get the fo

Started by Artomas, June 30, 2008, 07:05:07 AM

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I'm going on record to say we just fucked our mud up with this no pvp shit. Now we have all of a sudden 15 new chars that are supposedly from diff people. I'm calling bullshit on that. I'm also calling bs that once again I'm forced to believe that its multiple people. Gtfo and stop trying to mislead the masses. Get rid of fucking dupes and play ur primary class stop trying to lock down the realm now that you think ur safe from pvp. Total 100 bullshit right now and I'm full on hot bout this cause what we tried to prevent just got worse. You know who you are if your reading this.
We will never be able to police dupes because people will just proxy in but fuck this got retarded fast. Bullshit flag is waaaaay in the sky now


None others...

Quote from: Artomas on June 30, 2008, 07:05:07 AM
I'm going on record to say we just fucked our mud up with this no pvp shit. Now we have all of a sudden 15 new chars that are supposedly from diff people. I'm calling bullshit on that. I'm also calling bs that once again I'm forced to believe that its multiple people. Gtfo and stop trying to mislead the masses. Get rid of fucking dupes and play ur primary class stop trying to lock down the realm now that you think ur safe from pvp. Total 100 bullshit right now and I'm full on hot bout this cause what we tried to prevent just got worse. You know who you are if your reading this.
We will never be able to police dupes because people will just proxy in but fuck this got retarded fast. Bullshit flag is waaaaay in the sky now
The only way I have to enforce dupes is by IP.  I just checked the console and not a single IP shows up more than 3 times.  While this doesn't guarantee people aren't using proxies, it's the best we can do and something we have to live with.

TGS v1.0 (coming soon)

I'm just going to cut to the chase here stop complaining about every little thing... I'm not as nice as Vitoc I'll tell you that right now and I've been really holding my tongue on this entire issue; at some point he's going to get sick of listening to all of your (you know who you are and the rest of use know too) complaining and the effects of that would more then likely be going back to closed testing so we can get some work done. You should be happy just with the fact that he's been nice enough to let anyone that wants to take part in the test do so; its a privalege that should be used on your best behavior. Sure the realm isn't perfect but few are so just suck it up and deal with it like an adult...

And I'm sorry Vitoc if you feel like I'm going around you on this but someone had to say it. You've bent over backwards resetting the realm and coming up with more restricted rules on pvp for them almost less then two days ago. I know your a nice guy but sometime nice just gets you walked over.

And I'm sorry Artomas that you triggered my ill temper today but someone always does sooner or later.