Armour Ideas

Started by Excarkun, October 01, 2009, 02:27:11 PM

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October 01, 2009, 02:27:11 PM Last Edit: October 02, 2009, 05:16:14 AM by Gardner Denver
These are a few mine most from Entconn forums

Prowler's Chestguard
Weight: 550
Type: Rigid Leather (Torso)
AC/DR: 23.0/2.5

Abilities: Level 60, Magical, +5 NV, Shadowform, Picklock +10, Findtraps +10, +2 Max Damage, BS Acc +5, BS Max +10, Loyal.
Restricted: Thief

Wanderlust Tunic
Weight: 550
Type: Rigid Leather (Torso)
AC/DR: 22.5/3.0

Abilities: Level 60, Magical, +5 Encumbrance, +2 Max Damage, BS Min +5, BS Max +10, Loyal.
Restricted: Gypsy

Bloodwood Breastplate
Weight: 660
Type: Rigid Leather (Torso)
AC/DR: 22.5/4.5

Abilities: Level 60, Magical, +4 Max Damage, Hp Regen -5, NotGood
Restricted: Druid, Ranger

Blackwood Breastplate
Weight: 750
Type: Rigid Leather (Torso)
AC/DR: 22.5/5.5

Abilities: Level 60, Magical, +3 Max Damage, +10 Hp Regen, -3 Dodge, Loyal.
Restricted: Druid, Ranger

Moonglow Vestements
Weight: 450
Type: Rigid Leather (Torso)
AC/DR: 24.0/2.0

Abilities: Level 60, Magical, +25 NV, +25 Max Mana, +10 MA Regen, Loyal
Restricted: Druid

Underworld Hauberk
Weight: 950
Type: Chainmail (Torso)
AC/DR: 29.0/6.5

Abilities: Level 60, Magical, +25 NV, +25 Max Mana, +3 Max Damage, -10 Stealth, -13 Dodge, NotGood, Loyal
Restricted: Warlock

Battle Mage's Chestguard
Weight: 1000
Type: Chainmail (Torso)
AC/DR: 28.0/7.5

Abilities: Level 60, Magical, +25 Max Mana, +3 Max Damage, -6 Stealth, -10 Dodge, Loyal.
Restricted: Warlock.

Faithbringer's Vest
Weight: 550
Type: Rigid Leather (Torso)
AC/DR: 22.5/3.0

Abilities: Level 60, Magical, +2 Max Damage, +2 Crits, +10 Max Mana, +5 Ma Regen, Loyal.
Restricted: Missionary

SilveryTarnish Stone Armour Evil, Magical, 33/12 weight 1700  level  55 unlimited,+5 Prgd
just an idea..
Also could make it a Quest to get this like Fangblade? sure something can be thought of.. like  tarnished chainmail hauberk, and silvery plate corselet forged together?

Jeweled Coronet
Weight: 100
AC/DR: 5/.1
Game Limit: 2
Abilities: Magical, Level 50, +35 MaxMana, +10 MaRegen
Drops from: ?

Golden Circlet
Weight: 100
AC/DR: 4/0
Abilities: Magical, Level 40, +10 MaxMana

Jade Circlet
Weight: 100
AC/DR: 4/0
Abilities: Magical, Level 40, Casts Spell "Antidote", 10x daily.

Ivory Diadem
Weight: 100
AC/DR: 4/0
Abilities: Magical, Level 40, +1 Punch Damage, +2 Kick Damage, +2 Jumpkick Damage

Satin Wizard's Hat
Weight: 75
AC/DR: 4/0
Abilities: Magical, Level 40, +10 MaRegen, +25 MaxMana, Mage Only.

Satin Hood
Weight: 75
AC/DR: 4/0
Abilities: Magical, Level 40, +10 MaRegen, +25 MaxMana, Priest Only.

-Quest Gear,
Dragonscale Corselet
Weight: 1750
Type: Plate
AC/DR: 35.0/16.0
Abilities: Magical, Level 60, Accuracy +5, -20 Dodge, -10 Stealth, +4 Max Damage, +15 Resist Fire, Loyal
Restricted: Warrior

Scale of the Inquisition
Weight: 1450
Type: Scalemail
AC/DR: 32.0/12.0
Abilities: Level 60, Crits +3, -20 Dodge, -10 Stealth, +5 Max Damage, +15 Mres, Loyal
Restricted: Witchunter

Celestial Corselet
Weight: 1650
Type: Plate
AC/DR: 35.0/15.0
Abilities: Magical, Level 60, -20 Dodge, -10 Stealth, +3 Max Damage, +2 Crits, +20 MaxMana, Loyal
Restricted: Cleric

Weight: 1650
Type: Plate
AC/DR: 35.0/15.0
Abilities: Magical, Level 60, -20 Dodge, -10 Stealth, +3 Max damage, +3 Crits, Loyal
Restricted: Paladin

Avatar's Raiments
Weight: 200
Type: Cloth
AC/DR: 18.0/1.5
Abilities: Magical, Level 60, +50 MaxMana, +10 HpRegen, +15 MaRegen, Loyal
Restricted: Priest

Red Dragon Kaftan
Weight: 200
Type: Cloth
AC/DR: 17.0/.5
Abilities: Magical, Level 60, +5 Max Damage, +10 HpRegen, +5 Crits, Loyal
Restricted: Ninja/Assassin

Jade Dragon Kimono
Weight: 200
Type: Cloth
Ac/DR: 17.0/.5
Abilities: Magical, Level 60, +5 Crits, +10 HpRegen, +5 Punch/Kick/Jumpkick Accuracy, +2 Punch Damage, +3 Kick Damage, +3 Jumpkick Damage, Loyal
Restricted: Mystic

Vest of the Hunt
Weight: 700
Type: Rigid Leather
AC/DR: 24.0/4.0
Abilities: Magical, Level 60, +5 Accuracy, +3 Max Damage, HpRegen +10, +3 Dodge, +5 Resist Cold/Fire/Lightning/Stone, Loyal
Restricted: Ranger

Robe of the Mind
Weight: 200
Type: Cloth
AC/DR: 18.0/1.5
Abilities: Magical, Level 60, MaxMana +75, HpRegen +10, MaRegen +10, Loyal
Restricted: Mage

Observations on Wolf hide and dusky items.

Wolf Hide gloves     Wt. 105, 5.6/.9 ac +3 acc,+1 crits
Wolf Hide pants      Wt. 110, 6.7/1 ac
Wolf Hide Tunic      Wt. 625, 22.5/1 ac +25 hps.
Wolf Hide hat         Wt. 115, 7.5/1.5 ac, +25 nightvision, +10 perception.
Wolf hide boots      Wt. 100, 5.5/.9 ac, +5 acc, +2 crits.

totals......................... 1055, 47.8/5.3ac, +8acc, +3 crits, +25 hps, +25 nightvision, +10 Perception.

Dusky Leather Gloves  Wt. 110, 5.6/.9 ac +2 acc, +2 crits
Dusky Leather Pants    Wt. 110, 6.9/1 ac +10 acc
Dusky Leather Vest     wt. 600, 23/3 ac, +25 hps
Dusky Leather cap       wt. 105, 7/1.2 ac +2 crits
Dusky Leather Boots    Wt. 100, 6.5/1.5 ac +5 acc, +2 dodge

Total...........................wt. 1015, 49/7.6 AC, +17 accuracy, +4 Crits, +2 dodge, +25 hps

EDIT* Colors removed so you can actually read the post.