Ideas for Deathcow's 3rd Realm Edits

Started by Greater, April 16, 2013, 04:13:47 PM

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April 16, 2013, 04:13:47 PM Last Edit: April 16, 2013, 07:06:26 PM by Coarse Horse
This thread is a fresh, on-topic continuation of discussion found toward the end of this thread:;topicseen#msg20729

I don't see new classes as being necessary until there are new abilities to back up new concepts for them. Current classes would benefit from rethinking the charts based on effectiveness on Greatermud. The numbers aren't set in stone, but the reasoning is pretty solid:

Mystics need to be raised. ~325% Mystics and ninjas are more powerful on Greatermud because of excessive crit and dodge compared to MajorMUD.
Ninjas need to be raised. ~210% Mystics and ninjas are more powerful on Greatermud because of excessive crit and dodge compared to MajorMUD.
Mages need to be raised. ~190%(Mages currently can pull over 7 mil/hr at top end for a measly experience chart. This is far more than any other class)
Paladins need to be raised. ~270%
Warriors need to be raised. ~170%
Witchunters need to be lowered. ~100 or ~110%
It is my belief that several classes need to be improved to bring them up to par in terms of desirability for the modern Greatermud game. When working on classes, I start with an overall theme for the class:
What is the playstyle design? (Do we want them to BS? Swing? Smash? Cast? Sneak?)
What tools do they need to be desirable compared to other classes? (New buffs? New attack spells? New gear?)
Is the class concept unique enough to warrant the class's existence?

The second step then becomes balancing them against other classes while keeping their exp table in mind:
How does their class strength compare to other classes when including the exp chart in the equation?
How does the class perform in PvP and/or PvE, and if there is a discrepancy, does the chart difference provide the necessary balance?
I think that Gypsies and Warlocks are fine on the exp chart, but need to be provided with tools to better compete with other classes on both PvP and PvE. I list some examples below of how to carve out a unique niche for these classes while maintaining some semblance of balance.

Warlocks are supposed to be like a mage-knight, and would benefit from some nice class-only weapons geared toward smashing and fighting both. They are the only one-handed class that doesn't get stealth, and also the only one-handed class that gets smash. Keeping these things in mind, new ideas could be geared towards making their toe-to-toe combat the best of the 1-H classes. Here are some examples of spells and weapons that could be used to further this concept:

(These are numbers from my personal class design files and would be open to tweaking as they are balanced for a full custom realm with far more spells and top-end gear than is currently in game)

Name: phaseblade, Type: 1H Sharp, Min Dmg: 26, Max Dmg: 51, Speed: 3100, LVL: 70, Str: 80, Enc: 1, AC: 0/0, Acc: -6, BS: -20, Limit: 0, Dmg/Spd: 24.84
Abilities: Magical +6, AC(Blur) +2, BsMaxDmg +30 -- Casts: [energy hits(431), Damage 10 to 40, 100%]

Tiered smashing weapons for Warlock only:
> Witchsteel Truncheon - Lvl 55, 29-49 1/0 AC, 10k Speed, Cannot Bs, Green Flame hits 100% for 30-100
> Blood Drinker        - Lvl 70, 33-49 1/0 AC, 10k Speed Cannot Bs, Drains for 60-120 100%, +3 Acc
> Supernova          - Lvl 85, 46-66 1/0 AC, 10k Speed Cannot Bs, 200-400 Non elemental Bonus Dmg 100% (Message theme was cosmic energy for hit spell)

Here is a new chain set for Warlock only, designed for level 70 on a custom realm. Again, the numbers are open to tweaking for this realm:

> Enameled Warchain Hauberk - 32/7, 1250 enc, -9 Dodge, -15 Stealth, +3 Max Dmg, +50 Hp +50 Mana
> Enameled War Coif       - 11/1.1, 250 enc, +35 HP
> Enameled War Treads       - 8.9/1, 250 Enc, +10 hp + 10 Mana, + 1 Max Dmg
> Enameled Wargrips         - 8.8/0.7 250 enc, 2 max dmg, 10 hp + 10 mana
> Enameled Legguards       - 12/1 325 enc, -7 Dodge, -10 Stealth, +20 HP + Mana

Here are some spell ideas for Warlock only:

#: 6154, Name: enlarge, Short: enla, Magery: Mage-2, LVL: 45, Mana: 45, Diff: -120
>> Target: Self or User -- Attack Type: Normal -- LVL Gain Cap: 65 -- (@lvl 65): Strength +5, MaxDamage +3, Encum +5, Quickness -25, Accuracy +5, for 131 rounds (Meant to stack with frenzy, numbers are open to change)
You cast a spell on %s.
%s grows twice their normal size!
You are magically enlarged!
You shrink back to normal size.

#: 6155, Name: blazing speed, Short: bspd, Magery: Mage-2, LVL: 61, Mana: 50, Diff: -165
>> Target: Self -- Attack Type: Hot -- LVL Gain Cap: 90 -- (@lvl 90): Quickness +200, Rfir +10, IlluTarget +25, MaxDamage +1, Accuracy +10, for 90 rounds (I'm not sure exactly how quickness works here, so again, just one part of a broad class concept. Numbers open to change)
You cast %s.
An arcane flame empowers you!
The arcane flame subsides.
Gypsies could be designed where you actually are able to cast at higher levels if you so choose. Bsing should remain part of their array of useful abilities. This would bring more depth to a class that's currently not very useful after you hit midgame or so. They would need gear to support this, and some new spells as well. As you can see below, the gear and spells encourage BS attacks and casting. Here are some examples:

Attack spell:
#: 6152, Name: ethereal daggers, Short: dagg, Magery: Mage-2, LVL: 50, Mana: 18, Diff: -130
>> Target: Monster or User -- Attack Type: Normal -- LVL Gain Cap: 90 -- (@lvl 90): Damage(-MR) 237 to 450, x2 times/round
>> References: Item: (learn) scroll of ethereal daggers(21179)
You raise your fist and utter a strange phrase!
Ethereal daggers speed forward and shred %s for %d damage!
Ethereal daggers speed forward and shred %s for %d damage!

Personal buff to support casting:
#: 6153, Name: ethereal link, Short: link, Magery: Mage-2, LVL: 50, Mana: 22, Diff: -120
>> Target: Self -- Attack Type: Normal -- LVL Gain Cap: 80 -- (@lvl 80): AlterSpDmg +5, MaxDamage -10, S.C. +20, Dodge +5, for 126 rounds -- RemovesSpells(frenzy(345))
>> References: Item: (learn) scroll of ethereal link(21180)
You utter a phrase of great power!
Ancient magics swirl about you!
You are empowered by an ethereal link!
The ethereal link breaks.

Pvp-oriented DoT spell in keeping with Gypsy theme:
#: 6151, Name: wretched boils, Short: wrbo, Magery: Mage-2, LVL: 38, Mana: 26, Diff: -80
>> Target: Monster or User -- Attack Type: Normal -- LVL Gain Cap: 60 -- (@lvl 60): Damage 7 to 17, AffectsLivingOnly, EvilInCombat, Accuracy -10, S.C. -10, Crits -10, M.R. -10, for 14 rounds
Boils fester all over your body!
The boils vanish from your body.

New offhand for casting:
#: 21135, Name: mana-runed targe, Worn: Off-Hand, Armr Type: Natural, Level: 75, Enc: 25, AC/DR: 1/2, Acc: 0, Limit: 0, AC/Enc: 120
>> Abilities: Magical +1, ManaRgn +30, MaxMana +55, Stealth -25, AC(Blur) +6 -- ClassOK: Bard, Gypsy, Warlock -- Classes: Bard, Warlock, Gypsy
>> References: Item: kraken entrails(21108) (3%), Shop (nogen): Stone Plaza, Market (16/3920)

New dual-class item for casting. I had this set up from a quest for Gypsy and Thief both:
#: 21183, Name: threads of guile, Worn: Torso, Armr Type: Silk, Level: 50, Enc: 200, AC/DR: 17/0, Acc: 0, Limit: 0, AC/Enc: 85
>> Abilities: Magical +1, Dodge +15, BsMinDmg +10, BsMaxDmg +10, BSAccu +10, ManaRgn +35, MaxMana +75, Stealth +10, Thievery +5 -- Classes: Gypsy, Thief -- Not Droppable

I whipped this up quickly from my personal references/databases, but will contribute more later when I have more time.

 ParaMUD Reference and Downloads

Add more levels to the easy trainer so mudop/sysop intervention is not required to train above level 75.

This is excellent news. I will definitely return for a Greatermud push that has new content.

My recommendation for a change that could be made using the database (if someone is willing to put the time in) is to remove the strength requirements from all weapons (set it to zero in the database). This will make a whole slew of races viable and I feel is worth trialling.

Coarse Horse, I like your initial suggestions for some changes to exp charts, though I feel that the real problem still lies with the combat calculations, and improving them a little before we make changes to races and classes would be advisable. I had some simple suggestions here about that:

I suggest that in this initial foray, we simply add more content - areas, monsters, items, spells. This will give us some things to play around with that I'm sure will put a bit more life in to the game. And break a bunch of stuff. But that's a part of the fun, Mud without broken just wouldn't be the same, would it :)

I look forward to this immensely.

Quote from: Gardner Denver on April 16, 2013, 08:15:20 PM
Add more levels to the easy trainer so mudop/sysop intervention is not required to train above level 75.

I could probably rework that entire area a that the easy trainer trained you to 75..then you had to do that hard trainer for more levels past that?  I suppose up into the infinite levels is fine considering how exp charts work.  Off the top of my head I'm not exactly sure what it is in the hard trainer that doesnt work in gmud..maybe a hint would help me out.  I dunno that this is something I'd have to have ready right away, it takes a couple months for that to become an issue.

Quote from: Coarse Horse on April 16, 2013, 04:13:47 PM
Mystics need to be raised. ~325% Mystics and ninjas are more powerful on Greatermud because of excessive crit and dodge compared to MajorMUD.
Ninjas need to be raised. ~210% Mystics and ninjas are more powerful on Greatermud because of excessive crit and dodge compared to MajorMUD.
Mages need to be raised. ~190%(Mages currently can pull over 7 mil/hr at top end for a measly experience chart. This is far more than any other class)
Paladins need to be raised. ~270%
Warriors need to be raised. ~170%
Witchunters need to be lowered. ~100 or ~110%

What do other people think as far as exp charts, I'm specifically interested in mystics.

1magic missile
Damage(-MR) 4 to 12Cap: 9 -- Damage(-MR) 6+(1*lvl) to 15+(1*lvl)
        (@lvl 1): Damage(-MR) 7 to 16
      (@lvl 9): Damage(-MR) 15 to 24
Dodge +5, for 70 roundsCap: 25 -- Dodge 5+(0.2*lvl) to 5+(0.4*lvl), for
          70 rounds
        (@lvl 1): Dodge +5, for 70 rounds
      (@lvl 25): Dodge +10 to +15, for 70 rounds
summon light ballno change
Cap: 30 -- MaxDamage 1+(0.1*lvl), for 60+(2*lvl)
no change
1resist cold
Cap: 18 -- Rcol 6+(1*lvl) to 6+(0.5*lvl), RemovesSpells(resist fire,
          resist fire, resist cold, globe of the elements, song of the elements),
      for 70 rounds
no change
1frost jet
Mana: 3, Cap: 11 -- Damage(-MR) 8
            to 14+(1*lvl)
          (@lvl 4): Damage(-MR) 8 to 18       
  (@lvl 11): Damage(-MR) 8 to 25
Mana: 2, Cap: 13 -- Damage(-MR) 8+(1*lvl)
            to 17+(1*lvl)
          (@lvl 4): Damage(-MR) 12 to 21       
          (@lvl 11): Damage(-MR) 19 to 28       
      (@lvl 13): Damage(-MR) 21 to 30
1ethereal shield
(@lvl 18): AC(Blur) +12, DR +1, RemovesSpells(mageshield,
      protective shell, manashield, bladed sphere), for 114 rounds
no change
51CHANGED #: 24, Name: detect magic, Short:
            dtec, Magery: Mage-2, LVL: 5, Mana: 8, Diff: -10
>> Target: Item -- DetectMagic
#: 24, Name: protective aura, Short:
            prot, Magery: Mage-1, LVL: 5, Mana: 10, Diff: -15
>> Target: Self --
  Cap: 30 -- M.R. 4+(0.2*lvl) to 3+(0.5*lvl), for 20+(0.7*lvl) rounds
  (@lvl 5): M.R. +5, for 23 rounds
  (@lvl 30): M.R. +10 to +18, for 40 rounds
1resist fire
Cap: 22 -- Rfir 4+(1*lvl) to 4+(0.5*lvl),
            RemovesSpells(resist cold, resist fire, resist cold, resist lightning,
      globe of the elements, song of the elements), for 70 rounds
no change
3magic armour
Cap: 15 -- DR 5+(0.3*lvl), AC +5, for 60+(3*lvl) rounds
        (@lvl 6): DR +7, AC +5, for 78 rounds
      (@lvl 15): DR +10, AC +5, for 105 rounds
Cap: 17 -- DR 5+(0.3*lvl), AC +5, for 60+(4*lvl) rounds
          (@lvl 6): DR +0.6, AC +5, for 84 rounds
      (@lvl 17): DR +1, AC +5, for 128 rounds     
71shadowformCap: 30 -- Stealth 5 to 5+(0.3*lvl),
      Shadowform +4157, for 30 rounds
no change
71flashCap: 20 -- BlindUser +9999, AC -5, Accuracy -8, EvilInCombat,
      for 5+(0.5*lvl) rounds
no change
81stinking cloudCap: 20 -- Confusion 5 to 5+(0.5*lvl),
      Accuracy -5, EvilInCombat, for 20 rounds
no change
81lightning boltCap: 15 -- Damage(-MR) 16 to 12+(2*lvl)
         (@lvl 8): Damage(-MR) 16 to 28
      (@lvl 15): Damage(-MR) 16 to 42
Cap: 18 -- Damage(-MR) 12+(1*lvl) to 20+(2*lvl)
          (@lvl 8): Damage(-MR) 20 to 36
          (@lvl 15): Damage(-MR) 27 to 50       
      (@lvl 18): Damage(-MR) 30 to 56     
91shockshieldCap: 20 -- DamageShield 1+(0.2*lvl)
      to 5, Shock +1446, Rlit +10, for 40 rounds
no change
93mageshieldCap: 22 -- AC 7+(0.5*lvl), DR +1, RemovesSpells(ethereal
        shield, protective shell, manashield, bladed sphere), for 60 rounds
        (@lvl 9): AC +12, DR +1,  for 60 rounds     
      (@lvl 22): AC +18, DR +1, for 60 rounds     
Cap: 25 -- AC 7+(0.5*lvl), DR +1, RemovesSpells(ethereal
            shield, protective shell, manashield, bladed sphere), for 60+(2*lvl)
        (@lvl 9): AC +11, DR +1,  for 78 rounds
      (@lvl 25): AC +19, DR +1,  for 110 rounds
101slowSpeed +125, EvilInCombat, Slowness +200,
            RemovesSpells(speed, song of quickness, wind of haste, way of the mantis,
      green potion, winged sandals), for 10 rounds
EvilInCombat, Slowness +200, RemovesSpells(speed, song
            of quickness, wind of haste, way of the mantis, green potion, winged
      for 10 rounds
103resist lightningCap: 15 -- Rlit 0+(1*lvl), RemovesSpells(globe
      of the elements, resist lightning, pyramid 1 exit temp), for 70 rounds
no change
103muteS.C. -40 to -20, Mute -40 to -20,
      EvilInCombat, for 20 rounds
no change
111vampiric touchDrainLife 8 to 20, AffectsLivingOnlyCap: 21 -- DrainLife 8+(0.3*lvl)
        to 20+(0.3*lvl), AffectsLivingOnly
        (@lvl 11): DrainLife 11 to 23
      (@lvl 21): DrainLife 14 to 26     
111dancing blades(Area Attack) 
          Cap: 20 -- Damage(-MR) 21 to 38+(2*lvl)
        (@lvl 11): Damage(-MR) 21 to 60
      (@lvl 20): Damage(-MR) 21 to 78     
(Area Attack)   
          Cap: 20 -- Damage(-MR) 21+(0.5*lvl) to
        (@lvl 11): Damage(-MR) 26 to 71
      (@lvl 20): Damage(-MR) 31 to 98
121speedSpeed +85, RemovesSpells(slow, song
            of lethargy, solid fog, solid fog, slow, way of the mantis, winged
      sandals, green potion), for 20 rounds
no change
131sunboltCap: 22 -- Damage(-MR) 30 to 18+(2.5*lvl)
          (@lvl 13): Damage(-MR) 30 to 50       
      (@lvl 22): Damage(-MR) 30 to 73     
Cap: 25 -- Damage(-MR) 30+(0.5*lvl) to 18+(3.5*lvl)
          (@lvl 13): Damage(-MR) 36 to 64
          (@lvl 22): Damage(-MR) 41 to 95       
      (@lvl 25): Damage(-MR) 42 to 106     
141vulnerabilityCap: 25 -- AC -8, M.R. -10, EvilInCombat, for 1+(4*lvl) roundsno change
141confusionConfusion +25, EvilInCombat, for 10 roundsno change
153sleepCap: 30 -- Confusion +100, EvilInCombat, for 1+(0*lvl) roundsno change
151frenzyCap: 30 -- MaxDamage 0+(0.2*lvl), Crits 0+(0.2*lvl),
            Dodge -5, AC -5, Accuracy 0+(0.2*lvl), DR +5, RemovesSpells(song of
      battle, mass frenzy), for 1+(2*lvl) rounds
no change
151fireball(Area Attack)   

          Cap: 23 -- Damage(-MR) 33 to 45+(3*lvl)
        (@lvl 15): Damage(-MR) 33 to 90
      (@lvl 23): Damage(-MR) 33 to 114
(Area Attack)   
            28 -- Damage(-MR) 26+(1*lvl) to 40+(4*lvl)
        (@lvl 15): Damage(-MR) 41 to 100
        (@lvl 23): Damage(-MR) 49 to 132
      (@lvl 28): Damage(-MR) 54 to 152     
Cap: 25 -- DrainLife 25 to
            18+(2*lvl), AffectsLivingOnly
        (@lvl 16): DrainLife 25 to 50
      (@lvl 25): DrainLife 25 to 68
Cap: 40 -- DrainLife 15+(1*lvl)
            to 20+(2*lvl), AffectsLivingOnly
        (@lvl 16): DrainLife 31 to 52
        (@lvl 25): DrainLife 40 to 70
      (@lvl 40): DrainLife 55 to 100     
163mana fluxManaRgn -100 to +150, RemovesSpells(chaos surge), for
      80 rounds
Cap: 75 -- ManaRgn -115+(1*lvl) to 140+(0.7*lvl), RemovesSpells(chaos
        surge), for 70+(1*lvl) rounds
        (@lvl 16): ManaRgn -99 to +150, for 86 rounds
      (@lvl 75): ManaRgn -40 to +190, for 145 rounds
ice storm
Damage 3, Accuracy -6, EvilInCombat +10, Rfir -10, for 15 roundsno change
173 wizard knockOpenDoor +100, x2 times/roundno change
2enslaveEnslave 0, AffectsLivingOnly,
        for 60 rounds
solid fog
Speed +125, EvilInCombat, Slowness +200, RemovesSpells(speed,
      song of quickness, wind of haste, way of the mantis), for 20 rounds
EvilInCombat, Slowness +200, RemovesSpells(speed, song
      of quickness, wind of haste, way of the mantis), for 20 rounds
mass frenzy
Cap: 40 -- MaxDamage 0+(0.1*lvl), Crits 0+(0.1*lvl),
            Dodge -5, DR +5, AC -5, Accuracy 0+(0.1*lvl), RemovesSpells(frenzy,
        song of battle), for 10+(0.5*lvl) rounds
        (@lvl 40): MaxDamage +4, Crits +4, Dodge -5, DR +5, AC -5, Accuracy +4,
       for 30 rounds     
Cap: 46 -- MaxDamage 0+(0.1*lvl), Crits 0+(0.1*lvl),
            Dodge -5, DR +5, AC -5, Accuracy 0+(0.1*lvl), RemovesSpells(frenzy,
        song of battle), for 10+(0.5*lvl) rounds
        (@lvl 46): MaxDamage +6, Crits +6, Dodge -5, DR +5, AC -5, Accuracy +6,
       for 33 rounds
eldritch bolt
Cap: 28 -- Damage(-MR)
            40 to 8+(4*lvl)
        (@lvl 20): Damage(-MR) 40 to 88
      (@lvl 28): Damage(-MR) 40 to 120
Cap: 30 -- Damage(-MR) 30+(1*lvl) to 10+(5*lvl)
        (@lvl 20): Damage(-MR) 50 to 110
        (@lvl 28): Damage(-MR) 58 to 150
      (@lvl 30): Damage(-MR) 60 to 160     
3chaos shield
DamageShield +10, AC +5, DR -5 to +5, for 60 roundsCap: 50 -- DamageShield +10, AC +5, DR -100+(2*lvl)
        to 50, for 40+(1*lvl) rounds
        (@lvl 21): DamageShield +10, AC +5, DR -58 to +50, for 61 rounds
      (@lvl 50): DamageShield +10, AC +5, DR 0 to +5, for 90 rounds
3wind of haste
Speed +80, RemovesSpells(slow, solid fog, song of lethargy),
      for 20 rounds
no change
(Area Attack)
        Cap: 32 -- Damage(-MR) 59 to 55+(5*lvl)
        (@lvl 23): Damage(-MR) 59 to 170
      (@lvl 32): Damage(-MR) 59 to 215     
(Area Attack)
        Cap: 33 -- Damage(-MR) 14+(2*lvl) to 60+(5*lvl)
        (@lvl 23): Damage(-MR) 60 to 175
        (@lvl 32): Damage(-MR) 78 to 220
      (@lvl 33): Damage(-MR) 80 to 225
Cap: 40 -- AC -8, M.R. -10, EvilInCombat, DR -5, for
      1+(4*lvl) rounds
no change
Cap: 35 -- Damage(-MR) 20 to 10+(1*lvl), x4 times/round
        (@lvl 25): Damage(-MR) 80 to 140
        (@lvl 35): Damage(-MR) 80 to 180     
Cap: 35 -- Damage(-MR) 10+(0.5*lvl) to 10+(1.3*lvl),
        x4 times/round
        (@lvl 25): Damage(-MR) 88 to 168
      (@lvl 35): Damage(-MR) 112 to 224
3mystic mist
Cap: 40 -- Confusion +25, EvilInCombat, for 10+(0.2*lvl)
no change
3 spirit horde
(Area Attack)
          Cap: 50 -- Damage(-MR) 77+(0.5*lvl) to 55+(7*lvl)
        (@lvl 28): Damage(-MR) 91 to 251
        (@lvl 45): Damage(-MR) 100 to 370     
      (@lvl 50): Damage(-MR) 102 to 405
(Area Attack)
          Cap: 45 -- Damage(-MR) 55+(2*lvl) to 55+(9*lvl)
        (@lvl 28): Damage(-MR) 111 to 307
      (@lvl 45): Damage(-MR) 145 to 460
Cap: 40 -- Damage(-MR) 100+(0.2*lvl) to -50+(10*lvl)
        (@lvl 30): Damage(-MR) 106 to 250
      (@lvl 40): Damage(-MR) 108 to 350
Cap: 40 -- Damage(-MR) 100+(2*lvl) to 50+(10*lvl)
        (@lvl 30): Damage(-MR) 160 to 350
      (@lvl 40): Damage(-MR) 180 to 450
Cap: 40 -- Damage(-MR) 40+(2*lvl) to 0+(8*lvl)
        (@lvl 32): Damage(-MR) 104 to 256
      (@lvl 40): Damage(-MR) 120 to 320
Cap: 42 -- Damage(-MR) 106+(2*lvl) to 50+(10*lvl)
        (@lvl 32): Damage(-MR) 170 to 370
        (@lvl 40): Damage(-MR) 186 to 450
      (@lvl 42): Damage(-MR) 190 to 470     
3glacial blades
Cap: 50 -- Damage(-MR) 70+(0.2*lvl)
            to -10+(10*lvl)
        (@lvl 33): Damage(-MR) 77 to 320
        (@lvl 43): Damage(-MR) 79 to 420
      (@lvl 50): Damage(-MR) 80 to 490     
Cap: 43 -- Damage(-MR) 114+(2*lvl) to 50+(10*lvl)
        (@lvl 33): Damage(-MR) 180 to 380
      (@lvl 43): Damage(-MR) 200 to 480
3 forked lightning
Cap: 50 -- Damage(-MR) 40+(0.2*lvl) to 0+(5*lvl),
        x2 times/round
        (@lvl 35): Damage(-MR) 94 to 350
        (@lvl 45): Damage(-MR) 98 to 450
      (@lvl 50): Damage(-MR) 100 to 500
Cap: 45 -- Damage(-MR) 30+(2*lvl) to 0+(6*lvl), x2
        (@lvl 35): Damage(-MR) 200 to 420
      (@lvl 45): Damage(-MR) 240 to 540
3 barbed tentacles
Cap: 50 -- Damage(-MR) 25+(2*lvl) to 50+(8*lvl)
        (@lvl 37): Damage(-MR) 99 to 346
        (@lvl 47): Damage(-MR) 119 to 426
      (@lvl 50): Damage(-MR) 125 to 450     
Cap: 47 -- Damage(-MR) 72+(4*lvl) to 6+(12*lvl)
        @lvl 37): Damage(-MR) 220 to 450
      (@lvl 47): Damage(-MR) 260 to 570
3shimmering mirage
Cap: 50 -- Dodge 5+(0.2*lvl), for 40 rounds
        (@lvl 38): Dodge +14, for 40 rounds
      (@lvl 50): Dodge +17, for 40 rounds
Cap: 60 -- Dodge 5+(0.2*lvl), for 40+(1*lvl) rounds
        (@lvl 38): Dodge +14, for 78 rounds
        (@lvl 50): Dodge +17, for 90 rounds
      (@lvl 60): Dodge +20, for 100 rounds     
Cap: 52 -- Damage(-MR) 80 to 50+(5*lvl), EndCast
            [freezing, (@lvl 40): Damage 4 to 10, Accuracy -15, EvilInCombat, AC
        -10, for 10 rounds]
        (@lvl 40): Damage(-MR) 80 to 250
      (@lvl 52): Damage(-MR) 80 to 310
Cap: 55 -- Damage(-MR) 80+(1*lvl) to 50+(8*lvl), EndCast
            [freezing, (@lvl 40): Damage 4 to 10, Accuracy -15, EvilInCombat, AC
        -10, for 10 rounds]
        (@lvl 40): Damage(-MR) 120 to 370
        (@lvl 52): Damage(-MR) 132 to 466
      (@lvl 55): Damage(-MR) 135 to 490     
3sphere of implosion
Cap: 50 -- Damage(-MR) 10+(3*lvl) to 30+(9*lvl)
        (@lvl 40): Damage(-MR) 130 to 390
      (@lvl 50): Damage(-MR) 160 to 480
Cap: 50 -- Damage(-MR) 40+(5*lvl) to 30+(12*lvl)
        (@lvl 40): Damage(-MR) 240 to 510
      (@lvl 50): Damage(-MR) 290 to 630
3eldritch storm
(Area Attack)
          Cap: 55 -- Damage(-MR) -30+(4*lvl) to 0+(10*lvl)
        (@lvl 40): Damage(-MR) 130 to 400
      (@lvl 55): Damage(-MR) 190 to 550
(Area Attack)
        Cap: 55 -- Damage(-MR) -30+(5*lvl) to 0+(13*lvl)
        @lvl 40): Damage(-MR) 170 to 520
      (@lvl 55): Damage(-MR) 245 to 715     
3 magma blast
Cap: 55 -- Damage(-MR) 3+(0.5*lvl) to 6+(2*lvl),
        x6 times/round
        (@lvl 45): Damage(-MR) 156 to 576
      (@lvl 55): Damage(-MR) 180 to 696
Cap: 55 -- Damage(-MR) 5+(1*lvl) to -7+(2.5*lvl), x6
        (@lvl 45): Damage(-MR) 300 to 636
      (@lvl 55): Damage(-MR) 360 to 780
3eldritch fury
Cap: 60 -- Damage(-MR) 40 to 10+(2*lvl), x5 times/round
        (@lvl 47): Damage(-MR) 200 to 520
      @lvl 60): Damage(-MR) 200 to 650
Cap: 65 -- Damage(-MR) 25+(1*lvl) to 5+(3*lvl), x5
        (@lvl 47): Damage(-MR) 360 to 730
        (@lvl 60): Damage(-MR) 425 to 925
      (@lvl 65): Damage(-MR) 450 to 1000
3chaos surge
Cap: 60 -- HealMana -1+(0.1*lvl) to 0+(0.1*lvl), HPRegen
            -150, DR -5, M.R. +20, DamageShield +5, Shock +1446, RemovesSpells(mana
        flux), for 80 rounds
        (@lvl 47): HealMana +2 to +5
      (@lvl 60): HealMana +3 to +7
Cap: 69 -- HealMana -1+(0.1*lvl) to 0+(0.1*lvl), HPRegen
            -150, DR -5, M.R. +20, DamageShield +5, Shock +1446, RemovesSpells(mana
        flux), for 80 rounds
        (@lvl 47): HealMana +2 to +5
        (@lvl 60): HealMana +3 to +7
      (@lvl 69): HealMana +4 to +8
Cap: 65 -- Damage(-MR) 0+(1*lvl) to 0+(5*lvl), GoodOnly,
            x3 times/round
      (@lvl 50): Damage(-MR) 150 to 750
      (@lvl 65): Damage(-MR) 195 to 975
Cap: 85 -- Damage(-MR) 0+(2*lvl) to 20+(5*lvl), GoodOnly,
            x3 times/round
      (@lvl 50): Damage(-MR) 300 to 810
      (@lvl 65): Damage(-MR) 390 to 1035
      (@lvl 85): Damage(-MR) 510 to 1335
3prismatic beam
Cap: 65 -- Damage(-MR) -5+(3*lvl) to -10+(14*lvl),
            EndCast [pris effect, EndCast [{yellow beam,
            Slowness +200, Accuracy -10, for 10 rounds} OR {violet
, Confusion +15, EvilInCombat,
            for 10 rounds} OR {black beam,
            Illu -500 to -100, AC -10, Accuracy -15, EvilInCombat, AffectsLivingOnly,
            for 10 rounds} OR {red
,  MaxDamage -5 to -1, Accuracy -5 to -1, for 10
            rounds} OR {green beam, Poison 10 to 18,
            for 10 rounds}]], NeutralOnly
          (@lvl 50): Damage(-MR) 145 to 690
  (@lvl 65): Damage(-MR) 190 to 900
Cap: 85 -- Damage(-MR) -20+(7*lvl) to 90+(15*lvl),
            EndCast [pris effect, EndCast [{yellow beam,
            Slowness +200, Accuracy -10, for 10 rounds} OR {violet
, Confusion +15, EvilInCombat,
            for 10 rounds} OR {black beam, Illu
            -500 to -100, AC -10, Accuracy -15, EvilInCombat, AffectsLivingOnly,
            for 10 rounds} OR {red
, MaxDamage -5 to -1, Accuracy -5 to -1, for 10
            rounds}]], NeutralOnly
          (@lvl 50): Damage(-MR) 330 to 840
        (@lvl 65): Damage(-MR) 435 to 1065
      (@lvl 85): Damage(-MR) 575 to 1365     
3necromantic bolt
Cap: 65 -- Damage(-MR) 30+(2*lvl) to 50+(10*lvl),
              EvilOnly, AffectsLivingOnly, EndCast [nebo secondary, (@lvl 0): DrainLife
        0 to -20, AffectsLivingOnly]
        (@lvl 50): Damage(-MR) 130 to 550, EndCast
        [nebo secondary, (@lvl 50): DrainLife 15 to 130]
        (@lvl 65): Damage(-MR) 160 to 700, EndCast
      [nebo secondary, (@lvl 65): DrainLife 20 to 175]
Cap: 85 -- Damage(-MR) 50+(6*lvl) to 100+(13*lvl),
              EvilOnly, AffectsLivingOnly, EndCast [nebo secondary, (@lvl 50): DrainLife
        15 to 130, AffectsLivingOnly]
        (@lvl 50): Damage(-MR) 350 to 750, EndCast
        [nebo secondary, (@lvl 50): DrainLife 15 to 130]
        (@lvl 65): Damage(-MR) 440 to 945, EndCast
        [nebo secondary, (@lvl 65): DrainLife 20 to 175]
        (@lvl 85): Damage(-MR) 560 to 1205, EndCast
      [nebo secondary, (@lvl 65): DrainLife 20 to 175]
chain lightning
(Area Attack)
      Cap: 65 -- Damage(-MR) 70+(4*lvl) to 75+(9*lvl), GoodOnly
      (@lvl 50): Damage(-MR) 270 to 525
      (@lvl 65): Damage(-MR) 330 to 660
(Area Attack)
      Cap: 85 -- Damage(-MR) 70+(5*lvl) to 75+(12*lvl), GoodOnly
(@lvl 50): Damage(-MR) 320 to 675
      (@lvl 65): Damage(-MR) 395 to 855
      (@lvl 85): Damage(-MR) 495 to 1095
prismatic blast
(Area Attack)
      Cap: 65 -- Damage(-MR) 0+(4*lvl) to -50+(10*lvl), EndCast [pris effect,
          EndCast [{yellow wave, (@lvl 50): Slowness
          +200, Accuracy -10, for 5 rounds} OR {violet wave,
          (@lvl 50): Confusion +15, EvilInCombat, for 5 rounds} OR {black
, (@lvl 50): Illu -500 to -100, AC -10, Accuracy -15, EvilInCombat,
          AffectsLivingOnly, for 5 rounds} OR {red wave,
          (@lvl 50): MaxDamage -5 to -1, Accuracy -5 to -1, for 5 rounds} OR {green
, (@lvl 50): Poison 10 to 18, for 5 rounds}]], NeutralOnly
      (@lvl 50): Damage(-MR) 200 to 450
      (@lvl 65): Damage(-MR) 260 to 600
(Area Attack)
      Cap: 85 -- Damage(-MR) 75+(5*lvl) to 0+(13*lvl), EndCast [pris effect, EndCast
          [{yellow wave, (@lvl 50): Slowness +200,
          Accuracy -10, for 5 rounds} OR {violet wave,
          (@lvl 50): Confusion +15, EvilInCombat, for 5 rounds} OR {black
, (@lvl 50): Illu -500 to -100, AC -10, Accuracy -15, EvilInCombat,
          AffectsLivingOnly, for 5 rounds} OR {red wave,
          (@lvl 50): MaxDamage -5 to -1, Accuracy -5 to -1, for 5 rounds}]], NeutralOnly
      (@lvl 50): Damage(-MR) 325 to 650
      (@lvl 65): Damage(-MR) 400 to 845
      (@lvl 85): Damage(-MR) 500 to 1105
(Area Attack)
          Cap: 65 -- Damage(-MR) 30+(4*lvl) to 75+(10*lvl),
        (@lvl 50): Damage(-MR) 230 to 575
      (@lvl 65): Damage(-MR) 290 to 725
(Area Attack)
          Cap: 85 -- Damage(-MR) 30+(6*lvl) to 75+(13*lvl), EvilOnly
        (@lvl 50): Damage(-MR) 330 to 725
        (@lvl 65): Damage(-MR) 420 to 920
      (@lvl 85): Damage(-MR) 540 to 1180
Cap: 50 -- DR +5, AC +15, GoodOnly,
            Dodge +15, RemovesSpells(mageshield, ethereal shield), for 5+(1*lvl)
      (@lvl 50): for 55 rounds
Cap: 85 -- M.R. +20, DR
            +5, AC +20, GoodOnly,
            Dodge +15, RemovesSpells(mageshield, ethereal shield), for 5+(1*lvl)
      (@lvl 50): for 55 rounds
      (@lvl 85): for 90 rounds
protective shell
Cap: 50 -- DR +5, AC +20, NeutralOnly,
            M.R. +30, RemovesSpells(mageshield, ethereal shield), for 5+(1*lvl)
      (@lvl 50): for 55 rounds
Cap: 85 -- DR +5, AC +20, NeutralOnly,
            M.R. +30, RemovesSpells(mageshield, ethereal shield), for 5+(1*lvl)
      (@lvl 50): for 55 rounds
      (@lvl 85): for 90 rounds
bladed sphere
Cap: 50 -- Shock +2879, DR +5, DamageShield +15, EvilOnly,
        AC +20, RemovesSpells(mageshield, ethereal shield), for 5+(1*lvl) rounds
      (@lvl 50): for 55 rounds     
Cap: 85 -- M.R. +10, Shock +2879, DR +5, DamageShield
            +15, EvilOnly, AC +20, RemovesSpells(mageshield, ethereal shield),
        for 5+(1*lvl) rounds
        (@lvl 50): for 55 rounds
      (@lvl 85): for 90 rounds


Cap: 6 -- Damage(-MR) 4 to 13+(1*lvl), AffectsLivingOnly
        (@lvl 1): Damage(-MR) 4 to 14
        (@lvl 6): Damage(-MR) 4 to 19
Cap: 9 -- Damage(-MR) 4+(1*lvl)
      to 13+(1*lvl), AffectsLivingOnly
      (@lvl 1): Damage(-MR) 5 to 14
      (@lvl 6): Damage(-MR) 10 to 19     
      (@lvl 9): Damage(-MR) 13 to 22
1minor healing
Cap: 10 -- Heal 2+(0.33*lvl) to
            8+(0.67*lvl), AffectsLivingOnly
no change
Cap: 20 -- Accuracy -6, EvilInCombat +5, RemovesSpells(bless,
          chant), for 40+(5*lvl) rounds
Cap: 20 -- Accuracy -6, EvilInCombat +5, RemovesSpells(curse, blight, chant, divine favour, greater bless, ashwood wand), for 40+(5*lvl) rounds
Cap: 20 -- Accuracy -6, EvilInCombat
            +5, RemovesSpells(bless(14), chant(23)), for 40+(5*lvl) rounds
no change
1 turn undead
Cap: 20 -- Damage 12+(1*lvl) to
            15+(3*lvl), AffectsUndeadOnly
            (@lvl 3): Damage 15 to 24
            (@lvl 20): Damage 32 to 75
Cap: 21 -- Damage 12+(1*lvl) to
      15+(3*lvl), AffectsUndeadOnly
(@lvl 21): Damage 33 to 78
1 spiritual hammer
Cap: 11 -- Damage(-MR) 4 to 14+(1*lvl)
        (@lvl 4): Damage(-MR) 4 to 18
        (@lvl 11): Damage(-MR) 4 to 25
Cap: 13 -- Damage(-MR) 5+(1*lvl)
      to 14+(1*lvl)
      (@lvl 4): Damage(-MR) 9 to 18
      (@lvl 11): Damage(-MR) 16 to 25
      (@lvl 13): Damage(-MR) 18 to 27     
51protection from evilProtEvil +10, GoodOnly, for 50
ProtEvil +10, NotEvil, for 50 rounds
51protection from goodProtGood +10, EvilOnly, for 50
ProtGood +10, NotGood, for 50 rounds
Cap: 32 -- Accuracy -6, EvilInCombat,
            RemovesSpells(chant, bless), for 40+(5*lvl) rounds
no change
Cap: 32 -- Accuracy +3, RemovesSpells(blight,
            curse), for 40+(5*lvl) rounds
Cap: 32 -- Accuracy +3, RemovesSpells(blight, curse, bless), for 40+(5*lvl) rounds
1cure poison
CurePoison +8, Dispell (Poison),
            RemovesSpells(dae asp poison 3, dae asp poison 2)
no change
iron faith
Cap: 26 -- M.R. 2+(0.5*lvl), for
            30 rounds
            (@lvl 7): M.R. +5, for 30 rounds
            (@lvl 26): M.R. +15, for 30 rounds
Cap: 35 -- M.R. 2+(0.5*lvl), for
      30+(0.5*lvl) rounds
      (@lvl 7): M.R. +5, for 33 rounds
      (@lvl 26): M.R. +15, for 43 rounds
      (@lvl 35): M.R. +19, for 47 rounds     
1major healing
Cap: 30 -- Heal 6+(0.33*lvl) to
            10+(1*lvl), AffectsLivingOnly
no change
Cap: 15 -- Damage(-MR) 18 to 11+(3*lvl),
            (@lvl 8): Damage(-MR) 18 to 35
            (@lvl 15): Damage(-MR) 18 to 56
Cap: 18 -- Damage(-MR) 8+(1*lvl)
      to 14+(2*lvl), AffectsLivingOnly
      (@lvl 8): Damage(-MR) 16 to 30
      (@lvl 15): Damage(-MR) 23 to 44
      (@lvl 18): Damage(-MR) 26 to 50
1greater curse
Accuracy -10, EvilInCombat, RemovesSpells(greater
            bless), for 40 rounds
no change
holy aura
Cap: 32 -- ProtEvil +10, GoodOnly,
            for 60 rounds
unholy aura
Cap: 32 -- ProtGood +10, EvilOnly,
            for 60 rounds
no change
1 healing rain
Cap: 25 -- Heal 4+(0.33*lvl) to
            10+(0.5*lvl), AffectsLivingOnly
no change
1greater bless
Accuracy +6, RemovesSpells(greater
              curse, bless, curse, chant, divine favour, ashwood wand), for 40
Cap: 30 -- Accuracy +6, RemovesSpells(greater
            curse, bless, curse, chant, divine favour, ashwood wand), for 30+(2*lvl)
(@lvl 10): for 50 rounds
(@lvl 30): for 90 rounds
annointed hands
Cap: 15 -- Heal 2 to 0+(1*lvl)
no change
Stealth -10, EvilInCombat, for
            30 rounds
no change
div align=center]3
holy armour
Cap: 30 -- AC 2+(0.5*lvl), NotEvil,
            RemovesSpells(unholy armour, sacred bastion, hellfire shield), for
            60 rounds
            (@lvl 11): AC +7, for 60 rounds
            (@lvl 30): AC +17, for 60 rounds
Cap: 40 -- AC 2+(0.5*lvl), NotEvil,
            DR 2+(0.5*lvl), RemovesSpells(unholy armour, sacred bastion, hellfire
      shield), for 60 rounds
      (@lvl 11): AC +7, DR +0.7, for 60 rounds
      (@lvl 30): AC +17, DR +1.7, for 60 rounds
      (@lvl 40): AC +22, DR +2.2, for 60 rounds     
unholy armour
Cap: 30 -- AC 2+(0.5*lvl),
              EvilOnly, RemovesSpells(holy armour, sacred bastion, hellfire shield),
              for 60 rounds
              (@lvl 11): AC +7, for 60 rounds
              (@lvl 30): AC +17, for 60 rounds
Cap: 40 -- AC 2+(0.5*lvl), EvilOnly,
            RemovesSpells(holy armour, sacred bastion, hellfire shield), for
      60 rounds
      (@lvl 40): AC +22, for 60 rounds     
Cap: 20 -- BlindUser +1, AC -5,
            Accuracy -8, EvilInCombat, AffectsLivingOnly, for 10 rounds
no change
1cure blindness
Dispell (BlindUser)
no change
1 unholy force
Cap: 22 -- Damage(-MR) 18 to 24+(2*lvl),
            (@lvl 13): Damage(-MR) 18 to 50
(@lvl 22): Damage(-MR) 18 to 68
Cap: 25 -- Damage(-MR)
            26+(0.5*lvl) to 24+(2.5*lvl), NotGood
      (@lvl 13): Damage(-MR) 32 to 56
      (@lvl 22): Damage(-MR) 37 to 79
      (@lvl 25): Damage(-MR) 38 to 86     
1holy force
Cap: 22 -- Damage(-MR) 18 to 24+(2*lvl),
            (@lvl 13): Damage(-MR) 18 to 50
            (@lvl 22): Damage(-MR) 18 to 68
Cap: 25 -- Damage(-MR) 18+(0.5*lvl)
      to 12+(2.5*lvl), NotEvil
      (@lvl 13): Damage(-MR) 24 to 44
      (@lvl 22): Damage(-MR) 29 to 67     
      (@lvl 25): Damage(-MR) 30 to 74
cure disease
              plague, diseased, leprosy, disease, plague, disease, plague)
no change
1hold person
HoldPerson +100, EvilInCombat,
            for 4 rounds
no change
remove curse
Rcrs -1+(0.14*lvl)
no change
greater healing
Cap: 30 -- Heal
              5+(1*lvl) to 10+(2*lvl), AffectsLivingOnly
no change
Accuracy +6, MaxDamage
              +1, Heal 1, NotEvil, RemovesSpells(zeal, divine courage, unholy
              fanaticism), for 40 rounds
Cap: 30 -- Accuracy +6, Heal 1
            to 1+(0.05*lvl), NotEvil, RemovesSpells(zeal, divine courage, unholy
      fanaticism, blood ritual), for 40+(0.5*lvl) rounds
      (@lvl 15): Accuracy +6, Heal 1, for 47 rounds
      (@lvl 30): Accuracy +6, Heal 1 to 2, for 55 rounds
blood ritual
Accuracy +6, MaxDamage
              +1, Heal 1, EvilOnly, for 40 rounds
Cap: 30 -- Accuracy +6, MaxDamage
            +1, Heal 1, EvilOnly, RemovesSpells(zeal, divine courage, unholy
      fanaticism, righteousness), for 40+(0.5*lvl) rounds
      (@lvl 15): Accuracy +6, MaxDamage +1, Heal 1, for 47 rounds
      (@lvl 30): Accuracy +6, MaxDamage +1, Heal 1, for 55 rounds
Cap: 40 -- Damage(-MR) 30+(1*lvl)
            to 52+(2*lvl), AffectsUndeadOnly
            (@lvl 16): Damage(-MR) 46 to 84
            (@lvl 40): Damage(-MR) 70 to 132
Cap: 52 -- Damage(-MR) 30+(1*lvl)
      to 52+(2*lvl), AffectsUndeadOnly
      (@lvl 16): Damage(-MR) 46 to 84
      (@lvl 52): Damage(-MR) 82 to 156
control undead
Enslave +100, AffectsUndeadOnly,
            EvilOnly, for 80 rounds
no change
major healing rain
Cap: 30 -- Heal
              8+(0.33*lvl) to 20+(1*lvl)
no change
stone to flesh
              partial petrification, stoneskin, petrification)
no change
DrainLife -60 to
              -20, AffectsLivingOnly
DrainLife -80 to -40, AffectsLivingOnly
divine favour
Accuracy +10, RemovesSpells(divine
            disfavour, bless, curse, chant, greater curse), for 30 rounds
no change
divine disfavour
Accuracy -15, EvilInCombat,
              RemovesSpells(divine favour), for 30 rounds
no change
Cap: 28 -- Damage(-MR) 30 to 20+(3*lvl)
        (@lvl 20): Damage(-MR) 30 to 80
        (@lvl 28): Damage(-MR) 30 to 104
Cap: 30 -- Damage(-MR) 15+(1*lvl)
      to 10+(4*lvl)
      (@lvl 20): Damage(-MR) 35 to 90
      (@lvl 28): Damage(-MR) 43 to 122
      (@lvl 30): Damage(-MR) 45 to 130     
black wind
BlindUser +1, EvilInCombat,
              AffectsLivingOnly, Accuracy -10, AC -5, for 10 rounds
no change
Cap: 50 -- Heal 35+(0.5*lvl) to
            30+(2*lvl), AffectsLivingOnly
            @lvl 50): Heal 60 to 130     
Cap: 67 -- Heal 35+(0.5*lvl) to
      30+(2*lvl), AffectsLivingOnly
      (@lvl 50): Heal 60 to 130
      (@lvl 67): Heal 68 to 164     
cure paralysis
Freedom +100
no change
greater healing
Cap: 35 -- Heal
              15+(0.5*lvl) to 35+(1*lvl)
              (@lvl 35): Heal 32 to 70     
Cap: 46 -- Heal 15+(0.5*lvl) to
      (@lvl 35): Heal 32 to 70
      (@lvl 46): Heal 38 to 81     
Cap: 50 -- MaxDamage
              0+(0.1*lvl), M.R. 0+(0.1*lvl), Crits 0+(0.1*lvl), Accuracy 0+(0.1*lvl),
              RemovesSpells(righteousness, divine courage, unholy fanaticism),
              for 10+(0.5*lvl) rounds
no change
god's wrath
Cap: 35 -- Damage(-MR) 57 to 30+(4*lvl)
        (@lvl 25): Damage(-MR) 57 to 130
        (@lvl 35): Damage(-MR) 57 to 170
Cap: 35 -- Damage(-MR) 15+(2*lvl)
      to 20+(5*lvl)
      (@lvl 25): Damage(-MR) 65 to 145
      (@lvl 35): Damage(-MR) 85 to 195
HoldPerson +100, EvilInCombat,
            for 4 rounds
no change
divine fury
Cap: 40 -- Damage(-MR) 50 to -70+(9*lvl)
        (@lvl 30): Damage(-MR) 50 to 200
        (@lvl 40): Damage(-MR) 50 to 290
Cap: 40 -- Damage(-MR) 60+(2*lvl)
      to 20+(9*lvl)
      (@lvl 30): Damage(-MR) 120 to 290
      (@lvl 40): Damage(-MR) 140 to 380
divine mercy
        Cap: 55 -- Heal
              25+(0.33*lvl) to 65+(0.67*lvl)
              (@lvl 30): Heal 34 to 85
              (@lvl 55): Heal 43 to 101
Cap: 52 -- Heal 25+(0.5*lvl) to
      (@lvl 30): Heal 40 to 95
      (@lvl 52): Heal 51 to 117
Cap: 50 -- Damage(-MR)
              90 to -30+(8*lvl)
              (@lvl 35): Damage(-MR) 90 to 250
              (@lvl 50): Damage(-MR) 90 to 370
Cap: 50 -- Damage(-MR) 20+(4*lvl)
      to -45+(12*lvl)
      (@lvl 35): Damage(-MR) 160 to 375
      (@lvl 50): Damage(-MR) 220 to 555
profane link
Cap: 50 -- ManaRgn
              -25+(1*lvl) to 50+(1*lvl), HPRegen -25, EvilOnly, for 80 rounds
Cap: 50 -- ManaRgn -25+(1*lvl) to 50+(1*lvl), HPRegen -25, EvilOnly, for 80 rounds, RemovesSpells(serenity)
Cap: 50 -- ManaRgn
              -25+(1*lvl) to 50+(0.5*lvl), MaxDamage -5, GoodOnly, for 80 rounds
Cap: 50 -- ManaRgn -25+(1*lvl)
      to 50+(0.5*lvl), MaxDamage -5, NotEvil, for 80 rounds, RemovesSpells(profane link)
sacred bastion
Cap: 50 -- AC 10+(0.5*lvl),
              GoodOnly, RemovesSpells(holy armour, unholy armour, crimson shard),
              for 60 rounds
              (@lvl 37): AC +28, for 60 rounds
              (@lvl 50): AC +35, for 60 rounds
Cap: 70 -- AC 10+(0.5*lvl), NotEvil,
            RemovesSpells(holy armour, unholy armour, hellfire shield), for 25+(1*lvl)
      (@lvl 37): AC +28, for 62 rounds     
      (@lvl 50): AC +35, for 75 rounds
      (@lvl 70): AC +45, for 95 rounds
hellfire shield
Cap: 50 -- AC 0+(0.5*lvl),
              EvilOnly, DamageShield +10, Shock +1145, RemovesSpells(holy armour,
              unholy armour, sacred bastion), for 60 rounds
               (@lvl 37): AC +18, for 60 rounds
               (@lvl 50): AC +25, for 60 rounds
Cap: 70 -- AC 0+(0.5*lvl), EvilOnly,
            DamageShield +10, Shock +1145, RemovesSpells(holy armour, unholy
      armour, sacred bastion), for 25+(1*lvl) rounds
      (@lvl 37): AC +18, for 62 rounds
      (@lvl 50): AC +25, for 75 rounds
      (@lvl 70): AC +35, for 95 rounds     
wrathful curse
HoldPerson +100, Mute +100, Illu
            -999, Accuracy -15, Heal -2, EvilInCombat, for 7 rounds
no change
merciful grace
Cap: 55 -- Heal
              -25+(2*lvl) to 25+(3*lvl), CurePoison +100, Dispell (BlindUser)
              (@lvl 40): Heal 55 to 145
              (@lvl 55): Heal 85 to 190
Cap: 70 -- Heal -25+(2*lvl) to
      25+(4*lvl), CurePoison +100, Dispell (BlindUser)
      (@lvl 40): Heal 55 to 185
      (@lvl 55): Heal 85 to 245
      (@lvl 70): Heal 115 to 305     
blessed vision
Target: Full Party Area -- Dispell (BlindUser),
Target: Self or User -- Dispell (BlindUser), RemovesSpells(globe
            of darkness, darkness hits, darkness, infernal darkness, monster
            dark plague, sandstorm)
Accuracy -20 to
              -10, EvilInCombat +10, M.R. -11, MaxDamage -8, AC -10, Crits -9,
              EvilOnly, for 10 rounds
no change
soul rip
Cap: 55 -- Damage(-MR) 10+(2*lvl)
            to -10+(10*lvl)
            (@lvl 45): Damage(-MR) 100 to 440
            (@lvl 55): Damage(-MR) 120 to 540
Cap: 65 -- Damage(-MR) 25+(5*lvl)
            to -50+(14*lvl)
            (@lvl 45): Damage(-MR) 250 to 580
            (@lvl 55): Damage(-MR) 300 to 720           
            (@lvl 65): Damage(-MR) 350 to 860     
divine courage
Cap: 55 -- Heal 3, Accuracy +15,
            MaxDamage +3, GoodOnly, RemovesSpells(zeal, righteousness, unholy
            fanaticism), for 40+(0.4*lvl) rounds
            (@lvl 45): for 58 rounds
            (@lvl 55): for 62 rounds
Cap: 73 -- Heal 3, Accuracy +15,
            MaxDamage +3, NotEvil,
            RemovesSpells(zeal, righteousness, unholy fanaticism,
            blood ritual), for 40+(0.4*lvl) rounds
(@lvl 45): for 58 rounds
(@lvl 55): for 62 rounds
(@lvl 73): for 69 rounds
unholy fanaticism
Cap: 55 -- MaxDamage +5, Crits
            +4, Heal 1, M.R. 0, EvilOnly, RemovesSpells(zeal, righteousness,
            divine courage), for 40+(0.4*lvl) rounds
            (@lvl 45): for 58 rounds
(@lvl 55): for 62 rounds     
Cap: 73 -- MaxDamage +5, Crits
            +4, Heal 1, EvilOnly, RemovesSpells(blood ritual, zeal, righteousness,
            divine courage), for 40+(0.4*lvl) rounds
          (@lvl 45): for 58 rounds
(@lvl 55): for 62 rounds
(@lvl 73): for 69 rounds
curing wind
Cap: 60 -- Heal 40+(0.33*lvl) to
            90+(0.33*lvl), GoodOnly, CurePoison +100
            (@lvl 47): Heal 55 to 105
            (@lvl 60): Heal 59 to 109
Cap: 70 -- Heal -40+(2*lvl) to
            30+(2*lvl), CurePoison +100
            (@lvl 47): Heal 54 to 124
            (@lvl 60): Heal 80 to 150
            (@lvl 70): Heal 100 to 170     
Cap: 60 -- Damage(-MR)
              100+(5*lvl) to 0+(10*lvl), AffectsUndeadOnly, GoodOnly
              (@lvl 47): Damage(-MR) 335 to 470
              (@lvl 60): Damage(-MR) 400 to 600
Cap: 65 -- Damage(-MR) 100+(5*lvl)
            to 200+(10*lvl), AffectsUndeadOnly
            @lvl 47): Damage(-MR) 335 to 670
            (@lvl 60): Damage(-MR) 400 to 800
            (@lvl 65): Damage(-MR) 425 to 850     
divine healing
Cap: 65 -- Heal
              15+(1*lvl) to 95+(2*lvl), GoodOnly
              (@lvl 50): Heal 65 to 195
              (@lvl 65): Heal 80 to 225
Cap: 70 -- Heal 0+(3*lvl) to 0+(5*lvl),
            (@lvl 50): Heal 150 to 250
            (@lvl 65): Heal 195 to 325
(@lvl 70): Heal 210 to 350     
priestly benediction
Cap: 65 -- Heal
              5+(0.1*lvl) to 7+(0.2*lvl), NeutralOnly,
              for 10 rounds
      (@lvl 50): Heal 10 to 17, for 10 rounds
      (@lvl 65): Heal 11 to 20, for 10 rounds
Cap: 70 -- Heal 5+(0.14*lvl) to
            7+(0.25*lvl), NeutralOnly, for 10+(0.2*lvl)
      (@lvl 50): Heal 12 to 19, for 20 rounds
      (@lvl 65): Heal 14 to 23, for 23 rounds
      (@lvl 70): Heal 14 to 24, for 24 rounds
dark transfusion
DrainLife -200
              to -80, EvilOnly, Heal 100
DrainLife -200
              to -80, EvilOnly, Heal 200
exalted word
Cap: 65 -- Damage(-MR)
              0+(0.5*lvl) to 10+(2*lvl), GoodOnly, x5 times/round
      (@lvl 50): Damage(-MR) 125 to 550
      (@lvl 65): Damage(-MR) 160 to 700
Cap: 85 -- Damage(-MR) 5+(1*lvl)
            to -20+(3*lvl), GoodOnly, x5 times/round
      (@lvl 50): Damage(-MR) 275 to 650
      (@lvl 65): Damage(-MR) 350 to 875
      (@lvl 85): Damage(-MR) 450 to 1175
balanced word
Cap: 65 -- Damage(-MR) 0+(0.5*lvl)
            to 0+(2*lvl), NeutralOnly, x5 times/round
            (@lvl 50): Damage(-MR) 125 to 500
            (@lvl 65): Damage(-MR) 160 to 650
Cap: 85 -- Damage(-MR) 10+(1*lvl)
      to -15+(3*lvl), NeutralOnly, x5 times/round
      (@lvl 50): Damage(-MR) 300 to 675
      (@lvl 65): Damage(-MR) 375 to 900
      (@lvl 85): Damage(-MR) 475 to 1200
tainted word
Cap: 65 -- Damage(-MR) 0+(0.5*lvl)
            to 20+(2*lvl), EvilOnly, x5 times/round
            (@lvl 50): Damage(-MR) 125 to 600
            (@lvl 65): Damage(-MR) 160 to 750
Cap: 85 -- Damage(-MR) 15+(1*lvl)
            to -10+(3*lvl), EvilOnly, x5 times/round
            (@lvl 50): Damage(-MR) 325 to 700
            (@lvl 65): Damage(-MR) 400 to 925
            (@lvl 85): Damage(-MR) 500 to 1225
angelic halo
Cap: 60 -- RoomIllu
              0+(6*lvl), GoodOnly, for 80+(1*lvl) rounds
      (@lvl 50): RoomIllu +300, for 130 rounds
      (@lvl 60): RoomIllu +360, for 140 rounds
Cap: 80 -- RoomIllu 0+(8*lvl), GoodOnly,
            ProtEvil +10, for 80+(1*lvl) rounds
      (@lvl 50): RoomIllu +400, ProtEvil +10, for 130 rounds
      (@lvl 60): RoomIllu +480, ProtEvil +10, for 140 rounds
      (@lvl 80): RoomIllu +640, ProtEvil +10, for 160 rounds
balanced sight
Cap: 60 -- RoomIllu
              +200, Percep +50, NeutralOnly, for 80+(1*lvl) rounds
              (@lvl 50):  for 130 rounds
              (@lvl 60):  for 140 rounds       
Cap: 80 -- RoomIllu +200, Percep
      +50, NeutralOnly, ProtEvil +5, ProtGood +5, for 80+(1*lvl) rounds
      (@lvl 50): ProtEvil +5, ProtGood
      +5, for 130 rounds
      (@lvl 60):   ProtEvil +5, ProtGood
      +5, for 140 rounds
      (@lvl 80):   ProtEvil +5, ProtGood
      +5, for 160 rounds     
infernal darkness
Cap: 60 -- Illu
              -9999, EvilOnly, EvilInCombat, Accuracy -30, for 80+(1*lvl) rounds
              (@lvl 60): for
              140 rounds       
Cap: 69 -- Illu -9999, EvilOnly,
            EvilInCombat, Accuracy -30, ProtEvil -10, for 80+(1*lvl) rounds
      (@lvl 69): ProtEvil -10,
      for 149 rounds

LVL SpellBeforeAfter
11 vine strikeCap: 6 -- Damage(-MR) 4 to 9+(0.5*lvl)
        (@lvl 1): Damage(-MR) 4 to 9
      (@lvl 6): Damage(-MR) 4 to 12
Cap: 9 -- Damage(-MR) 5+(1*lvl)
      to 14+(1*lvl)
      (@lvl 1): Damage(-MR) 6 to 15
      (@lvl 6): Damage(-MR) 11 to 20
      (@lvl 9): Damage(-MR) 14 to 23     
11starlightCap: 32 -- RoomIllu +175, for 80+(1*lvl)
no change
21mendCap: 30 -- Heal 3+(0.33*lvl) to
      12+(0.5*lvl), AffectsLivingOnly
no change
2[/color]1alertnessPercep +10, for 60 rounds -- RemovesSpells(senselessness)no change
31resist coldCap: 20 -- Rcol 0+(1*lvl), for
            70 rounds -- RemovesSpells(resist fire, resist fire, resist cold,
      globe of the elements, song of the elements)
no change
41senselessnessPercep -10, AffectsLivingOnly,
      EvilInCombat, for 40 rounds -- RemovesSpells(alertness)
no change
41elemental chaosCap: 11 -- Damage(-MR) 7 to 13+(1*lvl)
      (@lvl 4): Damage(-MR) 7 to 17
      (@lvl 11): Damage(-MR) 7 to 24
Cap: 13 -- Damage(-MR) 7+(1*lvl)
      to 15+(1*lvl)
      (@lvl 4): Damage(-MR) 11 to 19
      (@lvl 11): Damage(-MR) 18 to 26     
      (@lvl 13): Damage(-MR) 20 to 28
51resist fireCap: 20 -- Rfir 0+(1*lvl), for
            70 rounds -- RemovesSpells(resist cold, globe of the elements, resist
      lightning, resist cold, resist fire)
no change
51charm animalEnslave +100, AffectsAnimalsOnly,
      for 60 rounds
no change
61antidoteCurePoison +8, Dispell (Poison)
      -- RemovesSpells(dae asp poison 3, dae asp poison 2)
no change
71camouflageCap: 25 -- Stealth 3+(1*lvl), BSAccu
      +10, for 30+(0.5*lvl) rounds
no change
71barkskinCap: 20 -- DR 10+(1*lvl), AC +5,
            Rfir -25, for 40+(1*lvl) rounds -- RemovesSpells(barkskin, stoneskin,
      stoneskin, glacial skin, barbskin)
no change
81stonestrikeCap: 14 -- Damage(-MR) 14 to 11+(2*lvl)
      (@lvl 8): Damage(-MR) 14 to 27
      (@lvl 14): Damage(-MR) 14 to 39
Cap: 18 -- Damage(-MR) 10+(1*lvl)
      to 17+(2*lvl)
      (@lvl 8): Damage(-MR) 18 to 33
      (@lvl 14): Damage(-MR) 24 to 45
      (@lvl 18): Damage(-MR) 28 to 53     
91resist lightningCap: 20 -- Rlit 1+(1*lvl), for
            60 rounds -- RemovesSpells(resist lightning, globe of the elements,
      song of the elements)
no change
101poison boltCap: 17 -- Damage(-MR) 19+(0.2*lvl)
            to 15+(2*lvl), EvilInCombat, EndCast [poison bite, Poison 4+(0.2*lvl),
      AffectsLivingOnly, for 60 rounds], AffectsLivingOnly
      (@lvl 10): Damage(-MR) 21 to 35
      (@lvl 17): Damage(-MR) 22 to 49
Cap: 18 -- Damage(-MR) 10+(1*lvl)
            to 17+(2*lvl), EvilInCombat, EndCast [poison bite, Poison 4+(0.2*lvl),
      AffectsLivingOnly, for 60 rounds], AffectsLivingOnly
      (@lvl 10): Damage(-MR) 20 to 37
      (@lvl 17): Damage(-MR) 27 to 51
      (@lvl 18): Damage(-MR) 28 to 53     
111rapid healingHPRegen +100, AffectsLivingOnly,
      for 60 rounds -- RemovesSpells(rosewood rod, rapid healing)
HPRegen +100, AffectsLivingOnly,
      for 60 rounds -- RemovesSpells(rosewood rod, rapid healing, dark binding)
121swarm(Area Attack)
      Cap: 20 -- Damage(-MR) 24 to 36+(2*lvl)
      (@lvl 12): Damage(-MR) 24 to 60
      (@lvl 20): Damage(-MR) 24 to 76     
(Area Attack)
      Cap: 20 -- Damage(-MR) 17+(0.5*lvl) to 28+(3*lvl)
      (@lvl 12): Damage(-MR) 23 to 64
      (@lvl 20): Damage(-MR) 27 to 88     
131burning auraCap: 15 -- Damage 1+(0.2*lvl),
      EvilInCombat, AC -5, DR -3, Accuracy -5, for 20 rounds
no change
131acid jetCap: 20 -- Damage(-MR) 24 to 18+(2.5*lvl)
        (@lvl 13): Damage(-MR) 24 to 50
(@lvl 20): Damage(-MR) 24 to 68
Cap: 25 -- Damage(-MR) 26+(0.5*lvl)
            to 18+(3*lvl)
            (@lvl 13): Damage(-MR) 32 to 57
            (@lvl 20): Damage(-MR) 36 to 78
            (@lvl 25): Damage(-MR) 38 to 93     
141entangleHoldPerson +100, EvilInCombat,
      for 4 rounds
no change
151acid rainCap: 15 -- Damage 1+(0.2*lvl), AC -5, EvilInCombat,
          for 20 rounds
no change
Cap: 40 -- Heal 2+(0.05*lvl) to
      4+(0.1*lvl), for 10 rounds -- RemovesSpells(rejuvinating field)
      (@lvl 15): Heal 2 to 5, for 10 rounds
      (@lvl 40): Heal 4 to 8, for 10 rounds
Cap: 50 -- Heal 2+(0.05*lvl) to
            4+(0.1*lvl), for 7+(0.25*lvl) rounds -- RemovesSpells(rejuvinating
      (@lvl 15): Heal 2 to 5, for 10 rounds
      (@lvl 40): Heal 4 to 8, for 17 rounds
      (@lvl 50): Heal 4 to 9, for 19 rounds     
3chaos storm
(Area Attack)
      Cap: 23 -- Damage(-MR) 29 to 35+(3*lvl)
      (@lvl 15): Damage(-MR) 29 to 80
      (@lvl 23): Damage(-MR) 29 to 104     
(Area Attack)
      Cap: 29 -- Damage(-MR) 15+(1*lvl) to 20+(4*lvl)
      (@lvl 15): Damage(-MR) 30 to 80
      (@lvl 23): Damage(-MR) 38 to 112
      (@lvl 29): Damage(-MR) 44 to 136
161freedomFreedom +100no change
3partial petrification
Speed +150, AC +5, DR +1, M.R.
      +5, EvilInCombat, S.C. -5, Dodge -15, for 20 rounds
no change
171poison cloudCap: 20 -- Poison 3+(0.2*lvl),
            EvilInCombat, AffectsLivingOnly, Accuracy -6, MaxDamage -3, AffectsLivingOnly,
      for 40 rounds
no change
181 rotting fleshDamage 6, AffectsLivingOnly, EvilInCombat,
      for 10 rounds
no change
Cap: 40 -- DR 60+(1*lvl), AC +10,
            M.R. +5, ResistStone +10, for 30+(1*lvl) rounds -- RemovesSpells(barkskin,
      barkskin, glacial skin, barbskin)
no change
201blazeCap: 28 -- Damage(-MR) 38 to 0+(4*lvl)
       (@lvl 20): Damage(-MR) 38 to 80
      (@lvl 28): Damage(-MR) 38 to 112
Cap: 28 -- Damage(-MR) 22+(1*lvl)
      to 10+(4.5*lvl)
      (@lvl 20): Damage(-MR) 42 to 100
      (@lvl 28): Damage(-MR) 50 to 136
2creeping doom
Cap: 35 -- Damage 4 to 4+(0.1*lvl),
      Accuracy -5, AC -5, EvilInCombat, for 30+(0.6*lvl) rounds
no change
2plasma bolt
Cap: 35 -- Damage(-MR) 54 to 50+(4*lvl)
      (@lvl 23): Damage(-MR) 54 to 142
      (@lvl 35): Damage(-MR) 54 to 190
Cap: 35 -- Damage(-MR) 24+(2*lvl)
      to 30+(5*lvl)
      (@lvl 23): Damage(-MR) 70 to 145
      (@lvl 35): Damage(-MR) 94 to 205
(Area Attack)
      Cap: 32 -- Damage(-MR) 62 to 35+(5*lvl)
      (@lvl 24): Damage(-MR) 62 to 155
      (@lvl 32): Damage(-MR) 62 to 195     
(Area Attack)
      Cap: 33 -- Damage(-MR) 0+(2*lvl) to 60+(4*lvl)
      (@lvl 24): Damage(-MR) 48 to 156
      (@lvl 32): Damage(-MR) 64 to 188
      (@lvl 33): Damage(-MR) 66 to 192
1natural prowess
Cap: 50 -- Accuracy 0+(0.1*lvl),
            MaxDamage 0+(0.1*lvl), BsMinDmg 0+(0.1*lvl), BsMaxDmg 0+(0.1*lvl),
      Crits 0+(0.1*lvl), for 10+(0.5*lvl) rounds
no change
3mass entangle
HoldPerson +100, EvilInCombat,
      for 4 rounds
no change
Cap: 40 -- Damage 2+(0.1*lvl),
      EvilInCombat, Dodge -5, MaxDamage -2, AC -5, for 40 rounds
no change
(Area Attack)
        Cap: 40 -- Damage(-MR) 91+(0.2*lvl) to 62+(6*lvl), EndCast [earthquake
      hold, HoldPerson +100, EvilInCombat, for 4 rounds]
      (@lvl 28): Damage(-MR) 96 to 230
      (@lvl 40): Damage(-MR) 99 to 302     
(Area Attack)
      (@lvl 28): Damage(-MR) 96 to 251
      (@lvl 40): Damage(-MR) 120 to 335
      (@lvl 45): Damage(-MR) 130 to 370     
3 globe of the elements
Rcol +25, Rfir +25, Rlit +25, ResistStone
            +25, for 100 rounds -- RemovesSpells(resist stone, resist fire, resist
      cold, resist lightning)
no change
Cap: 40 -- Damage(-MR) 72 to -70+(9*lvl)
      (@lvl 30): Damage(-MR) 72 to 200
      (@lvl 40): Damage(-MR) 72 to 290
Cap: 40 -- Damage(-MR) 80+(2*lvl)
      to 35+(9.5*lvl)
      (@lvl 30): Damage(-MR) 140 to 320
      (@lvl 40): Damage(-MR) 160 to 415
3rejuvinating field
Cap: 40 -- Heal 1+(0.1*lvl) to
      0+(0.2*lvl), for 10 rounds -- RemovesSpells(regeneration)
no change
3nature tap
Cap: 50 -- ManaRgn -100+(0.5*lvl)
      to 150+(1*lvl), for 100 rounds
no change
2elemental fury
Cap: 50 -- Damage(-MR) 30 to 15+(2*lvl),
            EndCast [elemental lightning, Damage(-MR) 30 to 15+(2*lvl), EndCast
            [elemental fire, Damage(-MR) 30 to 15+(2*lvl), EndCast [elemental
      ice, Damage(-MR) 30 to 15+(2*lvl)]]]
      (@lvl 35): Damage(-MR) 120 to 340
      (@lvl 45): Damage(-MR) 120 to 420
      (@lvl 50): Damage(-MR) 120 to 460
Cap: 45 -- Damage(-MR) 10+(1*lvl)
            to -5+(3*lvl), EndCast [elemental lightning, Damage(-MR) 10+(1*lvl)
            to -5+(3*lvl), EndCast [elemental fire, Damage(-MR) 10+(1*lvl) to
            -5+(3*lvl), EndCast [elemental ice, Damage(-MR) 10+(1*lvl) to -5+(3*lvl)]]]
      (@lvl 35): Damage(-MR) 180 to 400
      (@lvl 45): Damage(-MR) 220 to 520
3summon stone elemental
Cap: 55 -- Damage(-MR) 80+(1*lvl)
      to -30+(10*lvl)
      (@lvl 37): Damage(-MR) 117 to 340
      (@lvl 50): Damage(-MR) 130 to 470     
      (@lvl 55): Damage(-MR) 135 to 520
Cap: 50 -- Damage(-MR) 42+(4*lvl)
      to -24+(12*lvl)
      (@lvl 37): Damage(-MR) 190 to 420
      @lvl 50): Damage(-MR) 242 to 576     
3summon lightning elemental
Cap: 55 -- Damage(-MR) 80+(1*lvl)
      to -30+(10*lvl)
       (@lvl 37): Damage(-MR) 117 to 340
       (@lvl 50): Damage(-MR) 130 to 470       
      (@lvl 55): Damage(-MR) 135 to 520
Cap: 50 -- Damage(-MR) 42+(4*lvl)
      to -24+(12*lvl)
      (@lvl 37): Damage(-MR) 190 to 420
      (@lvl 50): Damage(-MR) 242 to 576
Cap: 70 -- Damage 4+(0.02*lvl)
            to 1+(0.1*lvl), Illu -9999, AC -5, Accuracy -10, Speed +125, EvilInCombat,
      Slowness +200, for 7+(0.33*lvl) rounds
no change
3summon ice elemental
Cap: 55 -- Damage(-MR) 80+(1*lvl)
      to -30+(11*lvl)
      (@lvl 40): Damage(-MR) 120 to 410
      (@lvl 50): Damage(-MR) 130 to 520
      (@lvl 55): Damage(-MR) 135 to 575     
Cap: 50 -- Damage(-MR) 42+(4*lvl)
      to -24+(12*lvl)
      (@lvl 40): Damage(-MR) 202 to 456
(@lvl 50): Damage(-MR) 242 to 576
3summon fire elemental
Cap: 55 -- Damage(-MR) 80+(1*lvl)
      to -30+(11*lvl)
      (@lvl 40): Damage(-MR) 120 to 410
      (@lvl 50): Damage(-MR) 130 to 520
      (@lvl 55): Damage(-MR) 135 to 575     
Cap: 50 -- Damage(-MR) 42+(4*lvl)
      to -24+(12*lvl)
      (@lvl 40): Damage(-MR) 202 to 456
(@lvl 50): Damage(-MR) 242 to 576
3acid tempest
(Area Attack)
        Cap: 55 -- Damage(-MR) 80+(0.4*lvl) to 20+(7*lvl), EndCast [drenched
        in acid, Damage 4 to 7, AC -10, Accuracy -15, Dodge -5, EvilInCombat,
      for 20 rounds]
      (@lvl 40): Damage(-MR) 96 to 300
      (@lvl 55): Damage(-MR) 102 to 405     
(Area Attack)
        Cap: 70 -- Damage(-MR)
            -40+(4*lvl) to -10+(12*lvl), EndCast [drenched in acid, Damage 4
            to 7, AC -10, Accuracy -15, Dodge -5, EvilInCombat, for 20 rounds]
            (@lvl 40): Damage(-MR) 120 to 470
            (@lvl 55): Damage(-MR) 180 to 650
            (@lvl 70): Damage(-MR) 240 to 830
Cap: 55 -- Damage(-MR) 0+(1*lvl)
            to -20+(4*lvl),
      x3 times/round
      (@lvl 45): Damage(-MR) 135 to 480
(@lvl 55): Damage(-MR) 165 to 600
Cap: 65 -- Damage(-MR) 0+(2*lvl)
      to -25+(5*lvl), x3 times/round
      (@lvl 45): Damage(-MR) 270 to 600
      (@lvl 55): Damage(-MR) 330 to 750
      (@lvl 65): Damage(-MR) 390 to 900
(Area Attack)
        Cap: 52 -- Damage(-MR) 40 to 190+(2*lvl), EndCast% +25, EndCast [thunderstun,
        Confusion 60 to 50+(1*lvl), EvilInCombat, for 3+(0.07*lvl) rounds]
         (@lvl 45): Damage(-MR) 40 to 280
         (@lvl 52): Damage(-MR) 40 to 294
(Area Attack)
        Cap: 65 -- Damage(-MR) -30+(2*lvl) to 190+(2*lvl), EndCast% +25, EndCast
        [thunderstun, Confusion 60 to 50+(1*lvl), EvilInCombat, for 3+(0.07*lvl)
         (@lvl 45): Damage(-MR) 60 to 280
         (@lvl 52): Damage(-MR) 74 to 294
         (@lvl 65): Damage(-MR) 100 to 320
3glacial skin
Cap: 60 -- DR 30+(2*lvl), AC +5,
            Rcol +20, Rfir -50, for 20+(1*lvl) rounds -- RemovesSpells(barkskin,
      barkskin, stoneskin, barbskin)
no change
3glacial mist
Cap: 50 -- Damage 0+(0.1*lvl) to
            10+(0.2*lvl), Confusion +10, Slowness +100, Crits -5, Rfir +10, EvilInCombat,
            GoodOnly, for 1+(0.2*lvl) rounds
      (@lvl 50): Damage 5 to 20, Confusion +10, Slowness +100, Crits -5, Rfir
      +10, for 11 rounds     
no change
Cap: 65 -- DamageShield 0+(0.17*lvl)
            to 2+(0.2*lvl), DR +5, AC +10, Shock +2877, NeutralOnly,
            for 30+(1*lvl) rounds -- RemovesSpells(barkskin, barkskin, stoneskin,
            glacial skin)
      (@lvl 50): DamageShield +8 to +12, DR +5, AC +10, for 80 rounds
      (@lvl 65): DamageShield +11 to +15, DR +5, AC +10, for 95 rounds
Cap: 65 -- DamageShield 2+(0.17*lvl)
            to 2+(0.2*lvl), DR +5, AC 2+(0.17*lvl) to 2+(0.2*lvl), Shock +2877, NeutralOnly,
            for 30+(1*lvl) rounds -- RemovesSpells(barkskin, barkskin, stoneskin,
            glacial skin)
      (@lvl 50): DamageShield +10 to +12, DR +5, AC +10 to +12, for 80 rounds
      (@lvl 65): DamageShield +13 to +15, DR +5, AC +13 to +15, for 95 rounds
spore cloud
Cap: 50 -- Damage 0+(0.2*lvl) to
            10+(0.2*lvl), Confusion +10, Crits -5, Slowness +100, MaxDamage -5,
            EvilInCombat, EvilOnly, for 1+(0.2*lvl)
            (@lvl 50): Damage 10 to 20, Confusion +10, Crits -5, Slowness +100,
            MaxDamage -5,  for 11 rounds     
no change
3 frozen spike
Cap: 65 -- Damage(-MR) -15+(3*lvl)
      to 20+(12*lvl), GoodOnly
      (@lvl 50): Damage(-MR) 135 to 620
      (@lvl 65): Damage(-MR) 180 to 800
Cap: 85 -- Damage(-MR) -25+(6*lvl)
      to -20+(15*lvl), GoodOnly
      (@lvl 50): Damage(-MR) 275 to 730
      (@lvl 65): Damage(-MR) 365 to 955
      (@lvl 85): Damage(-MR) 485 to 1255     
Cap: 65 -- Damage(-MR) -15+(3*lvl)
            to 20+(12*lvl), NeutralOnly
            (@lvl 50): Damage(-MR) 135 to 620
            (@lvl 65): Damage(-MR) 180 to 800
Cap: 85 -- Damage(-MR) 25+(6*lvl)
            to 40+(15*lvl), NeutralOnly
            (@lvl 50): Damage(-MR) 325 to 790
            (@lvl 65): Damage(-MR) 415 to 1015
            (@lvl 85): Damage(-MR) 535 to 1315     
Cap: 65 -- Damage(-MR) -15+(3*lvl)
            to 20+(12*lvl), EvilOnly
            (@lvl 50): Damage(-MR) 135 to 620
            (@lvl 65): Damage(-MR) 180 to 800
font]Cap: 85 -- Damage(-MR) 50+(6*lvl)
            to 60+(15*lvl), EvilOnly
            (@lvl 50): Damage(-MR) 350 to 810
            (@lvl 65): Damage(-MR) 440 to 1035
            (@lvl 85): Damage(-MR) 560 to 1335     
close wounds
Cap: 60 -- Heal 0+(0.33*lvl) to
            0+(1*lvl), GoodOnly
(@lvl 50): Heal 16 to 50
Cap: 65 -- Heal -30+(1*lvl) to
            -50+(2*lvl), GoodOnly
        (@lvl 50): Heal 20 to 50
        (@lvl 65): Heal 35 to 80     
Cap: 50 -- HPRegen 0+(0.5*lvl)
            to -15+(1*lvl), ManaRgn 0+(0.5*lvl) to -15+(1*lvl), NeutralOnly,
      for 80 rounds
      (@lvl 50): HPRegen +25 to +35, ManaRgn +25 to +35, for 80
Cap: 70 -- HPRegen 0+(0.5*lvl)
            to -60+(2*lvl), ManaRgn 0+(0.5*lvl) to -60+(2*lvl), NeutralOnly,
      for 30+(1*lvl) rounds
      (@lvl 50): HPRegen +25 to +40, ManaRgn +25 to +40, for 80
      (@lvl 60): HPRegen +30 to +60, ManaRgn +30 to +60, for 90
      (@lvl 70): HPRegen +35 to +80, ManaRgn +35 to +80, for 100
Name: dark plague, Short:
            dapl, Magery: Druid-3, LVL: 50, Mana: 60, Diff: -110
        Target: Full Attack Area -- Attack Type: Normal -- LVL Gain Cap: 60 --
        Damage 0+(0.33*lvl), AC -15, MaxDamage -5, Dodge -10, EvilOnly, EvilInCombat,
        for 1+(0.1*lvl) rounds
      @lvl 50): Damage 16, AC -15, MaxDamage -5, Dodge -10, for 6 rounds
Name: dark binding, Short: dbin,
            Magery: Druid-3, LVL: 50, Mana: 30, Diff: -90
>> Target: Self -- Attack Type: Normal -- LVL Gain Cap: 70 -- HPRegen -50,
        ManaRgn 50 to 0+(2*lvl), EvilOnly, for 30+(1*lvl) rounds -- RemovesSpells(rapid
        (@lvl 50): HPRegen -50, ManaRgn +50 to +100,  for 80 rounds
        (@lvl 70): HPRegen -50, ManaRgn +50 to +140,  for 100 rounds

              Damage Comparison
LVLMageDruid Priest
1(@lvl 1): Damage(-MR)
            4 to 12

        (@lvl 1): Damage(-MR) 7 to 16
      (@lvl 9): Damage(-MR) 15 to 24
(@lvl 1): Damage(-MR) 4 to 9
        (@lvl 1): Damage(-MR) 6 to 15
        (@lvl 6): Damage(-MR) 11 to 20
      (@lvl 9): Damage(-MR) 14 to 23
(@lvl 1): Damage(-MR) 4 to 14
        (@lvl 1): Damage(-MR) 5 to 14
        (@lvl 6): Damage(-MR) 10 to 19
      (@lvl 9): Damage(-MR) 13 to 22
4(@lvl 4): Damage(-MR) 8 to 18
        (@lvl 4): Damage(-MR) 12 to 21
        (@lvl 11): Damage(-MR) 19 to 28
      (@lvl 13): Damage(-MR) 21 to 30
(@lvl 4): Damage(-MR) 7 to 17
        (@lvl 4): Damage(-MR) 11 to 19
        (@lvl 11): Damage(-MR) 18 to 26
      (@lvl 13): Damage(-MR) 20 to 28
(@lvl 4): Damage(-MR) 4 to 18
        (@lvl 4): Damage(-MR) 9 to 18
        (@lvl 11): Damage(-MR) 16 to 25
      (@lvl 13): Damage(-MR) 18 to 27
8(@lvl 8): Damage(-MR) 16 to

        (@lvl 8): Damage(-MR) 20 to 36
        (@lvl 15): Damage(-MR) 27 to 50
      (@lvl 18): Damage(-MR) 30 to 56
(@lvl 8): Damage(-MR) 14 to 27
        (@lvl 8): Damage(-MR) 18 to 33
        (@lvl 14): Damage(-MR) 24 to 45
      (@lvl 18): Damage(-MR) 28 to 53
(@lvl 8): Damage(-MR) 18 to 35
        (@lvl 8): Damage(-MR) 16 to 30
        (@lvl 15): Damage(-MR) 23 to 44
      (@lvl 18): Damage(-MR) 26 to 50
13(@lvl 13): Damage(-MR) 30 to

        (@lvl 13): Damage(-MR) 36 to 64
        (@lvl 22): Damage(-MR) 41 to 95
      (@lvl 25): Damage(-MR) 42 to 106
(@lvl 13): Damage(-MR) 24 to 50
        (@lvl 13): Damage(-MR) 32 to 57
        (@lvl 20): Damage(-MR) 36 to 78
      (@lvl 25): Damage(-MR) 38 to 93
(@lvl 13): Damage(-MR) 18 to 50
        (@lvl 13): Damage(-MR) 32 to 56
        (@lvl 22): Damage(-MR) 37 to 79
      (@lvl 25): Damage(-MR) 38 to 86
20(@lvl 20): Damage(-MR) 40 to

        (@lvl 20): Damage(-MR) 50 to 110
        (@lvl 28): Damage(-MR) 58 to 150
      (@lvl 30): Damage(-MR) 60 to 160
(@lvl 20): Damage(-MR) 38 to 80
        (@lvl 20): Damage(-MR) 42 to 100
      (@lvl 28): Damage(-MR) 50 to 136
(@lvl 20): Damage(-MR) 30 to 80
        (@lvl 20): Damage(-MR) 35 to 90
        (@lvl 28): Damage(-MR) 43 to 122
      (@lvl 30): Damage(-MR) 45 to 130
23(@lvl 23): Damage(-MR) 54 to 142
        (@lvl 23): Damage(-MR) 70 to 145
      (@lvl 35): Damage(-MR) 94 to 205
25(@lvl 25): Damage(-MR) 80 to

        (@lvl 25): Damage(-MR) 88 to 168
      (@lvl 35): Damage(-MR) 112 to 224
(@lvl 25): Damage(-MR) 57 to 130
        (@lvl 25): Damage(-MR) 65 to 145
      (@lvl 35): Damage(-MR) 85 to 195
30(@lvl 30): Damage(-MR) 106
            to 250

        (@lvl 30): Damage(-MR) 160 to 350
      (@lvl 40): Damage(-MR) 180 to 450
(@lvl 30): Damage(-MR) 72 to 200
        (@lvl 30): Damage(-MR) 140 to 320
      (@lvl 40): Damage(-MR) 160 to 415
(@lvl 30): Damage(-MR) 50 to 200
        (@lvl 30): Damage(-MR) 120 to 290
      (@lvl 40): Damage(-MR) 140 to 380
32(@lvl 32): Damage(-MR) 104
            to 256

        (@lvl 32): Damage(-MR) 170 to 370
        (@lvl 40): Damage(-MR) 186 to 450
      (@lvl 42): Damage(-MR) 190 to 470
33(@lvl 33): Damage(-MR) 77 to

        (@lvl 33): Damage(-MR) 180 to 380
      (@lvl 43): Damage(-MR) 200 to 480
35(@lvl 35): Damage(-MR) 94 to

        (@lvl 35): Damage(-MR) 200 to 420
      (@lvl 45): Damage(-MR) 240 to 540
(@lvl 35): Damage(-MR) 120 to 340
        (@lvl 35): Damage(-MR) 180 to 400
      (@lvl 45): Damage(-MR) 220 to 520
(@lvl 35): Damage(-MR)
            90 to 250

        (@lvl 35): Damage(-MR) 160 to 375
      (@lvl 50): Damage(-MR) 220 to 555
37(@lvl 37): Damage(-MR) 99 to

        (@lvl 37): Damage(-MR) 220 to 450
      (@lvl 47): Damage(-MR) 260 to 570
(@lvl 37): Damage(-MR) 117 to 340
        (@lvl 37): Damage(-MR) 190 to 420
      @lvl 50): Damage(-MR) 242 to 576
40(@lvl 40): Damage(-MR) 130
            to 390

        (@lvl 40): Damage(-MR) 240 to 510
      (@lvl 50): Damage(-MR) 290 to 630
(@lvl 40): Damage(-MR) 120 to 410
        (@lvl 40): Damage(-MR) 202 to 456
      (@lvl 50): Damage(-MR) 242 to 576
45(@lvl 45): Damage(-MR) 156
            to 576

        (@lvl 45): Damage(-MR) 300 to 636
      (@lvl 55): Damage(-MR) 360 to 780
(@lvl 45): Damage(-MR) 135 to 480
        (@lvl 45): Damage(-MR) 270 to 600
        (@lvl 55): Damage(-MR) 330 to 750
      (@lvl 65): Damage(-MR) 390 to 900
(@lvl 45): Damage(-MR) 100 to 440
        (@lvl 45): Damage(-MR) 250 to 580
        (@lvl 55): Damage(-MR) 300 to 720
      (@lvl 65): Damage(-MR) 350 to 860
47(@lvl 47): Damage(-MR) 200
            to 520

        (@lvl 47): Damage(-MR) 360 to 730
        (@lvl 60): Damage(-MR) 425 to 925
      (@lvl 65): Damage(-MR) 450 to 1000
(@lvl 50): Damage(-MR) 150
            to 750

        (@lvl 50): Damage(-MR) 300 to 810
        (@lvl 65): Damage(-MR) 390 to 1035
      (@lvl 85): Damage(-MR) 510 to 1335
(@lvl 50): Damage(-MR) 135 to 620
        (@lvl 50): Damage(-MR) 275 to 730
        (@lvl 65): Damage(-MR) 365 to 955
      (@lvl 85): Damage(-MR) 485 to 1255
(@lvl 50): Damage(-MR) 125 to 550
        (@lvl 50): Damage(-MR) 275 to 650
        (@lvl 65): Damage(-MR) 350 to 875
      (@lvl 85): Damage(-MR) 450 to 1175
(@lvl 50): Damage(-MR) 145
            to 690

        (@lvl 50): Damage(-MR) 330 to 840
        (@lvl 65): Damage(-MR) 435 to 1065
      (@lvl 85): Damage(-MR) 575 to 1365
(@lvl 50): Damage(-MR) 135 to 620
        (@lvl 50): Damage(-MR) 325 to 790
        (@lvl 65): Damage(-MR) 415 to 1015
      (@lvl 85): Damage(-MR) 535 to 1315
(@lvl 50): Damage(-MR) 125 to 500
        (@lvl 50): Damage(-MR) 300 to 675
        (@lvl 65): Damage(-MR) 375 to 900
      (@lvl 85): Damage(-MR) 475 to 1200
(@lvl 50): Damage(-MR) 130
            to 550,
        EndCast [nebo
secondary, (@lvl 50): DrainLife 15 to 130]
        (@lvl 50): Damage(-MR) 350 to 750,
        EndCast [nebo
          secondary, (@lvl 50): DrainLife 15 to 130]

(@lvl 65): Damage(-MR) 440 to 945,
            EndCast [nebo secondary, (@lvl
              65): DrainLife 20 to 175]

(@lvl 85): Damage(-MR) 560 to 1205,
            EndCast [nebo secondary, (@lvl
              65): DrainLife 20 to 175]
(@lvl 50): Damage(-MR) 135 to 620
        (@lvl 50): Damage(-MR) 350 to 810
        (@lvl 65): Damage(-MR) 440 to 1035
      (@lvl 85): Damage(-MR) 560 to 1335
(@lvl 50): Damage(-MR) 125 to 600
        (@lvl 50): Damage(-MR) 325 to 700
        (@lvl 65): Damage(-MR) 400 to 925
      (@lvl 85): Damage(-MR) 500 to 1225
  Back to Top

              Damage Comparison

(@lvl 11): Damage(-MR) 26 to 71
        (@lvl 20): Damage(-MR) 31 to 98

12(@lvl 12): Damage(-MR) 23 to 64
      (@lvl 20): Damage(-MR) 27 to 88
(@lvl 15): Damage(-MR) 41 to 100
        (@lvl 23): Damage(-MR) 49 to 132
        (@lvl 28): Damage(-MR) 54 to 152
(@lvl 15): Damage(-MR) 30 to 80
        (@lvl 23): Damage(-MR) 38 to 112
        (@lvl 29): Damage(-MR) 44 to 136
(@lvl 23): Damage(-MR) 60 to 175
        (@lvl 32): Damage(-MR) 78 to 220
        (@lvl 33): Damage(-MR) 80 to 225

24(@lvl 24): Damage(-MR) 48 to 156
        (@lvl 32): Damage(-MR) 64 to 188
      (@lvl 33): Damage(-MR) 66 to 192
(@lvl 28): Damage(-MR) 111 to 307
        (@lvl 45): Damage(-MR) 145 to 460
(@lvl 28): Damage(-MR) 96 to 251
        (@lvl 40): Damage(-MR) 120 to 335
        (@lvl 45): Damage(-MR) 130 to 370
@lvl 40): Damage(-MR) 170 to 520
        (@lvl 55): Damage(-MR) 245 to 715
(@lvl 40): Damage(-MR) 120 to 470
        (@lvl 55): Damage(-MR) 180 to 650
        (@lvl 70): Damage(-MR) 240 to 830
(@lvl 50): Damage(-MR) 320 to 675
        (@lvl 65): Damage(-MR) 395 to 855
        (@lvl 85): Damage(-MR) 495 to 1095


(@lvl 50): Damage(-MR) 325 to 650
        (@lvl 65): Damage(-MR) 400 to 845
        (@lvl 85): Damage(-MR) 500 to 1105


(@lvl 50): Damage(-MR) 330 to 725
        (@lvl 65): Damage(-MR) 420 to 920
        (@lvl 85): Damage(-MR) 540 to 1180


April 17, 2013, 05:47:43 AM #9 Last Edit: April 17, 2013, 05:50:58 AM by Stalkerr
Ok it took some effort to make those readable.  But eh..anyway..

This is the spell mod, by demo and syn.  I like it, and I'd like to use it. (at least as a baseline) So I thought I'd post it here.

I agree 100% that spellcasters need more damage. Maybe implementing items or stats that effect spell damage.

Quote from: wokesmeed on April 17, 2013, 06:55:46 AM
I agree 100% that spellcasters need more damage. Maybe implementing items or stats that effect spell damage.

I don't know that those abilities that you see in mmud are in gmud currently.

April 17, 2013, 07:11:48 AM #13 Last Edit: April 17, 2013, 07:13:37 AM by wokesmeed
Mystics are currently raised to 500% correct? I don't think it needs to be this high, but it was raised so high because of the balance. If the other classes do more damage then they don't need to be raised as much, 325 is good tho. People are still playing mystics even with the 500% chart, but at least everyone isn't a Mystic.

April 17, 2013, 08:30:31 AM #14 Last Edit: April 17, 2013, 09:02:15 AM by Coarse Horse
The damage on the Spell Mod is just too much in several situations. Mages already crush the hell out of every other class in terms of rate/hr at top end, and having Druids do a significant amount more room damage isn't going to help with balance.

Another problem is that monsters that use a lot of these spells will also being doing significantly increased damage. People who aren't experienced with this mod are going to have a serious problem dealing with stuff like Nanati Sorceresses doing 80+ dmg with sunbolt and over 100 dmg with eldritch bolt, or having Goru-Nezar do 400+ damage on them with color spray, or being earthfisted for over 300 by Dao Lord.

This mod was created for use on a realm where HP on average was quite a bit higher than a stock mud. If this is going to be used, these spells need to be gone through one by one and copies need to be made with the old values to be used on monsters. Without doing this, the mod is simply too out of control for a stock-based game.

Here are more examples comparing old damage to new damage with this mod:

Amazon Shaman - Plasma Bolt
Old: (@lvl 35): Damage(-MR) 54 to 190
New: (@lvl 35): Damage(-MR) 94 to 205

Aged Earth Dragon - Earthquake
Old: (@lvl 40): Damage(-MR) 99 to 302 
New:(@lvl 40): Damage(-MR) 120 to 335

Sea Hag - Frozen Spike
Old: (@lvl 50): Damage(-MR) 135 to 620
New:(@lvl 50): Damage(-MR) 275 to 730

Fallen Angel - Soul Rip
Old: (@lvl 45): Damage(-MR) 100 to 440
New: (@lvl 45): Damage(-MR) 250 to 580

Deranged Priest - Divine Fury
Old: (@lvl 40): Damage(-MR) 50 to 290
New: (@lvl 40): Damage(-MR) 140 to 380

Storm Giant King - Forked Lightning
Old: (@lvl 45): Damage(-MR) 98 to 450
New: (@lvl 45): Damage(-MR) 240 to 540

The list goes on and on.

One last point I want to make on this balances on whether DC is going to have access to make quick fixes to the database at will. If Vitoc allows DC to remote in and make changes then some of this stuff has a little more leeway in my mind, as it can be changed sooner rather than later when problems arise. If access to make database changes is going to be limited only to times when Vitoc is at keys, then we could go months with serious imbalances because of mods like this. That's a serious problem and a legitimate concern that I think needs to be addressed before mods like this can even be considered. Things WILL slip through the cracks, as that is the nature of implementing content changes on such a large scale.


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