2008 4th Quarter Bug Busting Summary Report

Started by Gardner Denver, October 13, 2008, 03:46:19 PM

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October 13, 2008, 03:46:19 PM Last Edit: January 09, 2009, 08:16:43 AM by Gardner Denver
This list is a summary of all the work done this month on the Greatermud project.  This list is intended to give an overview to visitors to show them that this project is still very much alive, and that work is being done on a regular basis.  Most importantly, it shows that this program has actual, honest to God support, that responds to bugs as they are brought up, and fixes them.


  • Added C command to recast attack spells.  (c <spell> <target> also works)  This has not been throughly tested, expect a few bugs.  Please report them if you find them.
  • Refixed the uninvite <user> command.  Always displays the proper message.
  • Unreported bug with party leader fixed
  • Unlocking doors should now give the proper message
  • Command processing error related to top players and top gang listing fixed


  • Bard trainer/spell shop now has spells for sale

Today was mostly dedicated to TGS (Telnet server) issues.

  • Fixed problem in Phoenix Feather Quest.  Should work now
  • Added some sysop commands, and reworked some existing commands
  • Added a suspend user option (Griefers take note of this)
  • Idle connections will now time out after 10 minutes


  • Classok items can now be used by the proper classes
  • Since classok works, mystics are now restricted to their proper weapon choices.
  • Fixed bug in Phoenix Feather Quest that was placing items on ground rather than in inventory
  • You can no longer attack yourself using the 'a' command.
  • Spells that drain life will no longer heal you if you are at negative hitpoints when the spell is cast


  • The door to the apparattus room (wererat quest) should now have a random fail to it.  Same with reading the books on the Sunstone Wristband Quest (Dao Lord)
  • Refixed the fix for the fix for the Phoenix Feather Quest.
  • If any member in your party goes over 100% encumberance now, they will be removed from the party and left sitting in the room.  You will have to get them below 100% before they can move again.


  • The warped asylum is now officially warped.  You will be teleported around as you move through the area.


  • Monster  secondary attacks (i.e. dragon breath attacks) are now working.
  • Flush rooms are sort of working now.  You can flush visible items, but not hidden items.  Will fix in next update.


  • Magic Resistance is partially in place.  You won't see "spell is resisted" messages to often yet, but the damage reduction to spells should be working.  Please expect bugs in this, and please test throughly.
  • Fixed bug that prevented summoned monsters from spawing if room was at rooom max for monsters.
  • Monster hitspell's should last the proper duration now
  • Worked on monster alignment and spellcaster issues a little.  Still work to be done in this area.
  • Loyal Items should now unequip at death
  • Monsters shoud no longer become mortally wounded


  • Meditate will not end after one 'tick' now unless you do something to make it end
  • Beneficial spells (buffs/heals) will not be affected by your MR


  • Fixed but that prevents good aligned Mystics & Rangers from being able to complete 5th Quest if they attempt to kill Zanthus the Lich
  • USE <scroll/songsheet/lightsource/potion> will now work.  USE <armour/weapon> still not implemented yet.
  • Gangs will now get exp credit for spell combat kills


  • Implemented between round spells for monsters
  • Spells are no longer case sensitive


  • Fix problem with monsters attacking with between round spells when they should not
10/17/08 Evening Update

  • Alignment restricted items will now be removed when you are no longer the proper alignment.  This included a mudop/sysop changing your alignment.  Level restricted items will also be checked.  Neutral and Evil characters need to keep a close watch on your alignment.  You can check your current evil points by typing PRO
  • Rerolled gang members should no longer show up in your bg list or in your gang member count.


  • Most of Saturday and part of today spent working on configuration options for TGS
  • Items marked destroy@death will now be destroyed @ death
  • Items such as room tickets & smokey black talisman will now delete after use
  • Reworked a few spell messages
  • Wizard Knock (Mage) now works
  • Fixed a problem with error trapping and sys commands
  • Added a few new mudop commands
  • Flush rooms now work properly


  • The hidden door on the stealth quest will stay open for 10 minutes now.  This is a temp fix but will allow people to complete the quest without having to ask an op to teleport them
  • Fixed (Hopefully) the problem with telepaths not displaying properly
  • Fixed bug that put you back into the same room if you died while held


  • Fixed bug related to improper message being displayed if someone gets pulled out of a party (i.e. held)
  • Items that are +HP and +Mana will now add to current HP/Mana as well as Max HP/Mana
  • Looked at constriction issue.  Decided for now to leave as is.  Max hold time is 75 minutes.  Lure another constricter into the room if the one that held you wanders off.
  • Took first crack at fixing accuracy.  This fix was way way off and was removed.  Will work on it more tomorrow.


  • Worked on install routine for TGS
  • Worked on Accuracy.  Should see a noticable improvement


  • Fixed problem with neutral NPC's not attacking when attacked with spells
  • Worked on problem of death spells not summoning proper monsters.  The problem is not fixed but we are close.  Will fix tomorrow.
  • Fixed issue with outlaw being sent to HOD instead of the Slums at death.


  • Finished fixing summoned monster problem.  Should work properly now.
  • Refixed monsters not attacking when attacked with spells
  • Adjusted alignment colors on monster names.
  • Implemented restrictions on monster movement to try and contain monsters into areas that they should be in.  Any monster that was already outside their area will remain there until killed.  But guards for example should no longer chase you all the way to the blue tower if you are evil.

October 14, 2008, 04:35:09 AM #1 Last Edit: October 14, 2008, 04:48:41 AM by Vitoc
You ain't seen nothin' yet, we're only half way through with October!

All aboard the v1.0 express!

TGS v1.0 (coming soon)

61 issues addressed in October.  We're getting close!

October 31, 2008, 11:27:24 PM #4 Last Edit: November 26, 2008, 03:47:33 PM by Gardner Denver
This list is a summary of all the work done this month on the Greatermud project.  This list is intended to give an overview to visitors to show them that this project is still very much alive, and that work is being done on a regular basis.  Most importantly, it shows that this program has actual, honest to God support, that responds to bugs as they are brought up, and fixes them.


  • Implemented random regen on monsters today.  A major change to the regen system was required for this to work.  Vitoc spent 7+ hours working on it.
  • Modification to area spells.  Should no longer be possible to target a monster with an area spell.
  • Changed sys go sysop command to also accept sys goto


  • Random Regen Part II, III, IV, and V ;)  It's probably not 100% correct yet, but it's very close.  Needs much testing.

After some much needed time away, we're back at it again.

  • Fixed bug that prevented evil in combat spells from being cast in the arena
  • Freedom and Cure Paralysis should now work
  • Monsters summoned at death should now spawn again
  • Dragon Carvings should now be placed on the ground rather than in inventory


  • Refixed Phoenix Feather Quest
  • Fixed problem on WHO Webpage
  • Looked at Magic Armour DR problem, but is not going to be a simple fix.  Will have to come back to it.


  • Fixed access to the White Dragon area.
  • Fixed bug preventing blesses from being cast in the bank.
  • Fixed monster between round spells so buffs are not cast on players by monsters.
  • Exit delay added.  Addressed a major exploit in the game.  Sorry.
  • Made a correction to the damage done by crits.  This does NOT fix all the issues with crits but you should see damage increase now.
  • Corrected the ranges for "<monster> appears to be <howbadly> wounded, and added in a missing range.


  • Fixed 2 small issues related to last nights update.
  • Monsters can now see hidden.
  • Adjusted crit% a bit.  This is not the correct fix, nor is it the final fix.  This is a "for now" fix.


  • Moves to protect should be in place now.  Expect bugs.  Please test.
  • Not droppable items can not be dropped
  • Totally reworked Martial Arts calculations
  • Fixed Stealth Calculations based on stats
  • Items or spells that add to or take away from traps, picklocks, theivery, ect will now actually do so
  • Items or spells that affect stats displayed on the right hand side when you type stat will update that display now if you have that ability.
  • Bumped up random regen from a 5% chance per person to a 10% chance per person.  CARNAGE!
  • Fixed monster movement bug that prevented black worms from chasing players
  • Fixed monster movement bug that allowed a behemoth to follow a player through a vortex into the darkwood forest.
Whew! ;)


  • Consolidated some code for summoning monsters into one routine
  • Fixed massively excessive regen in the snake pit
  • Fixed problem with room spells being used in wrong rooms so you should no longer drown at the well in the raks for example


  • Items & spells that give mystics +punch, kick, and jumpkick abilities should work properly now
  • Monsters that can see hidden will cause your sneak to break now
  • Worked on "Moves to protect" a little more.  You should see the proper messages now.
  • We're 98% finished with the code to implement gang houses.  Hopefully we can wrap this up in the next update so we can start testing houses.

December 01, 2008, 03:36:36 PM #5 Last Edit: December 22, 2008, 03:13:10 PM by Gardner Denver
This list is a summary of all the work done this month on the Greatermud project.  This list is intended to give an overview to visitors to show them that this project is still very much alive, and that work is being done on a regular basis.  Most importantly, it shows that this program has actual, honest to God support, that responds to bugs as they are brought up, and fixes them.


  • Totally reworked room lighting, and the effects of items/spells/ect.. on room lighting.  Should match Majormud now.
  • Command name targeting bug fixed.  Greet Old Man will now work.
  • USE <item> should work now. If you use an item that has an "evil in combat" spell, it WILL TARGET YOU as well as mobs.  So don't use those items until we can finish the work on the command.
  • More work on Gang Houses.  One more item and they will be ready for testing.


  • USE <item> should now work as intended
  • Fixed bug that showed party messages to someone not in the party
  • Attempted to fix moves to protect messages that are not displaying properly.  Fix did not work, made situation worse and affects everybody now.  Will fix asap.


  • Smash ability is in.  There is no knockdown at this time, but the damage there.
  • Fixed *Combat Engaged* message
  • Moves to Protect, take 4 ;) 


  • Gang Houses have been activated!  Rejoice!  The shops do not work yet.  We'll get to them in a few days.
  • Fixed bug in 1st Evil Quest where Markus did not drop the locked wooden box
  • More work on USE <item> command.
  • Fixed (I hope) the cause of the crash at cleanup last night


  • House Guardians will not attack you if you have emblem on now
  • House room descriptions updated.

Morning Edition

  • Fixed Gang House Room Descriptions
  • Fixed Guardian Attacking bug
  • Fixed monster spell targeting bug that allowed monsters to cast spells on players not in the room
  • Duplicated deeds removed from deed shop, and bug that caused them fixed.
  • Worked on bashing gang house doors.  This fix did not work as expected.  Has been fixed and will be in tonights build.


  • Fixed a bug in the disband gang command
  • Fixed smash quest
  • Fixed missing attack messages on a few monsters
  • DOT spells should now give experience to the caster on mob death
  • Fixed problem with USE <item> command
  • Fixed bug in poison system


  • Fixed bug that allowed anyone to use Smash.  You must complete the quest to use it now.
  • Fixed bug looking at hidden items in a room
  • Fixed content bug that allowed Black Wastland monsters to enter Dreary Villiage through Vortex
  • Gangs will now get credit for quest reward exp
  • Implemented ScatterItem room spells


  • Fixed bug that allowed LOTH to chase through vortex.
  • Fixed bug that prevented mirror portal from dying and spawning a new hideous face
  • Cleaned up old records from the database, hopefully see a small performance boost


  • Fixed USE <keyring> giving "You have already cast a spell this round" problem
  • Worked on monster alignment.  Please report anything screwy.
  • Purge command will now accept the long name of a spell


  • Fixed problem with cleanup skipping the wrong rooms
  • Worked on dodge.  It's not correct but it's much closer now.


  • Fixed "Moves to protect", fix #6 ;)  Proper messages displayed now
  • Fixed problem with TGS command repeat key
  • Fixed problem that prevented Bloodstone Orbs from being removed from inventory
  • Added Quest Flags and Granted Abilities to the player packet data for my viewer program


  • Fixed bug that prevented COB Quest from giving +3 ACC bonus.  Anyone who had already completed this quest has been given the +3 ACC bonus if they did not already have it.
  • Fixed forum Signature image so that all information would be displayed correctly.