Shadow Master in the middle of Blackwood Forest

Started by Jigga, September 28, 2010, 01:09:33 AM

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Sorry I couldn't get the Player Manager to work but I just ran into the Shadow Master in the Blackwood Forest, sort of around the midnight unicorn area.
~{RoBDaWG - Jigga - Rza}~   ||  ~{Sysop of}~

Hmmm pretty sure this is not a bug...mmud explorer shows him being able to spawn at Library Path 17 581, Library Steps 17 1774 / 17 1788, Blackwood Forest 17 807 / 17 811 / 17 821 / 17 822 / 17 823 / 17 824 / 17 2655, Haven Street 17 2393...