Greet our newest family member - GMUDServer4

Started by Vitoc, May 20, 2021, 09:39:01 PM

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The PVE and PVP realms are back online on the new machine. Realm reporter stuff may or may not work, probably some firewall ports I need to still open. I'll get those fixed tomorrow if they're broken.  I'll also get the Test realm reset, hooked up with the latest content changes, and online tomorrow, probably in the AM.

Thanks again for your patience.

TGS v1.0 (coming soon)

If the board is up I am unable to connect.

It was up then it went down again...assume some growing pains til we get the new machine set up completely. Will have it up again soon as we find the issue du jour.

I'm clueless as to what happened last night.  Machine was still running, had all the apps I had open save for TGS and some SQL queries in SSMS.  I'm guessing a Windows update and reboot?  I went out of my way to disable those before I went to bed last night, but MS has made it increasingly difficult to truly turn off updates from the mothership.

TGS v1.0 (coming soon)

you may need to call ms. I think you need to zero a value in the registry to truly disable update.