No incentive to play a neutral priest!

Started by Hayden, September 23, 2010, 11:38:08 PM

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Nobody plays neutral priests because they don't get any of the armor/combat beneficial spells such as:
Good: prev, aura, armr, dcor, bast, rite, nity
Evil: prgd, unho, uarm, unfa, blud, hesh, prfl

Neutral should have:
Protection from the imbalanced +5 prev, +5 prgd (self)
Protective aura +5 prev, +5 prgd (party)
Balanced armor (same as armr, uarm)
Tranquility (same as nity, prfl)
Grace (same as rite, blud)
Shell of Salvation (same as bast, hesh)
Globe of Balance (same as dcor, unfa)

In the famous words of Captain Picard "Make it so!"

What is a priest, but someone that takes action for there god/religion, to activly serve. Good or Bad, there is no try.

Quote from: Gardner Denver on September 23, 2010, 11:48:17 PM
Reasonable.  I could get behind this.

Definitely not the first time Gardner has said that :P

IMO any of the priest classes should be gimped at neutral.  They should also be able to choose and lock in good/evil at level 1.  To bad the current realm design isn't friendly to low level evils.

Quote from: Darmius on September 24, 2010, 05:36:16 PM
IMO any of the priest classes should be gimped at neutral.

Notions like this are exactly what has made the alignment system so crappy over the years. To make the alignment system work, all 3 alignments should be unique in their strengths/weaknesses, but balanced in overall power.

May 22, 2013, 07:12:14 AM #6 Last Edit: May 22, 2013, 07:15:53 AM by Coarse Horse
Necropost bump

The original post is right on in what it targets as necessities for neutral priests. They basically need most if not all of these tools to compete with Good/Evil,  in addition to whatever other new spells are proposed for them.

Without basic things like armor spells and a mana regen spell, they'll end up just as useless as they are already. ParaMUD Reference and Downloads

I'm working on a few things for neutral priests, my biggest obstacles are theme's a where in game the new things should be found.  I've been working on tweaking spells in the mage tree but today's mission is to collect all the data points for priests and their various alignments so that I can make attempt to it so that all three alignments are equally valid picks.

What I expect to find:

Good Priests are currently the superior choice.  Evil priests are probably pretty balanced in terms of power level.  And neutral priests are nearly useless except to be exp leaching heal bots..2nd rate heal bots at that.

What I expect to do.

I expect to Leave Good priests virtually untouched, except that I will likely increasse their damage output a bit, especially when it comes to spells shared by all 3 alignments.  Their blessing and healing capabilities will stay pretty much the same.

Evil priests may have the nearly useless prgd spell line replaced with something more damage oriented, likely in the form of a utility spell.  Addition of a few items that are on a similar scale to the power level of the good priest items.

Neutral priests will get new spells, they will be some where between good and evil in term of both defensive and offensive capabilities.  Many new items placed through out the game aim at various levels.  Any spells that are already NotGood/NotEvil will become EvilOnly/GoodOnly..neutral priests will get their own things rather than just using the shitty bits from the other alignments.   I have a few ideas on how I'd like to do this, but I need to varify how certain things would work in gmud before I would spend the time committing anything to the database.

The idea The  prieat can be onlt at the extreemes of the alingment spectrum are wrong. To think of a god as being only Good or evil negats the ideas of balance.