Green Dragons on Silver Street???? I'M TRIPPIN' !!

Started by Cat, October 16, 2006, 05:10:28 AM

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How 'bout this.. Wardance drops to the ground and dies, his stuff's on the ground, but he's still shown in the party!? He moves himself to 1 1 (town gates), moves a room, and suddenly I'm on Silver Street, fighting Green Dragons with him!!!!

You are following Wardance.
The following people are in your travel party:
? Wardance Heavyfoot? ? ? ? ? ? (Bard)? ? ? ?[M:? 9%] [H: 94%]? ?- Frontrank
? Cat Ballou? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? (Priest)? ? ?[M: 74%] [H:100%]? ?- Frontrank
[HP=496/MA=379]:bs adolescent green dragon
*Combat Off*
[HP=496/MA=379]:*Combat Engaged*
The righteousness wears off.
adolescent green dragon hits you, but the swing glances off!
adolescent green dragon hits you, but the swing glances off!
adolescent green dragon hits Wardance, but the swing glances off!
The adolescent green dragon rips Wardance with its talons for 6 damage!
The adolescent green dragon swipes at Wardance with its talons!
The adolescent green dragon swipes at Wardance with its talons!
The adolescent green dragon rips Wardance with its talons for 5 damage!
The adolescent green dragon bites Wardance with its fangs for 25 damage!
Wardance drops to the ground!
The adolescent green dragon bites Wardance with its fangs for 16 damage!
The adolescent green dragon bites Wardance with its fangs for 34 damage!
Wardance is dead.

You whap adolescent green dragon for 61 damage!
You swipe at at adolescent green dragon!
You smack adolescent green dragon for 60 damage!
You whap adolescent green dragon for 13 damage!
You smack adolescent green dragon for 10 damage!
[HP=496/MA=401]:gdhe wardance
You don't see wardance here!
Wardance gossips: #moveme 1 1
Darkwood Forest
You notice 162 gold crowns, golden braided belt, wyvernhide tunic, rigid
leather tunic, greatcloak, hardened leather boots, sickle, rigid leather pants,
padded gloves, black star key, padded helm, room ticket, songsheet of
foolishness, songsheet of brilliance, glowing broadsword here.
Also here: adolescent green dragon, adolescent green dragon, adolescent green
dragon, adolescent green dragon, adolescent green dragon.
Obvious exits: northeast
You are following Wardance.
The following people are in your travel party:
? Wardance Heavyfoot? ? ? ? ? ? (Bard)? ? ? ?[M:100%] [H:100%]? ?- Frontrank
? Cat Ballou? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? (Priest)? ? ?[M: 83%] [H:100%]? ?- Frontrank
-- Following your Party leader west --
Silver Street, Eastern End
You notice 153 copper farthings here.
Also here: Wardance.
Obvious exits: east, west
adolescent green dragon walks into the room from the east.
adolescent green dragon walks into the room from the east.
adolescent green dragon walks into the room from the east.
adolescent green dragon walks into the room from the east.
Silver Street, Eastern End
You notice 153 copper farthings here.
Also here: Wardance, adolescent green dragon, adolescent green dragon,
adolescent green dragon, adolescent green dragon.
Obvious exits: east, west