So Heres a question

Started by Artomas, July 10, 2008, 07:51:20 PM

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It was believed that PVP ruined or limited the amount of testers that tested on the Beta....Which I guess you could make a point for.....

Your response was to open a New NON-PVP realm and let the non-pvp minded folks head over there. Thus allowing two testing realms to go at the same time.... It was at which time the general consensus was well If your going to open a Non PVP realm , Please Reset the PVP realm so we can start from scratch....Your response to that was Reset the Entire Realm and disable Essentially you made ONE Realm...a NON pvp realm...

How about that 2nd realm?

PVP Enabled........

How many people are interested in this?  If there are enough I'll spend some time to get a 2nd realm going.  I can do it one of two ways.

First method:
I can run a second instance of TGS on our server listening on a different port.  It would basically be like running a second BBS on the same box, and the two are completely unrelated.  We've done this before when running DeathCow's content side-by-side with the current content.  This method is easier to set up since it doesn't require any coding changes.  I could get this running within an hour or so.

Second method:
Run a second instance of GMUD on the single instance of TGS.  This would probably take a week or so to make the necessary code changes to check for multiple GMUD realms (via parsing the GreaterMUD.ini file) at startup.

The second method, while taking more effort to get going, will be the ultimate goal for multiple realm setups, but a case could be made for the first method as well since each realm is self contained.

Let me know what you guys think.

TGS v1.0 (coming soon)

I personally don't care for pvp so won't be playing in a pvp realm, but if pvp bug fixes are going to be on the back burner, then a pvp realm needs to be on the back burner also IMHO.  At least until such time as you're ready to do some serious work on the pvp code.

My 2 cents.

well since the ideal would be constructive towards the end goals I'd probaly go for that and it would be easier to moderate too. Especially if there was a page op type of thing. I'd say see what the response is first though no need to take time away from the bugs if there isn't a fair amount of people wanting it.

I wont be playing a pvp realm, unless it was to soly test pvp. I firmly hold that pvp hurts things. before the reset we had what? 4 people on? My personal belief is to wait on pvp. There's many more important things to deal with.