
Started by Thergin, February 23, 2014, 07:12:30 AM

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It would seem quite unbalanced to be able to enter realm, rob and hang while someone else is in room spamming an attack macro on them combat does not engaging on them but they get to rob.

Quote from: Thergin on February 23, 2014, 07:12:30 AM
It would seem quite unbalanced to be able to enter realm, rob and hang while someone else is in room spamming an attack macro on them combat does not engaging on them but they get to rob.

Wasnt this the same hang/enter bug/exploit Addy/Vile/Mad constantly used to rob ganghouses, and DC/PT's crew to stack and get past vampires to script Oz?

phu youre combining too many things here, hea specifically talking about robbing, something you can do on a regular mud as well. the hang bug is something completely different

There is no hang bug (moving rooms while offline) anymore

I think the problem is that the rob command goes through immediately. I believe it is meant to have a delay associated with it, but I don't have rob myself and can't confirm that. But basically, if you rob someone, even if it has a delay, the command goes through before the delay. Modify it so that the delay happens first and then the rob attempt happens at the end of the delay and you won't be able to troll with it in the method Therg is describing. Or make it so that if you are under a delay timer, your character doesn't exit from hangup until after the delay timer is finished, though I think the second option is a bad idea.

Ole Zee has two solutions that are perfectly acceptable and I concur and prefer the second option proposed. My vote counts since I was the most notorious robber baron in the whole realm; no one has surpassed my success and notoreity. Thank you.