MultiMud for DD

Started by DeathCow, February 26, 2007, 05:27:46 PM

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How to setup multiple MUDs - by Syntax
NOTE: this method converts your currently installed mud to new call letters (IE: WCC to WBB) and then allows you to install a second mud using the standard setup.exe. If you don't have a currently installed mud, install it normally and test it out. Then come back here.

preparation: copy your whole WG directory somewhere just incase something goes wrong.

1. disable the majormud and majormud plus modules through the offline utils menu ("wgsdmod.EXE")

2. go to your worldgroup directory in DOS (ahh it's lovely aint it?)

3. type ? copy wcc*.* wbb*.* ?

4. type ? del wcc*.* ?

5. go to the WGSDFCVT subfolder and repeat steps 3 & 4

6. go to the GCVIRDAT subfolder and repeat steps 3 & 4

7. exit DOS

8. hex edit the files listed below, i recommend "Hex Workshop" ... it's da bomb.

a) open the file in the hex editor
b) initiate a "replace" operation (usually Edit --> Replace)
c) make sure on the option screen somewhere you have "match case" enabled/selected. also make sure you're searching for "text" or "strings"
d) search for "WCC" and replace with "WBB" (replace All when it asks)
e) search for "wcc" and replace with "wbb" (replace All when it asks)
f) save and close
-->repeat for each file below:

wbbmmpls.dmd (or wbbmmpls.mdf if you still have mud plus as an enabled module)*

wbbmmud.dmd (or wbbmmud.mdf if you still have mud as an enabled module)*


* the .mdf file's are renamed to .dmd when they become disabled ... the opposite is true then they're enabled

9. change the module name. edit the file "WBBMMUD.DMD" with notepad. change the "Module Name: MajorMUD" to what you want. So like: "Module Name: CrazyMUD" Do the same for the other line below, "Add-On Utility: WBBMMUTL -- MajorMUD Utilities" ==> "Add-On Utility: WBBMMUTL -- CrazyMUD Utilities". do the same for "WBBMMPLS.DMD".

NOTE: if you still have majormud as an enabled module you would need to edit the ".MDF" files as opposed to ".DMD".

10. re-enable the modules from the offline util, they should now show up with your new module name

11. fix/add the page in the menu editor (wgsrunmt.exe), since it will have the wrong module name now.

12. you may want to go into the security and accouting for majormud and majormud plus and check the key names. step 8 most likely changed the keys for things like gameop and sysop from "WCCGAMEOP" to "WBBGAMEOP." Though, you probably want it this way, and then just add the new keys to whichever classes.

13. use NMR to change all the references in the rooms database for WCC files to WBB files. this is under tools --> rooms --> change dat call letters (NMR v1.4 required)

14. run an offline recovery

15. test out the board (best to test with your lines closed for the first time). gain some exp with a character and exit and re-enter the realm.

NOTE: after writing this tutorial, it did crash on me the first time i gained exp with a char. after i started it back up tho it was fine from then on <shrug>.

16. now you can install another mud by using the setup like it was a fresh install on a bbs without mud.

Other Options
a) you may also want to change the name that appears next to things in the audit trail and such buy opening up wbbmmud.dll and wbbmmpls.dll in a hex editor and replacing all instances of "MajorMUD" with "CustmMUD" or w/e you want. the only tricky part here is you can't change the length of the text "MajorMUD". so you must replace the letters letter for letter (aka your custom name MUST be no longer and no shorter then 8 characters).

Aiding and abetting the enemy, eh? :P

That's ok, I need to tackle the case of multiple realms with GMUD as well.  Hard coding temples and the start room is no fun.  XML to the rescue!

TGS v1.0 (coming soon)

Somehow I don't think dragondawn's bbs is gonna cause us to lose users...

Quote from: DeathCow on February 27, 2007, 06:25:24 PM
Somehow I don't think dragondawn's bbs is gonna cause us to lose users...

I don't think his bbs is gonna cause ANYONE to lose users...
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