Chrysler won't repay federal bailout "loans"

Started by Vitoc, May 07, 2009, 05:45:45 AM

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Nice to see the Government investing our tax dollars so wisely.   I would yank any offer of further assistance to them off the table.

Quote from: on May 08, 2009, 11:36:59 AM
Can't really see how this pisses anyone off, as they think that all "Bailout" funds were just money going out to never be repaid.  Or even tried..    Cause no one took the time to pay attention.
And yet your beloved Obama administration is still handing out hundreds of billions in bailouts to companies and irresponsible home buyers who will never ever pay it back.  Who's really paying for this?  The responsible families and companies that didn't fuck up, because they don't qualify for a cent of the money that's being taken from them and freely handed out to the idiots by the annointed one.

What happened to going through line by line and not rushing legislation through as Obama promised?  Oh well, it sounded good and it got him into office, right?

TGS v1.0 (coming soon)

May 15, 2009, 02:40:53 AM #3 Last Edit: May 15, 2009, 02:47:32 AM by Vitoc
Quote from: on May 14, 2009, 03:13:37 PM
I know you think the economy would just keep going if all of these companies failed.  It's too bad you're wrong.
I don't doubt you think I'm wrong, but it's because you're too busy swinging on Obama's nuts to have a clue what's right or wrong for this country. ;)

Too big to fail doesn't work, and bailing out irresponsible companies and families is setting a dangerous precedent.  Not only that, it's infuriating the already overburdened tax-payers because everytime Obama breaks out his pen and adds another few hundred billion to the seemingly endless list of bailouts, tax-payers are taking it in the ass.

TGS v1.0 (coming soon)

Quote from: on May 14, 2009, 03:13:37 PM
I know you think the economy would just keep going if all of these companies failed.  It's too bad you're wrong.

Banks are not lending any more than they were prior to the bailout.
GM & Chrysler are shuttering dealerships, plants, ect.  Both are a hair away from going under.
Foreclosures are at record high numbers.
Unemployment is at record high numbers.
Stock markets are in ruins.
Average persons investment porfolio is worth considerably less than it was a year ago.

The companies that got bailout funds wiped their brow, gave a big sigh of relief because they didn't lose their collective asses, and laughed all the way to the bank.  Then paid out their customary big yearly bonus to their "best talent".

Who exactly benefitted from the bailout?  Me?  No.  Vitoc?  No.  You?  Probably not.  The people who benefitted were, as always, the big money people (read CEO's, CFO's, ect) who make big donations to election campaigns.

The people who suffer from it are, as always, the people who did not cause or contribute to the problem to begin with.

NO company is "to big to fail".

yup.... just a new bubble awaiting to burst with trillions more in debt to pay off in the end....

it might sound like it's working but it's actually just delaying the inevitable.

Quote from: on May 26, 2009, 05:25:10 AM
"Consumer spending went up more then it has in 5 years in a single month." 

  "Unemployment decline has leveled off."

  "Stock market has began returning to more stable and normal levels."

  Seems to be helping to me..
You're seriously willing to overlook all the broken campaign promises, the trillion+ dollars in bailouts handed to irresponsible companies, the quadrupling of our national deficit in just 100 days, and the fact the war is still proceeding exactly as it did under the last administration (just under a different name) and say "it seems to be helping"?

I'd say I'm not sure what's happened to my friend Thesifer, but I'd be lying because I know exactly what happened.  You bought into the bullshit. :(

TGS v1.0 (coming soon)

Quote from: on May 26, 2009, 02:00:41 PM

For one, I haven't seen my taxes go up.

Well of course not.  The administration isn't going to announce billions of dollars in bail out funds to failed companies AND tell the people "Oh and we're raising your taxes to pay for it..."

Tax increases will come next year, and they will blame something other than these bailouts as the reason they are needed.  My guess is they will sneak it into the tax increase that's going to pay for universal medicaid.

Quote from: on May 26, 2009, 02:00:41 PM
   If we don't get out of Iraq by 2010, then the promise is broken.  So far it looks as if that's still on track for happening.  We'll see.  I'll admit there are many things Obama has done that I don't necessarily agree with, but I'm not in his position.   Same with Bush, I didn't agree with most of what he did, but I wasn't there to do it any better.
You think we're going to pull out of Iraq within 7 months?  We're proceeding exactly the same way Bush did.  Troop surges when things get bad (which Obama said would never work when Bush was in office, but now he's using the same tactic), and we stay to finish the job.

Quote from: on May 26, 2009, 02:00:41 PM
I don't know that I agree with the non-release of the rest of the photos, even if it is just a re-hash of what they already showed.  But I can understand the point to not releasing them.   I don't agree with the Republicans decision not to close the prison in Cuba, but the Dems are also on board with that it seems, so MAYBE they do know something we don't.
Releasing the photos was a bad idea from the start.  There's no doubt it cost American lives when they were first released, and releasing any more at this point would only put more American lives in jeapardy.  Obama promised he would close Gitmo but really didn't have any real plan in place to deal with the prisoners.  As with most things he thought he could just snap his fingers and everyone would obey.  Why wouldn't he though?  He's been treated like royalty by liberal politicians.

The Bailouts are a Bipartisan issue.    Republicans were for them, Democrats were for them.  I'm not necessarily against them.   For one, I haven't seen my taxes go up.  And we were already looking at over a Trillion dollar budget deficit whether the bailouts went out or not.
I believe this is where the Republican party has lost itself.  Bailouts are a bad idea, and we've set a dangerous precedent.  I *am* paying more now.  How you might ask?  Since I don't qualify for most tax credits or any of this "making homes affordable" crap where they're reward those who got in over their heads, more of *my* tax dollars are going to pay for my neighbors' mortgage.  Why are responsible home buyers being punished?

But I do agree that consumer spending was at a standstill, investors were losing money hand over fist, banks weren't loaning out money and should still probably be loaning out more then they are now, basically the economy was grinding to a halt. 

I don't know about you, but I see that as bad for everyone around.   In 1-3 years, I could have a totally different outlook - and/or - they might find a Republican to run that is a true Fiscal republican, and not the 'religious family values- we hate gay marriage - etc' that they have now.
When the banks were handed their bailouts, what's the first thing the executives did?  Lavish retreats, big bonuses, etc.  Why should my tax-dollars go towards that when I didn't even want them to get bailed out in the first place?  Hell, where's my bailout so I can go on a lavish retreat?  How many Republicans are saying "we hate gay marriage"?  That's certainly not the norm.  The norm is, and I agree with this, we believe marriage should be between a man and a woman.  That's our opinion, and we're entitled to one just like every other person out there, gay or not, do you understand that?  Someone saying that doesn't make someone a bad person, yet it sure is treated that way in the media these days, isn't it?

It's pretty obvious that Palin was McCain's biggest mistake.   She was far right wing, she "preached" abstinence while her daughter was pregnant, then said .. "No it's ok because she's getting married to the guy!"   Then after the campaign it comes out that they were getting married because they were told they had to, and have since separated.    McCain of 2000, was a decent Moderate Republican.   McCain of 2008 was almost the exact opposite.
I'd disagree with that first statement.  She's done an amazing job in Alaska, and already has more applicable experience than Obamuhh.  I remember during the campaign, the one issue you really just baffled me on was the Palin issue.  You hated her.  I mean you literally hated her.  That just cries out to me "I watch and believe everything the liberal media feeds me."  They ran a hate campaign against her, and it worked.  I can't believe people were using the word hate so freely, but hate is what's been preached against the Bush adminstration for the last 6 years, so I guess it just came naturally. 

I am a moderate, have always been a moderate, but I don't see how our economy would have just jumpstarted itself without a government push.    And I don't watch Fox News to feed me the other side of the bullshit.
Right, so you've only been getting one side of it.  It makes complete sense, really.

TGS v1.0 (coming soon)

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