Major MUD Forums

Started by Vitoc, August 23, 2007, 05:20:31 PM

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Major MUD forums are like Debbie Downer to me.  I mean there's literally never any upbeat threads there.  It's a depressing mix of condescending sarcasm, criticism, rampant thread-jacking, sheer stupidity, and :quote: witty :quote: inside jokes that aren't even funny to the people in on them.  I've shared my disappointment with the quality of posting there before, and some people agreed, but nobody cares enough (or maybe nobody has the power) to make anything change there so screw it.  Other than to obtain Major MUD related information or share recent news on GMUD, I'm no longer going to check in over there.

I'm going to post here more often and I hope some of you will join me.  If not, that's ok too, because I'll just have conversations with myself (no really, I will).

TGS v1.0 (coming soon)

Quote from: The Crazy Animal on August 23, 2007, 11:01:23 PM
I try not to go there :)
I don't know exactly why I go there every day.  Those forums suck.  I mean they really suck.  I know they suck, but yet I still go there every day.  I can't explain it, but every day I go there, and I know already that it's going to suck, and sure enough, it sucks.  Every day I leave there I think "wow, that sucked, why did I go there?"  But then the next day I find myself back in the same sucky cycle.


TGS v1.0 (coming soon)

Just do what I did change your password to something you know you won't remember.

Day 5:
I caught myself a few times during the weekend starting to type mudforums in the URL bar and I think I actually hit enter once, but before the slow ass forums could load I quickly realized what I had done and closed the browser.  This might take some time to get used to, but I'm going to beat this illness damnit.

TGS v1.0 (coming soon)