can hit that bulls-eye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards.? Check-mate!

No problems with that long as the spells arent effected by MR at all.