(Non-bugs) Known yet to be implemented features.

Started by The Crazy Animal, March 23, 2007, 01:57:37 PM

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March 23, 2007, 01:57:37 PM Last Edit: December 15, 2008, 05:50:43 PM by Gardner Denver
Pre-Release Mandatory:
Help File or (Native Editor With Altered Race/Class Data for Race/Class Descriptions)
Cleanup's Hide items function...
Cleanup's delete function...
Monster DB - Create Spell - casts spell on spawn I think (See dark-elf Queen)
Monster DB - Deathspell - casts spell on death - This might be working
Room DB - Room type (Colliseum)
Evil Points - PVP - Forgive Attacker...
PVP - Level limits - "This sets the max number of levels between attacker's level and defender's level that can result in pvp. If the attack fails this check it is stopped with a message That I don't have on hand right now." "This check is bypassed for room type colliseum."
Room db - deathroom - sets the re-spawn location for death...
Command - Drag <user>
quick and deadly bonus

Magic group final changes: - these changes will effect mystics showing MA and Spellcasting...
Create way to define and make magic groups - This change should include the following:
Display spellcasting On/Off
Select stats to influence spellcasting and or set static number
Display MA field name as: expample KAI={#}
Set formula for spell casting
Set formula for mana regen
Set formula for spell casting level gain
Set formula for mana level gain
Set Alias to call spell list: example {Powers or Spells}

Note -
The above list for final magic group changes shows the max possible changes for V1
The Min changes would just include the fixes to solve the mystic kai spell casting issues...

Open Chests

Abilities that need work: List sorted into like ability groups.

1. Alter stats - Not displaying changes on statpage.
Ability 44 (Intel)
Ability 45 (wisdom)
Ability 46 (Stength)
Ability 47 (Health) Have to find something to test this one with...
Ability 48 (Agility)
Ability 49 (Charm)
Ability 88 Alter HP - Alters HP via value
Ability 77 Perception - Alters perception via value
Ability 10 AC(Blur) - this is modified by enc
Ability 99 AlterDRpercent - changes DR by the % in the value (is cast by some Mod 9 monsters with negative values.)
Ability 104 Defense Modifier - I Believe this is actually the BS Defense ability as located in Monster DB. Not sure though...
Ability 145 ManaRGN - Alters the users ManaRGN Rate by percentage value.
Ability 123 HPRGN - Alters the Users HPRGN by percentage value.
Ability 70 Alter Spellcasting - Alters the users spellcasting by the value
Ability 11 (energylevel) alters base rate - needs to be checked..

2. Drain attacks
Ability 8 (Drain) does not work
Ability 174 (StealMana)
Ability 175 (StealHPtoMP)
Ability 176 (StealMPtoHP)

3. Cursed Items
Ability 82 (Minor cursed item) - cursed items cannot be removed without the remove curse spell.
Ability 83 (Major cursed Item) - same as above but does not remove the item at death
Ability 84 (Remove Cursed) - is the ability to remove cursed items for 82 and 83...
Ability 100 (Loyal Item) - Items with this ability do not drop on death.

4. Gang Abilities
Ability 181 (Gang Deed)
Ability 182 (Gang Tax)
Ability 183 (Gang House Item)

Ability 184 (Gang Shop Item)

5. ShadowForm Abilities
Ability 9 (shadow) - Description Displays "A shadowy figure!" when looked at by other players.
Ability 178 (shadowform) ? value equals textblock description

6. Resistance Abilities
Ability 3 Resist Cold
Ability 66 Resist Lightning
Ability 65 Resist Stone
Ability 147 Resist Water

7. Damage Shield Ability set
Ability 137 Shock - Sets the message for Damage Shield
Ability 72 Damage Shield - Sets the damage for shockshield - 0 value = Dynamic spell settings

8. Poison Ability Set
Ability 21 Immunity Poison - this is really (resist poison) by percentage
Ability 9 Poison - Poison damage specified by the value.
Ability 20 Cure Poison - Cures poison (cure poison has a parameter of 8, as does antidote).

9. Domination Ability Set
Ability 6 Enslave - Charms the Target
Monster DB - Charm Resist  - works as a percentage 0 equals always passes, 100 equals always fails.
Monster DB - Charm Level - works as a check against casters level if they are less then the mobs Clvl it fails.
Note - Charm breaks if you attack a charmed monster, Charmed monsters get a percentage of the exp per kill, will need a cap of the par window as charmed monsters show up there.

10. Class/Race Skills and Modifiers
Ability 40 FindTraps
Ability 179 FindTrapsValue
Ability 41 DisarmTraps
Ability 39 Thievery
Ability 38 Tracking
Ability 37 Picklocks
Ability 180 Picklocks Value
Ability 32 Smash
Ability 186 Perfect Stealth
Ability 57 See Hidden

11. Protection Abilities
Ability 24 ProtEvil
Ability 25 ProtGood

12. Equipment Related - none of these are currently used in the game. (Save for Last)
Ability 167 UnEquipItem - Value equals Item Slot #, or Value equals item # not sure which yet..
Ability 168 EquipItem - Value equals Item Slot #, or Value equals item # not sure which yet..
Ability 169 CantWearLocation - Value Equals Item Slot #

13. Combat Behavior Modifiers
Ability 158 - Required to Hit - Value equals item # - Physical attacks fail with out that item.
Ability 185 - Bad Attack - Value Tells monsters not to attack if target has item #
Ability 146 - Value defines which monsters guard the one with this ability.

14. General Spell Abilities
Ability 139 Spellimmu - Value = Spells of Min level or less instant report do not effect message to caster.
Ability 153 KillSpell - Value = Spell# (End without calling it's EndCast effect (if one exists).)
Ability 144 NonMagicalSpell - Markes the spell to By Pass the Effects of MR
Ability 160 GiveTempSpell - Value = spell number, use to be used on quest items that had spells attached to them..
Ability 76 Mute - Turns off users ability to talk while flag is active on player
Ability 95 Slay - Kills monsters and I think though haven't tested it on them recently players instantly.
Ability 162 Lore - This use to report back a textblocks content. It use to appear on items. I'm not sure what ability access that content though. Have to do some more checking.
Ability 177 (Spellcolours) - needs testing (save for last)
Ability 15 (alterhunger) - ??? - only used on the gypsy fortunes in mmud.
Ability 16 (alterthirst) - ??? - used once in mmud no idea what it does.

15. Confusion/Fear Ability Set
Ability 71 Confusion - Confuses the target, making them fumble in the % specified by the parameter. A parameter of +50 would make them fumble 50% of the time-- most "stun"
Ability 101 ConfuseMSG - Description "Sets the confusion message for a previous ""Confusion"" attribute.
The parameter specifies the message number to use for when the player is confused and fumbles.
For the Mage spell ""confusion"", the message is along the lines of ""You fumble in confusion!""."

Ability 60 Fear - Makes the target flee in fear. Used in duration spells.
(I believe it rolls a random direction and moves one room and then repeats. By Chance If the Random lands on a Invalid room do nothing till next Roll.)

16. Shatter ability set
Item db - Quality
Ability 85 Shatter - Shatters weapons of a quality equal to or lower than the shatter value.

17. Magical ability Set (reference Ability 28 Magical)
Ability 26 DetectMagic

18. Movement/Speed abilities (I'm not sure which of these are in if any of them)
Ability 67 Quickness - Makes you walk faster
Ability 68 Slowness - Modifies the room movement time while not affecting stealth as a modified encumbrance would. The Mage spell "Slow" uses a parameter of +200 for this attribute.
Ability 87 (Speed)
Ability 74 Hold Person - Stops a user/monster from moving room to room
Ability 75 Paralyze - No data on this one (save for last)
Ability 81 Freedom - Ends Spells that have ability 74 and I think 68 As well. Spells end with messages
Ability 170 Sleep - No data on this one (save for last)

19. Magic Casting Abilities
Ability 159 Kai Bind - Disables a user from using Kai powers
Ability 79 Mage Bind - Disables a user from using normal spellcasting

20. Hand to Hand Combat Ability modifiers - I'm not sure if these are in yet...
Ability 90 Kick Accuracy
Ability 93 Kick Damage
Ability 91 Jumpkick Accuracy
Ability 94 Jumpkick Damage
Ability 89 Punch Accuracy
Ability 92 Punch Damage

21. General item related ability set
Ability 121 Recharge - this ability sets the amount of charges to be recharged at cleanup.
Ability 119 Delete at Cleanup - items marked with this delete at cleanup if left on the ground.
Ability 56 Recharge item - Needs to be tested still.

22. smash and meditate:

Command aa, allout, all, al for bashing monsters. (works on doors though)
Command wealth, weal, wealt for checking cash on player.
Command keys, ke for checking keys on player...
Command appraise (item), ap, app, appr, appra, apprai, and apprais.
Command exits, exi, exit to redisplay exits.
Command hea, health
Command Cast (full spell name)
Command C (full spell name) & C's Re-engage attack spell function

Exit restrictions for - level and class not working

Hospital and Inn type rooms..


Monster boundaries need to be established.. right now they just follow everywhere

PVP limits

Monster DB - Createspell

Room DB - Room type (Colliseum)

Set Suicide
Set Maxpages
Set Interrupt
Set Messages
Set Receive
Set Warning
Set Telepath
Set Follow
Set Entrances
Set Speech
Set Gossip
Set Auction
Set Response
Set Keep - On/Off - 10% exp on reroll...

Statline extras - and Custom

Action List

help file

Quote from: The Crazy Animal on March 23, 2007, 01:57:37 PM

Listed by type
Ability 43 (castsp) - hitspells
Ability 69 (maxmana) - not showing in st page or stat bar.
Ability 114 (%spell) - hitspells

Cleanup's Hide items function...

Your list is awesome, seriously, it reads like a roadmap for me to work from.  I picked out a few to comment on.

The first one, hitspells, I think that's working but maybe I'm mistaken?  Can you ellaborate?
Max Mana shows on stat page for my pally, and we have yet to implement custom statlines to show items like max hp, max ma, etc.
Is this tied to the other hitspell ability?

I'm working on a form of cleanup this week, I think I'm just going to have midnight on the server be the time when all visible items go hidden (if they're not marked with that special room visible attribute) and all placed items regen if they're not in their places.  Anything else need to happen at cleanup?  I guess we can do recharging of usable items then as well, but eventually I'd like to have them on their own timers.  So if you had an item that you get to use 3 times a day, then you get one charge every 8 hours instead of 3 every 24.  What do you guys think?

TGS v1.0 (coming soon)

castsp is the one used by items.... it works with the %spell ability..

Animal hits you with a stick for 4 dmg!
You fall to your knees and can't move! <--- thats the spell set by castsp and the chance is set by %spell.

Maxmana is the alter maxmana ability... not the maxmana on the stat page and stat bar. this shows up with a red * when there is a change on the statpage. I'll recheck it but last time I looked it wasn't working.

Quote from: The Crazy Animal on March 23, 2007, 01:57:37 PM
Ability 122 (RemovesSpell) - value = spell # (end that spell with the messages on)
Moster DB - Deathspell
Set warn - this would help with mega auto attacking good NPCs...
Ability 51 (Anti-Magic)  - (effects WH EQ)
Ability 5 (Rfire) - since its used so much in the starting area.
Exit restrictions for - level and class not working

The above items are implemented, but probably need testing.

As for this item:
Weapon type restriction staff not fully working. - (effects mystics, mages)

What isn't working?

TGS v1.0 (coming soon)

Quote from: Vitoc on April 17, 2007, 11:07:53 PM
The above items are implemented, but probably need testing.

As for this item:
Weapon type restriction staff not fully working. - (effects mystics, mages)

What isn't working?

Using a mage:

Item                          Quantity    Price
crude spear                   50           Free (You can't use)
whip                          50           Free
quarterstaff                  50           Free (You can't use)
club                          50           Free  <----
dagger                        28           2 gold crowns (You can't use)

Nilyen, out of the items listed, here are the items from the list that I believe are already working or at least partially implemented:

(haven't done rsto or rwat yet)

I believe the summon ability on spells is working.
I believe hitspells/castsp was done.
I believe the share command is working.
I believe restrictions for level and class are working.
Movement - Room delays are working.

You added player profile and brief/verbose functionality and commands ( I think?)

Player encum penalties are working for movement, not for stealth I don't think

You added alignment colors.

TGS v1.0 (coming soon)

Quote from: The Crazy Animal on July 21, 2007, 02:55:37 PM
just updated the list
Ok, I'm back on this.

I just added toll exits and was kind of skimming through the list.  What did you mean by "movement delays for stealth"?

Btw, I'll get a build deployed this weekend.

TGS v1.0 (coming soon)

Quote from: Vitoc on November 08, 2007, 09:34:20 PM
Ok, I'm back on this.

I just added toll exits and was kind of skimming through the list.  What did you mean by "movement delays for stealth"?

Btw, I'll get a build deployed this weekend.

oh it was refering to you...

"Player encum penalties are working for movement, not for stealth I don't think"

Quote from your post a few posts up.

Quote from: The Crazy Animal on November 09, 2007, 09:02:31 AM
oh it was refering to you...

"Player encum penalties are working for movement, not for stealth I don't think"

Quote from your post a few posts up.
Oh.  When I said that I didn't mean that was a delay issue.  I believe encumbrance impacts how successful you are when you sneak, doesn't it?  I can't remember whether your stealth actually drops or if you're just less successful.  ???

TGS v1.0 (coming soon)

Quote from: Vitoc on November 09, 2007, 05:53:05 PM
Oh.  When I said that I didn't mean that was a delay issue.  I believe encumbrance impacts how successful you are when you sneak, doesn't it?  I can't remember whether your stealth actually drops or if you're just less successful.  ???

STR and ENC aren't part of the formulas I have. So it would have to be on the difficulty side if there was any penalty attached to it at all. I would think there should be even if there isn't.

Quote from: The Crazy Animal on November 09, 2007, 06:51:55 PM
STR and ENC aren't part of the formulas I have. So it would have to be on the difficulty side if there was any penalty attached to it at all. I would think there should be even if there isn't.
Oh, I remember now.  There's a -stealth ability on armor itself.  :D

TGS v1.0 (coming soon)

December 30, 2007, 04:48:26 PM #13 Last Edit: December 30, 2007, 04:59:15 PM by Vitoc
QuoteWeapon type restriction staff not fully working. - (effects mystics, mages)
I've done as much with the engine as I can without hard coding specific items.  This is now a content issue.

Toll exits are collecting tolls properly.

Item exits are working

TGS v1.0 (coming soon)