dwarven witchy

Started by scratacorn, February 09, 2010, 08:47:30 PM

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armour isn't highlighted like the other options for black chitin, and it list it as 32marmour. then when you do ask for armour, it re-writes through what is already displayed. and if you type eq black, gives "content error" but eq chitin works

[HP=228]:greet dwa
The huge dwarven witchunter eyes you with disgust, and hollers:

"Welcome to me shop, ye puny, pale, womanly MAGGOT! Although ye nearly make
  me puke in disgust at yer pathetic flabby body, I, being the charitable,
  angelic soul that I am, will not crush yer frail bones into powder! Indeed,
  I would even barter with ye if yer purse be loaded with gold. Every single
  item in me inventory is top quality, none of that worthless crud they peddle
  down the street!"

He pauses for a moment, spittle running down his chin. You wonder if he is
entirely sane, but decide that discretion is the better part of valor.

"Also," he continues, "I am a skilled craftsman as well as a canny merchant
  and champion bodybuilder. If ye have any strange or exotic materials with
  ye, mayhaps I could be persuaded to fashion them into armour or weapons, if
  they be suitable, and for a goodly commission. And if ye be a
  Witchunter, I may have something for you."
[HP=228]:ask dwa materials

The huge dwarven witchunter turns the chitin over in his hands, evaluating
its worth. He raps on it a few times, and hammers it hard with his fist. After a

moment he nods in satisfaction, turns to you, and bellows:

"I know not where ye found this, but 'twould make decent armour when
bound  with this here spider silk. Considering the size of these plates, I will
need two pieces of chitin, two bundles of spider silk, and 1000 gold to fashion
a helm, three pieces of both chitin and silk, and 1500 gold to
fashion a shield from the stuff.  A pair of gauntlets will take three pieces of
chitin, two pieces of silk, and 1200 gold.
To craft leggings, it will take four pieces of chitin, four
bundles of silk, and 2000 gold. Lastly, if ye want a fine corselet of
32marmour, I will require five pieces of chitin and silk, and 2500 gold. When ye
have collected the appropriate items, return to me, and not a minute sooner. Al
so,  if ye return to me with the improper number of items I need, then I will ju
st take them and render ye no service whatsoever. Make SURE ye have the appropri
Exotic Weapons Shop
Also here: huge dwarven witchunter.
Obvious exits: north
You are now resting.
[HP=233 (Resting) ]:ask dwa armour

hands you marvellously crafted black chitin armour.
[HP=250 (Resting) ]:
Exotic Weapons Shop
Also here: huge dwarven witchunter.es of chitin and silk, and 2500 gold. When ye
Obvious exits: northappropriate items, return to me, and not a minute sooner. Al
[HP=250 (Resting) ]:
Exotic Weapons Shop
Also here: huge dwarven witchunter.
Obvious exits: north
[HP=250 (Resting) ]:
Exotic Weapons Shop
Also here: huge dwarven witchunter.
Obvious exits: north
[HP=250 (Resting) ]:
Exotic Weapons Shop
Also here: huge dwarven witchunter.
Obvious exits: north
[HP=250 (Resting) ]:i
You are carrying 48 platinum pieces, 16 gold crowns, Magebane sword (Weapon
Hand), pot-helm (Head), scale gauntlets (Hands), gold jeweled ring (Finger),
white gold ring (Finger), hardened leather boots (Feet), scalemail leggings
(Legs), scalemail tunic (Torso), black chitin armour
You have the following keys: black serpent key.
Wealth: 481600 copper farthings
Encumbrance: 2827/4800 - Medium [58%]
Archon just entered the Realm.
[HP=250 (Resting) ]:st
Name: TheGreat WiseOne                 Lives/CP:      9/0
Race: Kang        Exp: 4666803         Perception:     40
Class: Witchunter Level: 20            Stealth:         0
Hits:   250/250   Armour Class:  51/10 Thievery:        0
                                       Traps:           0
                                       Picklocks:       0
Strength:  100    Agility: 70          Tracking:        0
Intellect: 40     Health:  91          Martial Arts:   27
Willpower: 45     Charm:   30          MagicRes:       43
[HP=250 (Resting) ]:eq black
Content error
BethBen just entered the Realm.
BethBen just disconnected!!!
[HP=250 (Resting) ]:gos rofl
TheGreat gossips: rofl
[HP=250 (Resting) ]:
Exotic Weapons Shop
Also here: huge dwarven witchunter.
Obvious exits: north

You couldn't equip it because you have black serpent key. when you tried to eq black it thought you were equipping the key which provides a content error.

Is that 32m thing in mmud or is that cause by something we've done?

It's a targeting issue equipping items

Quote from: DeathCow on March 02, 2010, 09:17:14 PM
Is that 32m thing in mmud or is that cause by something we've done?

I only ever see the 32m thing happen in megamud. It happens in both mmud and greatermud settings and is kind of random when it shows up.

Uh its the color ansi color code thing in the textblock isnt it?