Bug List

Started by soul, April 12, 2006, 01:07:46 AM

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April 12, 2006, 01:07:46 AM Last Edit: March 21, 2007, 12:45:43 PM by The Crazy Animal
Here are the first issues I see:
'to' should be an alias for 'top'
'sc' should be an alias for 'who'
I am a warrior, yet my status screen shows Mana: 0/0
I am level 1 with a helm, glove, and boots equipped, yet a kobold thief never hits me at all.
entering 6666666666666666666666666666666 for one of your stats on character creation crashes the server.

^^ ty..

We havent really gotten around to the acc calculations, vitoc programed all that before I had the formulas.

Quote from: DeathCow on April 13, 2006, 05:01:35 AM
^^ ty..

We havent really gotten around to the acc calculations, vitoc programed all that before I had the formulas.
I'm on those issues this weekend, including acc.  If I have time I may even throw in healing and combat spells.

TGS v1.0 (coming soon)

Quote from: soul on April 12, 2006, 01:07:46 AM
Here are the first issues I see:
'to' should be an alias for 'top'
'sc' should be an alias for 'who'
I am a warrior, yet my status screen shows Mana: 0/0
I am level 1 with a helm, glove, and boots equipped, yet a kobold thief never hits me at all.
entering 6666666666666666666666666666666 for one of your stats on character creation crashes the server.
All of these are fixed minus the accuracy issue.  I need more info on AC's effect vs. Acc because I think it might not be a 1 to 1 relationship which is the way I coded it.

TGS v1.0 (coming soon)

Quote from: Ian on April 18, 2006, 01:00:30 AM
Love the GMud idea, kudos to you guys for actually going ahead and doing something about it.

Just created a user, and a few bugs catch my attention:
I start with 0/6 mana after char creation
As people have pointed out, ac/accuracy needs to be worked on.? I haven't been hit once.
sp does not work as a short command for spells (maybe cos I don't have any, but it should work regardless).? Only get the correct message after typing spells fully
The "Also here:" text should be a darker purple, not the bright one
Not a fan of the way the statline is colored.? Maybe I just need to get used to it, but it's strange and different and it scares me.? I don't mind the numbers being colored (eg white <50%, red <25%, perhaps even dark green the rest of the time)
Heheh, just thought of one that no one has mentioned:? A help system!
Obviously this is just a testing realm atm (nicely star shaped).? Got the trainer/armor/weapons, but no spell shop (that I can find anyway).

Thats about it for the moment.? Again, good work on the effort guys.? I can hardly imagine how hard the coding would be, and catching all these bug conditions.? And writing/designing new content for realm/cities/NPCs/quests/storylines... I don't have that sort of creativity in me.? Good job guys!
Thanks for the support, and thanks for the bugs.? :)

I will fix the initial mana and sp for spells issue tonight.

I made a major change to AC's effect on accuracy last night, so I need to make sure it's still screwed up and how far off it is before I go changing it again.? Did anyone notice any change in acc?

As for the color issue, you're probably used to color pallet 0 but I think the default is 2 (which is what I started with about a decade ago ;) ), so type "set pa 0" in the game and you'll have those colors you're looking for.

Help is probably dead last on the list of things to do, but I'll get to it eventually. ;)

TGS v1.0 (coming soon)

"help exp" works, the only help command that does btw. ;)

"sp" now lists spells.

Initial mana fixed.

TGS v1.0 (coming soon)

Quote from: Faceless thing on April 19, 2006, 01:02:01 AM
Help exp is kinda glitched tho here is what i mean ...
Exp: 69698 Level: 12 Exp needed for next level: 5502 (75200) [92%]
im level 12 and need 75200 to level 13 and look at help exp..
Level? ?Experience
-----? ?----------
? 10? ? ?37600
? 11? ? ?53174
? 12? ? ?75200
? 13? ? ?106349
? 14? ? ?150400
? 15? ? ?212698
? 16? ? ?300800
? 17? ? ?425395
says i need 75200 to level 12 so its a level off

Will fix that tonight.  Thanks.

TGS v1.0 (coming soon)

Quote from: KalEl on April 19, 2006, 05:08:25 AM
Logged off cuz of lost connections when choosing class on a new character and couldnt seem to get back on.? Board crash?? Eitherway, might be something to look into.? happened at like 5:50am est? 4/19/06
Thanks for the info.  I'll bet a lost connection is a case I forgot to handle when getting someone's race/class/sex.  Will fix that and bring the server back up tonight.  Fixing crashing issues like this will eventually make it completely stable.

TGS v1.0 (coming soon)

Both of the previous issues have been fixed and the server is up and running again.

Help exp shows exp for proper levels
Hanging at the race/class/gender screens doesn't crash the server

TGS v1.0 (coming soon)

Quote from: KalEl on April 20, 2006, 05:09:29 PM
Thesifer and I were trying out PVP not only could we not hit or bs each other.? He went and got scroll of cause harm for me and I tryed using it on him and the second time i tried i think it crashed the server
Money now has weight.
Single target combat spells work for players. (messages for them need a lot of work though)

There's probably lots of bugs created by the combat spells, but that's what we're here for right? ;)

TGS v1.0 (coming soon)

When trying to hide items the character tries to hide instead of hiding the item.  I tried this with single items and cash.

I also picked up lots of silver and it told me i had 135% enc and i could still move

Quote from: Trollin Smurf on April 21, 2006, 01:52:46 AM
When trying to hide items the character tries to hide instead of hiding the item.? I tried this with single items and cash.

Use stash instead.


If Superman is bulletproof, why does he duck when a gun is thrown at him?

Seems like alot of bugs are caused from missing aliases, will GMud have and alias system like the older LPMuds, or will it be hardcoded like MMud is?

Quote from: Darmius on April 21, 2006, 01:01:40 PM
Seems like alot of bugs are caused from missing aliases, will GMud have and alias system like the older LPMuds, or will it be hardcoded like MMud is?
The command aliases are a hard coded dictionary for extemely fast lookup, and then logic also has to be applied to whether or not the command has any arguments after it.

For example:
"hide" will make you attempt to hide while "hide boots" will attempt to stash your boots.

Atm, the only command-based stuff that a realm owner would be able to add in are actions, spells, and perhaps special new attack types.? I dont see much point to letting them give unorthodox aliases to common commands.

Or are you referring to the end-user being able to assign aliases to commands?  I guess either way, I believe it's just adding confusion. So the short answer is, umm... yeah, like Major MUD. 

TGS v1.0 (coming soon)