Make human's more Appealing

Started by Excarkun, July 19, 2023, 11:06:46 AM

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this is Humans now..
#: Human, Exp: 0%, HP: 0, Str: 40-145, Int: 40-145, Wis: 40-145, Agi: 40-145, Hea: 40-145, Cha: 40-145, Abilities:

why not a little Bump
Human, Exp: 0%, HP: 2* or 1  Str: 40-150, Int: 40-150, Wis: 40-150, Agi: 40-150, Hea: 40-150, Cha: 40-150, Abilities:  Race-stealth Lowest/weakest  Ecnom +5   ACC+1  SC +2   MR +2
Made those added abilities Weak..
and yea added 5 per ability because I am seeing now people are getting to Level 100.. wow..

added one or 2 extra because I don't know the % race-stealth is per other races if all equal and can't lower it.. then No race-stealth at all... but all us Real humans can do some of these abilities like Lock picking/stealth/Tracking/and betting Hand eye Coordination which is Acc/Crits/Dodge those can reasonable be bumped up a tiny bit on humans  .

I guess I am Very pro human.. it be neat to see it as a more attractive Option in the game