Non PVP Realm DP

Started by Positivism, August 30, 2011, 04:41:49 PM

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At what point is it ok to collect a few items from a DP in the non pvp realm?
For instance if a player hasn't been seen for 2 weeks?

When you no longer have a vagina

September 01, 2011, 12:21:35 AM #3 Last Edit: September 01, 2011, 12:25:56 AM by Demonic
In this particular instance the items were found in multiple rooms and may have been a stash just as well as a DP. The web has numerous piles of non limited armour as people fight back to dps.  

One of the items is the gavel of justice. Cloud is last person my mega shows seen with this item. Cloud was playing yesterday and didn't respond to tells. kush kilo and his third haven't been playing. A couple items were bard items which he was seen with last..mega shows Aug 10 and 15  as last online dates. Since that time we have had 1 or 2 sweeps. Personally we have had a few lims we stash for gang members who are I don't leave items stashed long I Burn them if we cannot use...or hand them out as I did on several occasions to winter...that being said....twice we were unlucky with sweep next sucks but its part of the risk and its understood misfortune.

Now these items are possibly stashed possibly DP maybe both. I have no problem with policy but it would be nice to have it outlined. My opinion is that 3 weeks on a pile (if it is indeed a pile) is fair time to retrieve. We shouldn't have to wait for a reindex as that takes away from luck of the find and alternative means of acquisition... This isn't something just sitting on the surface....

If we must truly wait for reindex what prevents people from making a stash or a different gear set look like a DP to make it safe from a good armor set and evil with lims so they could change back and forth? How would you determine legitimate DP to exclude from reindexing?  How do we prevent people from claiming an item that was hidden is rightfully theirs? I want to do this correctly as I am all about making it fun for all, however there are active players which can use this gear and I feel we made fair attempt to contact and waited due time.

Could we say 2 weeks on pick up and if player comes back before 3 weeks you return it if so desired??

Isn't the rule 20 days on limited strip anyhow? Unless ops are notified of special circumstance? Aren't ground sweeps weekly with DP excluded? This all makes it seem these items should be fair game.

Please let me know and we will be happy to comply....thanks!

I skipped over these DPs last sweep, no one has mentioned anything to me, but they are 1st teir items and they arent exactly in a difficult location to get to, when i swept last im pretty sure they were not hidden. So they cant have been there more then a week, my time calculator for this might be two weeks, if they aren't taken by halfway through next week, ill be sweeping the lims and the rest is anyones game. I will post when its done.

And no, i made it clear i would not sweep DPs, i will give them at approx 2 weeks (unless they contact me) before they are wiped.

It is not really fair to leave the items for scavenging, better to cycle them back onto mobs (unless it is lich gear).

In this particular instance its obvious that the owners of these lims have gone for more than the allowable limit of time. Their accounts should be stripped. Besides i have been playing for a few months now and have never seen any of these players at keys, which isn't cool.

They should not be reindexed as that would disadvantage the finder of these items.

It is more within the spirit of the game to have an alternative means of acquisition.