attacking and lag ??????

Started by jim gilmore, September 26, 2013, 11:31:57 PM

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I posted and asked before and see no fix or even wethers its an issue...
If i attck or vash
combat engages and then nothing happems for close to 20-30 seconds.
This has been faifly consistant.
Is it something with the engine or lag ???
My char has been light
I'm done playing in the grief realm till it is reset.
Also I do not understand pvp pne bit...
So if I am at full and see combat engaged and disconnect I get NO combat messageds yet go straight to the tomb ???
The lag iss is Iwait 40 seconds then double rounds show up....can you explaine why he laag is only when combat is being engaged ??

Seeing as I've gotten no other reports of this, have you tried doing a ping or a tracert to the server?

I have done some but unsure what my results mean U have had erros come up since connecting through t-mobile is not always the best... and other times itlooks fiine but the lag is still there ...

Next time you see it try doing a tracert (tracert and copy/paste the results here so I can see them please.