[Other] Alignment system:

Started by The Crazy Animal, January 23, 2006, 09:50:48 PM

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February 21, 2006, 12:52:52 AM #15 Last Edit: February 21, 2006, 12:55:27 AM by Valentine
My thought process didn't mean that you had to be under stealth to pick a lock--just that you have to be suave enough not to be noticed. Naturally using stealth ability would decrease your chance of being noticed...and even if stealth is broken you could still pick a lock undetected...kind of a oh I'll just casually walk over in this direction...dum de dum de dum...pay no attention to the bobby pin behind my back. That sort of thing. The bashing of a door wouldn't be possible without breaking stealth (unless the other chars in the room are complete dimwits...nothing like an Int of 5 to make life more difficult).

Evil points...got it..that means your idea isn't completely idiotic (which it is if you are thinking in terms of exp, which I was...which makes me the idiot ;)). I think if the lock picking is detected by anyone, it should grant evil points...it isn't like another evil char would necessarily profess any kind of loyalty based on alignment alone. In fact, it makes more sense that another evil char would report it to keep the heat directed away from his own actions.

I still (an hour later...hm) like doors having alignment (optional setting)...that sounds like fun.

Oh....and if another char in the room belongs to the clan of the guy trying to pick the lock, no evil points would be given out. I say clan....can't remember what it's called in this game...
"...There was always a minority afraid of something, and a great majority afraid of the dark, afraid of the future, afraid of the past, afraid of the present, afraid of themselves and shadows of themselves..." --Ray Bradbury, The Martian Chronicles

Grin, now do you really think I would post about giving exp for picking locks in a thread about alignment :)

Concealing any actions is an act of stealth in the games eyes. Currently NPCs in the game don't have player like stats so the system needs to be simplified for the time being. So that means no tests against a NPCs Int. There are a few exceptions to this though they have HP, MR, AC, DR.

I'm not saying a evil NPC would not report someone out of loyalty but they would be less likely to report it out of not wanting to deal with the law... My logic might be a little distorted but it is fairly sound in this... Perhaps the act of an evil NPC reporting something like this could be left to chance maybe difficulty 3 out of 10 landing on a number below 3 would result getting reported... I could go into a long complex method of letting it be left up to the NPC actual alignment score calculated against a base value but I want to go the simple route.

Currently there is no fraction dependant alignment or loyalty I?m working on that though right this minute.

for not there will be no 'reporting' more complicated than whats present ina game i once played called majormud.

Grin thats just because they weren't smart enough to code it in... :)

I just would like to see the game treat crime as it should be. If your caught doing it then you get points if your not caught you don't get points.


Quote from: The Crazy Animal on February 21, 2006, 04:28:43 AM
Grin thats just because they weren't smart enough to code it in... :)

I just would like to see the game treat crime as it should be. If your caught doing it then you get points if your not caught you don't get points.

Along these lines, if you do get caught the punishment should fit the crime.? If you kill someone in cold blood for instance and you are caught, that character's penalty should be VERY severe.? Instead of law enforcement just killing you, they should detain you for x number of ingame hours, for murder maybe say 500-1000 ingame hours or maybe your character has to accomplish x number of monotonous quests (moving rocks from point a to point b, etc.) before they are released.? This sets the stage for daring jail breaks, etc.? I don't know how all this will work out when the time comes, but it's fun to discuss.? I've always hated the whole "magical force" thing stopping you from doing an evil action.? It should be your conscience, fear of the law, or fear of your God that should stop you from doing things, that is it's your decision; not some out of scope force.

TGS v1.0 (coming soon)

May 22, 2006, 03:43:26 PM #20 Last Edit: May 22, 2006, 03:56:24 PM by ghaleon
the alignment system lost a lot of what it once had at the begining of muds existence. I personally blame this on metro (and partly lance n gang). For their major overpowering of things (AC, DMG, LVLS)

A long time ago, when you became evil, you for one had to worry about bounty hunters or lightning hitting your at particularly bad times (when your low on hps or in combat) BUT the biggest thing was, back then, if you were to go evil and go to script, most likely you would be dead before you knew it. Back then one BS had you more than half hps if not dead. Not to mention the fact that guards didnt jail you, but instead outright attacked you until you were dead.

Now in mud, IF by chance your killer gets past your MASSIVE dodge, unhitable AC, or doesnt wiff, they MAYBE take a sliver of your hps away. Kinda lame if you ask me, but thats just what majormud has become over the years. Just ask a lvl 40 ninja how easy it would be to kill a lvl 40 warriors script. Its not possible, no way, no how. Unfortunatly thats the sad truth of it.

IF it was possible to go back to the old AC values, lower dodge, make it harder to level (most of the fun stuff happens at lvl 10-20 anyways), and add bounty system/lightning system back in, the REAL Majormud alignment system might work again, as it once did before.

The whole purpose of the alignment system was to make life hell for evil people and to shave as many lives as possible, until they eventually had to script bank to learn their lesson.
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May 22, 2006, 03:47:52 PM #21 Last Edit: May 22, 2006, 03:59:03 PM by ghaleon
Nowadays, alignment has been more of a quest oriented thing. People dont go evil because they pvp anymore, more so because they want the evil aligned items (which i think is a lame reason for having an alignment system). If you sign onto a BBS, there will be 5-6 people that are hella evil, like FIEND, and when you ask them if they pvp, they usually answer no.... No?? Come on maybe its just me but isnt BEING evil supposed to be a sure sign to the rest of the BBS that the person enjoys the hunt and if you see them, you should probably stay clear?
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alignment needs to function on two differing levels:
Player base
NPC realm

Both parts need to be scaleable, playable and fair to all alignments in the game.

I would suggest that the player base part of alignment be stable across the realm when you attack a player its not like attacking a NPC. However I would also like to see that the penalties for preforming crimes on people vary from locality to locality. So if you in no mans land and kill someone you don't get EP but if you do it in the middle of town you do.

Next the NPC portion of alignment should be treated like factions. You kill to many dark monks and even if your evil they will attack you.. If you visit a town full of witchunters and cast a few spells they might attack you. opposing faction alignments could then also be used to drive power quest. Such as a war between goblins and elves or any two groups players with high faction alignments favoring elves would then be disliked by npc goblins.. Small things like this will help immerse a player into the game unlike it did in major mud.

I would like to see the alignment system work a little better then it did in mmud and if possible not as clear cut as just good vs evil.

I've my own plans for this now.  There is no need for discussion until content beta.