Version 1.0?

Started by RPenton, January 28, 2009, 08:19:53 AM

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Heya, I recall reading on entconn that this project is expected to hit 1.0 and be ready for purchase sometime in January '09. Since it's now near the end of January '09 I was wondering what's the status of this? Is it available to buy?

We've run across a slew of frustrating bugs that we're trying to get fixed before going v0.9, shortly after which we'll probably start allowing beta testers to run their own GMUD realms.  I wish I could give a solid date for v1.0, but I'd hate to take a stab in the dark and miss another deadline.

If I had to guess, sometime in February for v0.9.  After that we'll beta test for a month or two and fix any newly reported bugs as well as work on making the install process as painfree as possible.  Then we'll put together a formal v1.0 release as well as a formal website.  I'll try to be better about keeping people up to date on where we stand in terms of our release schedule.

Thanks for everyone's support and patience.

TGS v1.0 (coming soon)

No worries  :)

Just excited that someone has actually gotten this far. I've often pondered writing a MajorMUD engine myself but balked at the amount of reverse engineering I'd have to do to make it right. I've never gotten past writing the telnet engine before giving up and going off to write a completely different MUD in the end.