EP system bug abuse

Started by Dakkon, January 24, 2011, 02:39:47 PM

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I'm sure your aware of this one and it's gotten totally out of control... I went good for a reason but some people have found a way to make sure they can cheat me out of the EPS they should be getting when they attack me.

Please select a realm: 2
G R E A T E R  M U D v0.8.4015.34358 (Dec 29 2010 19:05:17)
{A Legacy Reborn}

[E] . Enter the Realm
[C] . Game Counts
[T] . Topten Adventurers
[G] . Topten Gangs
[W] . Who's in the Realm
[X] . Exit Game

The room is pitch black - you can't see anything
You feel unlucky!
The room is pitch black - you can't see anything
The room is pitch black - you can't see anything
McFly bumps you as he tries to rob you!
[PVP detected! (11:36 am)]
McFly moves to attack you!
[PVP detected! (11:36 am)]

January 24, 2011, 05:13:12 PM #2 Last Edit: January 24, 2011, 05:15:06 PM by mad
"You feel unlucky!"

You sure were.

BTW: Here's your gang member Stinkyhaze doing the identical thing to McFly, so why not?


Gardner's response was something along the lines of, 'I don't care'.

laugh your response is someone else did it to you so you did it to me? well gee that makes it ok doesnt it

Hardcore criminals dare you to come and try rob any of us.

Quote from: Dakkon on January 24, 2011, 06:22:22 PM
laugh your response is someone else did it to you so you did it to me? well gee that makes it ok doesnt it

I didnt do it to you and I said that Stinky did it to McFly, and gardner didnt care, so your whining is pointless. Rob bug away, we dont care. The Ep systems fucked anyway.