gift horse.

Started by DeathCow, January 31, 2007, 04:09:37 AM

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I had this great idea today driving in the car.  Yes, I was thinking about mud in the car.  *waits for laughter to stop*

So anyway, for GreaterMud, what do you think about magic levels for armor, not just weapons.  And maybe even apply this to monster magic-levels.  Rather than saying mag-4 weapons can't hit mag-5 monsters it could just be a significant -acc against mag-5 monsters.  Likewise, armor would be given mag-? levels.  So my adamantite platemail tunic is mag-2 for example.  Monsters with a magicattack-2 would have normal accuracy against me, monsters with magicattack-3 would get bonus acc against me and monsters with magattack-1 would get an accuracy penalty against me.

It would just require the addition of a variable to each monster so they have a magdefense-? and a magattack-?.  For players it would be attached to tunic and weapon.

I also thought about making char mag-? levels based on character level, but then I realized that just making the armor level restricted would be easier.

Just a thought, would create some potentially interesting item selections.  Armor with less AC/DR but mag-6 or something super-fantastic like that.

Is this just a mmud styes thought or does it have some merit though wise..mind u..its 3 am for me.

If u like it, I would like a reasonable application of the idea to be presented.

Uhhh well its like 6am and I just walked in the door and I like this but I don't think it goes far enough.

It would also be nice if a characters magic level was equal to the average of all the individual magic levels attributed to their gear including their own innate level (via class and race). I'd rather see this then have it increase via level. It will make it easier for the designer doing this way since they won't have to worry about a sliding scale. Post tally of averages there should be an ability to raise or lower this further. (This ability would be good for witchy items and that faith power.)

Lets take it a little further and work it into MR also. If you are hit with a spell above your characters magic level it does more DMG, if below it does less.

This should also have an effect on your full magic resist rates. I.e if your hit with a spell of lower magic rating then it should have a easier resist rate and vise versa.


Note thinking about witchies we need to do something for their group maybe akin to anti-magic aura to fix the gap that this would make too.

Oh and the application is in the mechanics of the function... :P Its one of those things that just works and goes in.

Gasp.  No credit?  :(

I like the idea of adding effects for spell damage as well.  And I originally thought about making it via combined armor.  Maybe add a multiplier in for level as well, since a levle 70 in cheap armor would still have more unfpa than a low level in cheap armor.

Today at 03:09:37 AM ? 
