Weapons ideas

Started by Excarkun, October 01, 2009, 02:21:22 PM

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Here are some weapons I made and others from Entconn forums..

Jeweled Adamantite Ninjato: Type: 1H Sharp, Damage: 26-60, Speed: 2100, LVL: 55, Str: 85, Enc: 80, AC: 2/1, Acc: 10, BS: 15,
Abilities: Magical +5, BsMaxDmg +20, Crits +3 ,
Classes: Assassin

Ebon Blade: 1H Sharp, Damage: 14-30, Speed: 2200, LVL: 50 , Str: 80, Enc: 120, AC: 1/0, Acc: 7, BS: +8, Limit: 0, :
Abilities: Magical +5, BsMinDmg +3, BsMaxDmg +6 Quality +100,
Casts: Casts: [drain life(894), DrainLife 2 to 8, AffectsLivingOnly, 60%] Class Any

Twin Cobra Scimitars: Type: 2H Sharp, Damage: 6-30, Speed: 2200, LVL: 40, Str: 50, Enc: 100, AC: 1/0, Acc: 6, BS:+1:>> Abilities: Magical +3, Quality +100,, Crits +1,

Also a Weapon that my little brother sent me I'll post it:

Catoblepas Dagger (Rough Draft of a lvl 55/or 60 or LIM 1 Quest dagger for this CLASS ONLY)
Magic:    5
DMG:    1-2
Acc:   -900
Crits:   -999
BSminDMG: +400
BSmaxDMG: +650
BSAccuracy: +950
Casts: Gazes(504) [Slay+1]  20%
Level: 50

Added: Loyal

(The BSAccuracy is 950 to even out the -900 accuracy. This weapon will never hit hand to hand.)
(The slay accuracy of 20% may LOOK absurd. But on a backstab you get 1 swing. Your not swinging 5x.)
(20%x5 is insane. a 1 in 5 shot for an instant kill is not that high. Change to 15% if need.)
(Obviously, this dagger will need to be tested to test the actual bs values. I aimed for around 450-650 possible damage before character bonuses)
(Test play and tweak as necessary, as I never had the time or opportunity to test it on my own BBS)

New Weapons:
earthforged warhammer
Weight: 200
Speed: 2500
Type: 1H Blunt
Req. Strength: 80
Min/Max Hit: 15-39

Abilities: +5 accuracy, magical-5, Level 60, +15 Resist Stone, Casts "Rocks Shred (5-15 damage)" 33%

volcanite sledgehammer
weight: 300
speed: 3000
Type: 2H Blunt
Req. Strength: 100
Min/Max Hit: 22-55

Abilities: +10 accuracy, magical-5, Level 60, +15 Resist Fire, Casts, "Fire Burns (5-15 damage)" 33%
Negates: magma drip, magma heat, temple of fire fire

obsidian quickblade
weight: 50
speed: 1700
Type: 1H Sharp
Req. Strength: 60
Min/Max Hit: 11-27

Abilities: +10 accuracy, magical-5, BS Acc +20, BS Min +15, BS Max +30, Level 60, Casts, "Lacerate (4-8 damage, 15 rounds)" 25%

bone-handled greataxe
weight: 350
speed: 3000
Type: 2H Sharp
Req. Strength: 110
Min/Max Hit: 20-52

Abilities: +5 accuracy, magical-5, Level 60, HP Regen -10, Casts, "Lacerate (3-12 damage, 10 rounds)" 33%

granite cudgel
weight: 190
speed: 2450
type: 1H Blunt
Req. Strength: 80
Min/Max Hit: 13-36

Abilities: +7 accuracy, magical-4, Level 40, Casts, "Rocks Shred (5-15 damage)" 40%

jeweled cinquedea
weight: 50
speed: 1800
type: 1H Sharp
Req. Strength: 60
Min/Max Hit: 8-26

Abilities: +10 accuracy, magical-4, Level 40, BS Acc +20, BS Min +10, BS Max +20

Quote from: Excarkun on October 01, 2009, 02:21:22 PM
Catoblepas Dagger (Rough Draft of a lvl 55/or 60 or LIM 1 Quest dagger for this CLASS ONLY)
Magic:    5
DMG:    1-2
Acc:   -900
Crits:   -999
BSminDMG: +400
BSmaxDMG: +650
BSAccuracy: +950
Casts: Gazes(504) [Slay+1]  20%
Level: 50
Added: Loyal

(The BSAccuracy is 950 to even out the -900 accuracy. This weapon will never hit hand to hand.)
(The slay accuracy of 20% may LOOK absurd. But on a backstab you get 1 swing. Your not swinging 5x.)
(20%x5 is insane. a 1 in 5 shot for an instant kill is not that high. Change to 15% if need.)
(Obviously, this dagger will need to be tested to test the actual bs values. I aimed for around 450-650 possible damage before character bonuses)
(Test play and tweak as necessary, as I never had the time or opportunity to test it on my own BBS)

I hope that such a weapon never makes it into the game.  Ever.  Any weapon that give any chance of insta kill to a player is a bad idea IMHO.

Quote from: Gardner Denver on October 02, 2009, 05:14:25 AM
I hope that such a weapon never makes it into the game.  Ever.  Any weapon that give any chance of insta kill to a player is a bad idea IMHO.
Its just bizzare...and the application doesnt even fit with the item description...backstab and eye to eye contact?

Should not gaze just stun the opponent that seems powerful enough, or can I just run in and out of  ard until I get my auto kill? Plus loyal it is laughable

Sometimes you have to break stuff to get other things to work better. I'll keep it on my mind.