
Started by twogirlz, March 18, 2011, 05:54:00 AM

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Quote from: Gardner Denver on March 27, 2011, 07:17:21 AM
Since nobody else has come forward that I feel is more trustworthy, I intend to recommend Twochicks as the new mudop next week.
Good move but I think more is needed to get things going again. There is a particularly dead feeling around the whole gmud project right now.

Quote from: Ptery on April 01, 2011, 01:26:46 AM
Good move but I think more is needed to get things going again. There is a particularly dead feeling around the whole gmud project right now.

Don't know much to do about that at the moment.

Im in, lets get this going again, gard you should secretly play again

Quote from: twogirlz on April 01, 2011, 08:59:44 AM
Im in, lets get this going again, gard you should secretly play again

I haven't played on a pvp push here in 3 years now.  Haven't played non pvp in over 2 years here either.

Hey guys...

Wonder why the need for a new Op to begin with? Gardner have enough?

If we are looking for someone else I would like to possibly throw my name in the mix for the spot, maybe have it up to some sort of vote if there are multiple candidates? I'm sure most people that have played on my board over the years would vouch that I've always been a non-bias, fair system operator.

I generally turn a blind eye to any of the drama/arguing that goes on here, and rarely even PVP unless provoked.

I have tons of experience as I've been running boards since before I can remember. I know the game inside out.

I would say the majority of people that still play the game (especially PVP versions) either play on GMUD or Utopia, and know me at least fairly well by now.

Personally I think Gardner has done a great job with what he's been given, and I would prefer to just see him stay in charge, but if the job is going elsewhere I would like to be considered. I would want to know what would be expected though.

As an Op it's impossible to please everyone everytime. There will always be choices you have to make, that may make sense to most, but will upset others. It's the nature of the beast.
~{RoBDaWG - Jigga - Rza}~   ||  ~{Sysop of}~

Quote from: UtopiaBBS on April 03, 2011, 03:54:34 PM
Wonder why the need for a new Op to begin with? Gardner have enough?

Clearly you haven't read the forums in months...

Quote from: Gardner Denver on April 01, 2011, 11:22:55 AM
I haven't played on a pvp push here in 3 years now.

You would get sick hunted anyway. I don't know how fun it would be for you.

Quote from: Ptery on April 03, 2011, 05:54:50 PM
You would get sick hunted anyway. I don't know how fun it would be for you.

Perhaps.  Last time I played I was pretty much left alone.  Never had great gear or lims, just hung out in one little area in the red dragons and scripted.  Came out only to train, quest, or do the odd boss kill run from time to time.

We're going to go with two ops.  Jigga and Twogirlz.  I will get this setup asap.