Cannot Connect - strange

Started by El_Jefe, June 12, 2008, 04:29:36 AM

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Until the problem is fixed bringing up the board is almost pointless.  But that's just my opinion, not the official possition :)

Quote from: Gardner Denver on June 16, 2008, 12:51:04 AM
Until the problem is fixed bringing up the board is almost pointless.  But that's just my opinion, not the official possition :)

I asked for information, not for him to bring the board up to crash again...

I sincerely apologize to everyone for the delay on this.

I've got a lot of stuff going on in my personal life right now (ust bought a truck, working with a real estate agent and mortgage broker, planning on buying a home in about a month, just turned 30, etc.).  I won't bore you all with the details and I won't make excuses.  

Unfortunately, the engine in it's current state has some bad logic that causes it to be unstable, but it will take a significant amount of work to fix.  I have a build that is currently in development that fixes this that likely won't be ready until this next weekend, but that is assuming I find enough time to work on it.  The alternative is rolling back to an older version that I have stored in source control that may bring back some old bugs, but it should be way more stable.

What do you guys think?  Roll back or try to put up with it crashing daily until I can fix it properly?

TGS v1.0 (coming soon)

This is a beta TEST.
or alpha test or quark test or whatver the hell, its a test of stuff helping Vitoc.

We miss mudding.  That's really about it.

It still is a test though and most people on there either dread bug fixes and a smooth mud (because they hacked/abused bugs to get to top ten and script killed) or, they welcome a well working mud and are serious about testing the parts THAT WORK.

I think people should be testing parts that work, reporting errors or imbalances, and leaving those imbalances and bugs/cheats alone to test all that has been corrected.

In saying that, I vote for either A) somehow helping you, Vitoc, in fixing or testing something this week Or, B) waiting until there is a version that has more fixes to test.   While I enjoy thinking about hitting my 30's on my ninja,  I really enjoy thinking about a super clean and logically planned mud that I have not experienced in 15 years.

I pretty much agree with EJ. Knowing the current situation, we want to be moving forward in this beta, not backward (even if only for a week). Thanks for the update Vitoc.

Personally, I'd rather wait for the fix than backup to another set of bugs.  My 2 cents.

It was his b-day weekend and fathers day, So I'm sure he's recovering very slowly...

Ah yes, the big 30,  congrats old man ;)  It's all down hill from here ya know lol

I deployed a fix tonight that I believe should fix this crashing problem.

The fix has moved around some spell effect and ability logic so please keep an eye out for any side effects.

TGS v1.0 (coming soon)

Quote from: Vitoc on June 16, 2008, 02:58:28 PM
I deployed a fix tonight that I believe should fix this crashing problem.

The fix has moved around some spell effect and ability logic so please keep an eye out for any side effects.

It would help in a case like this if you told us what effects and ability logic were moved...

All timed spell effects (DOT spell effects) are now all applied every tick by a "SpellEffectManager" which keeps track of all acitve spell effects.  Previously we looped through every mob in the realm and applied the effects, now we're looping through only the effects for every spell cast on ever player and mob.

TGS v1.0 (coming soon)

I noticed that the confusion caused by gibbering horrors does not wear off, this may be one of those side effects due to the new changes in spell mechanics to fix the crashes.

- Chupon / Ayahuasca

Quote from: Vitoc on June 16, 2008, 06:09:18 PM
All timed spell effects (DOT spell effects) are now all applied every tick by a "SpellEffectManager" which keeps track of all acitve spell effects.  Previously we looped through every mob in the realm and applied the effects, now we're looping through only the effects for every spell cast on ever player and mob.

Makes sense...